- Work -
We had a review not too long ago. Most people I saw going in came out not too happy. I thought mine would turn out bad, but it didn’t. They were pushing for me to be an editor and I gave my view on it. The fact that I’m anal and would take time to make stuff does conflict with their “have it done by tomorrow” way of doing things. Plus I’d have to learn how to use the programs well, which would mean I’d be producing junk for a month or so. Also I’d have to stop the other 4-5+ things I do normally whenever I get a project. I could do all of them at the same time, but time wouldn’t be evenly spread when a project with more priority comes whenever.
I gave them my opinion on what I’d be better at – grammar editing. They already know I’m good with finding errors in scripts and in videos as it pertains to text (spelling/grammar errors). So I threw it out there to go over scripts and the catalog. They fought it for a bit because they wanted me to be an editor so bad. But I retorted with that I can give immediate results with what I suggested as opposed to what they asked for. I got what I asked for. Not a big victory, but a victory nonetheless at work.
They recently gave me new desks. I told them I didn’t want them, but the owner didn’t like how it looked as if things were just thrown in place. I had grown accustomed to the set up and liked it. So even after saying I didn’t want new desks, they went and got it for me. First off, let me say what I have in my office.
4 computers
2 computer monitors
4 television monitors
1 MII machine
1 mixer
5 external harddrives
3 tape decks
2 shelves
And a bunch of miscellaneous things
So…had to unhook those things and move them out to get the old desks out and have the new ones put in. Thankfully I had help in that. But putting together I did alone because I’d have to have things a certain way. Took the last 2 hours of that day and the first 2-3 hours of the next morning putting things back to where they were originally and have everything working again. I don’t like it. I had to rearrange a few small things to make it easier to access for myself. That was a hodgepodge of unplugging and plugging of things again. My biggest complaint is that one of the desks they got me is a corner desk. While I don’t have my back towards the door anymore, I can’t see what another computer is doing on the other end of the room. Before I could watch everything from where I sat, but now that one computer by itself has been ignored when it completed its task 30+ minutes ago. I did tell them I didn’t like the new desks and now they’re giving me the chance to redesign it all. So I’ll think about it before doing anything. The one positive from the new desks is the amount of room I have in my office now. Never had an issue with it, but at least the flow is better.
- Games -
“No More Heroes” rocks. Did everything in that game. It had been a while since I completed a game to its fullest. Loved every minute of that game.
Currently working on finishing “Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.” I’m enjoying that. I should be done well before Smash Bros comes out.
And a friend of mine called me up about a video game tournament he’s throwing. I was skeptical about it at first because I never really enjoyed the few tournaments I participated in before. But I owe him for the many times I had flaked on him. He did show up at the Roast without hesitation. Little details were released on what’s going on, but I do know a few things. 30 players. 40 games ranging from NES to the current generation of games. There are prizes, but I think it’s mainly for bragging rights. He has not told anyone what games are being played so that way people don’t start training themselves like crazy. I know I won’t be good at some of the games, but I’m not going in thinking I’m going to win. Just going to play games…and the free food.
- Recent Gatherings -
A few things happened. February was pretty busy. Le had her baby back in January so we had her baby shower this month. Patrick, Mike, and I went in together to get her a baby monitor and a car seat. Babies are expensive to shop for.
Danny’s birthday at Kemah was fun. I don’t do rides. Glad I wasn’t the only one. It was still fun though. Dinner at La
Le’s birthday was the next day. Nice little dinner at Lasagna House. The bear drawing contest was intense between AndrewN and Chamal, ha.
Jill’s birthday is today, Leap Day. Guess I’ll talk about that next issue.

- Music -
I ordered all of CSJH’s Japanese singles. Ordered 4 and I already had their 5th one. Was a day of delight. The ones that came with DVD extras were nice to watch. Mostly had the music video and then behind the scenes of the making of the music video. I like extras like that. I’ll order their Korean singles soon.

BoA* - I’m waiting for my copy of “The Face.” Then she has a couple of compilation CD sets and another concert DVD being released next month. I’ve been watching her last concert (Made In Twenty) a lot lately to learn the dances. Good stuff. Good exercise. I’ve also been uploading some of that concert as well as other videos (BoA*, CSJH) into my iPod to watch.
- Miscellaneous -
“Justice League: The New Frontier” was pretty good. I liked all the extras.
“Batman Gotham Knight” is going to be awesome. Can’t wait for that.
“The Batman” Season 5 is almost over. Will buy the whole series once it is released.
I’m not going out to eat lunch as much. Save some money and eat healthier.
$11 of shaved ice of 10+ toppings split into 2 bowls…a lot.
I won 2 raffles. Both times I felt I was going to win them.
My car is chubby.
Almost time to Smash.
Leap Year.
Kaba Modern.
Back and neck hurt.
Rated-R Superstar!