It was actually on 09.25.07.
Better late than never.
Plus this is the start of posting different things here and on my xanga.
Happy Chusuk.
- Baby Vox Re.V -

Thankfully, it has become tolerable. Still have some issues with work, but all I see it now is that I’m sitting there doing whatever and collecting a paycheck. I still would go for something else for maybe a couple dollars less as long as the place was well structured management-wise.
-Currently Playing-
Gyakuten Saiban 3 (DS)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Wii Virtual Console)
Xanga - http://www.xanga.com/WingedVoX
Blogger/Blog Spot - http://wingedvox.blogspot.com/
New phone: After a 5-minute wash in the rain, the phone had issues. Some resolved themselves, but others stayed.
New TV: Have the oldest TV in the house. Finally, it has decided to turn bad. Endless flickering, occasional static, and deciding on its own to have sound or not. Not just for the normal TV viewing, but for DVDs and games. So I probably won’t play much of Metroid or other games non-handheld till I get a new television.
BoA* Arena Tour Made In Twenty (20) DVD is awesome! It didn’t take long before I was singing and dancing and being such a fan while watching this.
Baby Vox Re.V impresses me a lot lately. They’ve really improved a lot ever since debuting. Their performance of Indian Inhyung Chorom was one of their best performances that they’ve done in my opinion. New album and replacement member for Sarang (who left for school) in late September-early October.
BabyVoX has had a Best Album released for a while. I ordered it, waited a long time, shipping date was pushed back, confirmation email was sent, BUT I missed the part stating I had to reply back in order to continue the order. So it got cancelled. I’ll order it again soon and if the same time frame of waiting occurs, then it should be a nice Christmas gift for myself.
-Cheon Sang Ji Hee-
Thank you to those that attended. I can’t thank everyone enough for coming and making it such a memorable night. It was fun, hilarious, and I’m hoping everyone that was there had as much fun as I did. I’m not going to pile on the text with explaining what happened and thanking everyone. I thanked everyone in person already. Won’t slap on a bunch of pictures either. With over a gig of pictures collected from other people...that’s just too many. Other than thanking everyone, I do have a few special thanks to give out.
Thank you to the Roasters.
Chamal & Darrell
Belinda & Yvonne
Thanks to Vicky for being my escort.
Thanks to C-BAM!
Arnell (just adding my name to show how the name of C-BAM was formed)
And finally, thank you to the committee to whom I will forever be indebted to.
Take care.