Happy Thanksgiving. I’m sure it’s not just me, but does anyone else get bombarded with mass text messages from your friends/acquaintances wishing you happiness on whatever holiday it is? Anyways…
- Work -
I’m going to try talking less about work. It’s usually something negative anyways and I’ve been starting most of my entries complaining about work.
Working off 4 computers at once makes an office hot. Then having multiple computer problems really slows down a day. At least they were nice enough to give us Friday off also instead of just Thanksgiving Day. Hopefully that happens again around Christmas time.
- Currently Playing -
Final Fantasy VI Advance (GBA)
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)
*note* Hand held games only played an spare-spare time. More time devoted to console games to beat.
- Recently Finished Games -
Link’s Crossbow Training (Wii)
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games (Wii)
*note* Reviews of games are done when game is beaten.
- Cool Gaming Moment -
11.21.07 – After getting off work early, Mike and I decided to take on Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Joked around about beating it from start to finish in one day since we had lots of time to kill for the day and no other plans. We had 2 Wii Zappers and thought it would be cool to go on a shooting spree. Once we started, we kept going. My brother was there watching and taking a few turns. Mike and my hands were hurting after shooting for long periods of time. We called up AndyN to come over after work and help us out since he also had the game. So we had a team of 4 taking turns. Mike and I were a good team. My brother and Andy were really good getting tons of critical hits on zombies. We got through a huge portion of the game and it got increasingly tougher. Some of us were getting tired, our hands hurting from pulling on the trigger thousands of times…but we were determined to try and beat this thing in one sitting.
We did hit a huge wall towards the end of our gaming period. One of the final stages had a tough boss battle. This was only a 1-player stage so no team support. My brother was going through the stage and got to the boss. 5 deaths. Then I tried…4 deaths. By this time we learned the bosses patterns and knew what to do, but just executing them was hard. Then Andy gave it a shot…3 deaths. He actually did really well and took a lot of energy from the bosses. Mike was pretty tired and wasn’t sure if he wanted to try. I went again…4 more deaths. BUT...I tried again. Took down one of the bosses. Had only my handgun left and there was no more health or guns to pick up. Taking out multiple rockets with JUST a handgun is not fun. My accuracy is not the best and I HAD to hit some headshots to prevent getting attacked. I’m sure it was butt-clenching for the others to watch as it was for myself being on the one-hit-and-you’re-dead factor for a good minute or more. And then…victory. Awesome! It was hard fought. Trying to beat that boss portion took 40 minutes itself. Unfortunately we didn’t get a high enough rank in a previous stage to unlock the next stage and possibly beat the game…
That was it. We were tired, hungry, beat up…man. Our final total game play for that night was 7 hours and 51 minutes. That was a fun outing though. We were helping each other out, rooting each other on, laughing at each other, screaming at each other…whoo! Good times. It would’ve better had we beaten the game, but we had fun.
- Miscellaneous -
To those that read through Xanga, sorry, but you don’t get all that I post elsewhere. You get only these monthly updates. You miss out on game reviews, announcements, and other eventful things that happen. And since some of that is already posted up, I’m not going to repost them in this new entry. So…sorry.
Congratulations again to my cousin Sarah for getting married earlier this month.
UH-VSA, that was a fun event. Although now I have a friend that I helped years ago in HBU-VSA wanting me to help them out again. So…fight over me?
Renaissance Festival was interesting. Wish we got there earlier to do more walking and check out more things. The fireworks display was really awesome though. That night itself was really fun too. Renaissance Festival, shopping, sushi, and karaoke. Nice.
Thanks to Andy Nguyen for his late birthday present. It’s a picture book filled with pictures from my birthday. I didn’t know it was a book at first…thought it was just a fancy frame…*cough* But yeah, I’ll show it off to people sometime. Thanks, Andy.
No new car yet…ugh…
Christmas shopping is done. Maybe a few last minute gifts need to be bought, but I got the core of what I wanted to buy already.
Got myself a couple Christmas gifts.
Tenjochiki – Graceful 4 (CD+DVD)

They also had one with just the CD.

Yes, that’s Cheon Sang Ji Hee The Grace. This is their Japanese album the just released. The album is great and the DVD has 6 of their music videos. This was released on 11.14.07 and I got it 11.21.07. Early Christmas gift.
BoA* 2008 Desk Calendar

I wasn’t going to get this because originally I wanted the hanging calendar. But my wall has no space to put anymore of the calendar pieces up like I did with her 2007 calendar. So I figure the desk calendar will do fine. Still not sure if I want to keep it at home or put it at work. The desk one apparently has a 2009 calendar also that the hanging calendar doesn’t have. Cool stuff. Can’t wait for that one to get here.
And sticking with my favorite singers, here’s my final closing picture for this entry. This is Dana from Cheon Sang Ji Hee with BoA* on her birthday.

Take care.