- Work - Kind of getting tired of complaining about it. SSDD (Same Sh!t, Different Day). I do think that I have been getting headaches because of work. Here I thought it was because of my bad vision, but I do notice my headaches go away when I'm not at work.
- Glasses - I have glasses now. Got them at first because I thought my headaches were from reading a lot of scripts at work for hours on end. My eyes have gotten worse over time. Far sightedness and astigmatism. My mom told me that's what I had when I was younger. I like the glasses and they have shown me how bad my vision really was.
- Games - All the games reviewed since last entry.
Final Fantasy IV DS (I think I forgot to post this)
Mega Man 9
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
Samba de Amigo
World of Goo
- BoA's Debut In The US - I won't get into this that much. I'm proud that she made her debut, I just wish it was done better. Her

- Wrestlemania XXV – I decided not to go. No one else I know would really want to go and even if they did, they wouldn’t know who all these new people are since they don’t follow it anymore. And I don’t want to go alone, that just wouldn’t be fun. So yeah, I don’t want to go. It’ll be way cheaper to order the PPV and even cheaper to wait and buy the DVD.
- KT Anniversary – An interesting night.
- Rock Band 2 Night – Rocked! And CBAM still rocks. I guess that was our unofficial second performance. Whole night rocked!
- Happy Birthday – LindaL, AndrewN, and Ryan. And anyone else.
- Christmas Shopping – Done in 2 days. I have one left, but I’m on a waiting list for it. Otherwise I’m pretty much done.
Okay, I think I’m done. Anything more would just be me trying to fill this out. I know there are tons of things left out and they might be important, but I would wager that most of it isn’t. Maybe November will bring more to write about.