July was...busy. I am pretty sure I will forget to mention some things.
Our production manager left around the beginning of the month. Personal family reasons has him taking time off to go Colombia to work things out. While I never really liked the guy personally, his departure was bitter sweet. It's never a good thing when someone has to leave due to unfortunate issues. Even though we had been losing workers one by one, the office actually seems smaller and quieter without him.
The few workers that were having to take mandatory time off now have one day back. So I'm back to working 72 hours per pay period. I always knew that when this time came that I'd be too comfortable with having to take 2 days off each pay period. It actually was nice to have 3-day weekends every week. At least I can still do that once a week.
I was asked yesterday (07.29.10) if I could be a cameraman for a shoot in Louisiana. Unfortunately, they were asking me to go there on Sunday and I'm booked. Were I not participating and filming the event on Sunday and had that booked ever since it was announced, then I would've gone to Louisiana.
=====Video Projects=====
Other than working on the XMAS Bash video, which is pretty much done except for the end, I've only made one video (today 07.30.10). Holding off on releasing it for a few reasons that will be mentioned later.
=====Formal/Summer Reunion=====
It happened...and it's over...
While I can recall almost everything about it, it kind of seems like a blur. I actually try not to talk about the event because I wanted to put it behind me for a while and not think about it. I only watched the footage from the photo room we had. I don't know when I'll look at the footage, but I'm not rushing to see it. Maybe in another month or so. That also goes for showing anyone else the footage.
=====Motionbox Shutting Down=====
Earlier in the month I received an email about Motionbox being bought out and that they were moving to Snapfish. That really sucks as I really liked Motionbox's service. Right now, Snapfish doesn't even support HD and embedding. I am migrating all my stuff there, but if it's not going to be great then I'll cancel that account. This is the main reason I haven't posted any new videos (clips or projects).
Since then I have gotten a Vimeo account and have been uploading my videos there and to my account on YouTube. Downsides to both. Vimeo only allows for 5gigs of uploading a week. Just waiting so I can start putting more up there. YouTube is picky about the music I've added in some of my videos. So far I've gotten notices from WMG, Sony, and Avex. So YouTube won't have all my videos available, but Vimeo will.
Up until August 10th, all my videos that I have embedded anywhere (including this blog) will still be active. After that, they will not be viewable. After I reupload all of them and move to Square Space, I won't replace them. So wherever you have access to my videos, enjoy them while you can.
=====3rd Video Camera=====
I purchased a 3rd video camera. Coworker needed to sell it so I decided to buy it off of him. The deal was great since it included a few accessories. The one big accessory is the wide angle lens. Never really thought to buy one of those, but there is a difference. It may be a small difference, but there's nothing wrong with a little more being shown. So that 3rd video camera will now serve as the all-time wide shot. He also gave me a carrying bag for the camera.
I also purchased a monopod off of him at a nice price. That will be useful in a creative aspect. And it doesn't end there. There has been a grip/mini tripod I've wanted to buy, but it was always out of stock. I would check for it here and there and I saw it available earlier this week. 3 hours later, it was sold out. Took a few days for another one to be available and I immediately ordered it. It came in today (07.30.10) and I'm happy with it.
My next camera-related purchase will be a big bag to put all this stuff in. Carrying all of it in separate bags isn't exactly fun.
=====Samba Event=====
Had a Royal Flush Media job. We were hired by my Salsa teacher Lucia. She wanted us to film her event. At first she wanted just one camera, but I wanted to give her more. So she had 3 video cameras and 1 photographer for the night. That event was very awesome. Lucia's dance group is great. I actually spent most of my free time the week after splicing the different camera angles together to show off all the best views. There were too many good things to look at, ha. Hopefully we'll be working more with Lucia in the future.
The owner/manager of the club the event was held wanted us to do a promo video for him with stuff from the Samba event. Haven't heard from him yet. That's okay. I need a break.
=====BoA's Comeback=====
Excited? Yes. Pre-ordered album? Yes. Seen the music video? Yes.
It's been about 5 years since BoA has done any activities in Korea. She had a great career in Japan and did alright in her US debut. Her fans in Korea have been clamoring for her to return and she's coming back soon. Her first performance is next week.
Taking a step back, I'm sure this was planned out by her company, SM. SNSD is going to Japan for activities so this would be a great time for BoA to fill in for the company. I'm sure there's more behind the planning than that, but it is a good move by them.
I'm kind of at a loss for words for this. I just want it to happen and I'll enjoy seeing BoA performing the way only she could.
=====Final Thoughts=====
Watched the final episode of "You Are My Destiny" today (07.30.10). That was a good drama. Not the best drama, but it was worth watching. I didn't think I would make it through all 178 episodes, but it kept me wanting to see more. The final episode did make me shed more tears.
Another thing that came to an end was Sunny, Yuri, and Hyunah's participation on "Invincible Youth." Due to overseas activities, they needed to leave the show. Such an entertaining show. That show always made me hungry since they were usually making food. I did go through and rewatch all the episodes before Soshified released their final episode on the show. Shed some tears for that also.
Along with Motionbox shutting down, KT will be moving off of the Ning service. So many things coming to an end this month. Crazy.
No mention of games because I didn't play any at all. Been too busy anyways.
"Batman: Under The Red Hood" was released this month. I enjoyed it. I think fans that read this arc in the Batman comics will like it also. I am really excited about what they're working on next; "Superman/Batman Apokolips." Tim Daly and Kevin Conroy will be reprising their respective roles and I can't wait to see it.
I've failed to mention this ever since I started doing it. Since the beginning of June, I have been drinking a cap full of persimmon vinegar every day. Why? It's good for you...apparently. I had not noticed anything, but my stylist asked me why my hair was fuller. That's the only thing I can link to it. The bottle isn't finished yet and I still haven't gotten used to drinking it. I still flinch each time.
There was a visit to the hospital this month. One day I woke up and was just insanely dizzy. I had never had my head spin like that before. I still went to work that day, but I wasn't feeling too great. It happened again the following night to where I needed to have my parents help me get my faculties straight. It only took a small movement of my head to throw me into a dizzy state...scary. Used a vacation day to go to the doctor. In the end, they diagnosed it as a small stint of vertigo. I was prescribed some medication to take for the dizziness and it helped. I would still have spells of being extremely dizzy the next day, but I was totally fine the day after.
The move to Square Space will happen soon. My August entry will either be the last one on this blog or the first one on that new one. There will be notification of the move.
And I'll end it there.