My cousin Pauline asked to hang out and we rarely do. So we made a plan and I went out to her place where she was waiting with Erika. I met their new puppy, Fluke. Cute little thing. I brought my harddrive that had all the footage I took from her Debut back in January. Now Pauline can watch all the clips I didn't use in her Debut video. After dumping those clips to her PC, the 3 of us and Fluke went to Pauline's work, HEB, to buy stuff and then went to meet another cousin, Gina Faye.
Poor Gina, she had just gotten her wisdom teeth removed so she was in pain and not that talkative. Unfortunately, I caused her a bit more pain by making her laugh a lot, ha. Sorry, Gina Faye. The biggest cause of laughter, the following photo:

And I said "Look, a watch dog."
Anyways, we brought Fluke back home and I said hi to my aunt and uncle. Then I took the 3 girls out for dinner at Dave & Busters. None of them had never been there before. After eating, we played a bunch of ticket games. There was one we played where you pull a lever and the wheel turns and lands on a ticket amount (ala The Price Is Right). I made Pauline take a spin when she didn't want to and she lands on the highest amount, 500 tickets, awesome. We played enough to get each girl a Domo-Kun doll. I think it was around 9 that we headed back and I dropped them off.
Much love, Cousins.
Girls' Generation's 4th Anniversary. This was actually the first day I started to listen to SNSD's music and watch their videos ever since missing out on the SSF Field Trip. I also asked if it was okay to finally make public the video I made for the LA Meet Up back in January. Got the approval and posted the video up in celebration of the 4th Anniversary.
BD's wedding day. I took YD with me. My cousin Sarah actually got married in the same chapel a few years ago. Saw a bunch of familiar faces I had not seen in a while. AND I finally got to see BD's beau in person. BD looked absolutely amazing in her wedding dress. The ceremony went off well and didn't last too long.
There was a lull of time between the ceremony and reception so YD and I ate a little and then met with friends who were bowling. We caught their last game before they headed out for dinner. YD and I killed some time by going to FIT since it was close to the Kim Son where the reception was held.
LL was there. She didn't come to the reception since she stayed up late doing all the girls' makeup for the big day. No big surprise seeing her at the reception, ha. Unfortunately I didn't have a seat reserved. Before the wedding, the first flash mob was supposed to happen on the same day and BD (now BM) and I talked about it and she was okay with me missing the reception. Well, when the date kept changing for the flash mob, I forgot to tell her I would be making it to the reception. Luckily, they sat us with LL and her boyfriend since there were empty seats.
The reception was very fun. There was a photobooth set up in the back so people could take commemorative photos that were to be made into an album for the bride and groom. We also had an 8-10 course meal. At one point, our whole table just gave up around the last 2 meals, ha. I actually stopped a few courses in since it was just so much food. They did the money dance for the bride and groom and I danced with both of them. MM actually said he was expecting me to dance well since BM told him a lot about me, ha. I was surprised he knew a lot about me. We shared a few words here and there just to greet and share good wishes back and forth. He's a good guy. I approve.
There were a few touching moments like seeing BM's siblings cry when giving speeches. By this time, many guests had drank many drinks so many were feeling good and FINALLY getting on the dance floor. Good times there. A funny thing, when it came to toss the garter, BM forgot to wear one. Quick improvising ended with a tie being used. MM tossed it, I went for it, me and another guy struggled a little on the floor for it, and he came out with it, ha. Oh well. I don't think it counts since it wasn't an actual garter. It was at midnight that they announced the party continuing at a club. YD and I decided to just head home instead. We said our byes and wished the new couple well and left.
A few of the flash mobbers put an event together for WorldWide Kpop Day. We had a small picnic out at Hermann Park. It...was...hot outside. There was a slow gathering and ultimately ended with 10-15 people only with a few ending up not going last minute. It was still fun. Met some new people who were cool. Some of us danced to Korean songs that were being played. I started the whole "wave at the train as it passes by us" thing. I said we should flash mob the train, but we never did it, ha.
Remember how I said it was hot? Well, the Earth thought so as well so it decided to rain. It was a little frantic with everyone gathering the food and drinks to make sure they don't get soaked. Everyone took shelter under a nearby tree. During the last flash mob, I promised them that I would dance to Rain's "Love Song" if it rained while we were out doing the flash mob. Well...
Yeah, not to perfection, but it had been a while since I did that dance. The rain settled and we continued on with our crazy selves. The park then decided it was too hot and turned the sprinklers on us, ha. Again we frantically gathered our stuff and this time we decided to move to a grassy area to lounge on. We had fun feeding chips to a local squirrel as well as playing Spoons with each other. We all started splitting up around 7.
Came home, showered, and saw a message from AC about going out. I was actually still in the mood to do something. A few of us gathered for karaoke, but unfortunately it was a little blah. It was just a small group of us, more than half of us didn't pick songs, and we skipped a bunch of songs. Oh well.
BT and I went to NH's apartment to watch SummerSlam with him and a few of his wrestling friends. I had met one of them before at the last RAW house show. A lot of us were wearing CM Punk shirts, awesome. It was pretty fun to watch with a group (albeit small) of wrestling fans that knew the product well. We cheered and screamed and made our jokes all in fun. We were all very pleased with how the PPV was as some of us had low expectations due to the low number of matches on the card. I had prepared for the night by watching previous SummerSlams before heading over there. While this was a good one, it still doesn't beat my favorite SummerSlam which saw Rock VS Brock as well as the return of HBK.
BT and I left a little after and got some snacks at a nearby Kroger's before heading home.
AN had asked me to come take his class. He said he was very proud of this piece and wanted me to experience it. And I thank him, it was a very fun routine. I also had not taken a hiphop class in a while due to other things coming up so it felt good to learn something at the studio.
I had been itching to do another silly video, but I didn't want to shoot knew footage. So I took footage from Sunday Fun Day we had back in May where a few of us played sports. I watched some of the footage and came up with an idea. Took a couple days to find the right sprites and sounds I wanted to use and then put it all together. The video was all done on this day, the 21st, but I kept running into exporting problems.
The video would come out completely, but one scene would be off sync even though it would be perfectly fine in the project timeline. I remember having issues like this when I made the "A Day At The Park" video and the solution was the same...except for 6-10 frames that would always mess up no matter how little or big I changed it. Here's the quote from my Facebook after I finally settled.
"Trying to fix 1-6 frames of video, having graphics be off sync (even though it wasn't on the timeline), sfx mysteriously changing, sfx magically vanishing, 30-40 exports to see if everything synced up only to settle on it still being off by a couple frames...yeah, settling after 7 hours. And it's only a 55 second video..."
I had a note left on the front door about a package being sent back to the post office since I wasn't home to answer the door. Finally got around to picking it up. My Jessica 418 SPAO hat arrived from Korea. I was planning on buying this had I gone on the SSF Field Trip, but since that didn't happen I ordered it online. I wore it the rest of the day.
Happy Birthday, BS!
And...the IRS demanded some money back...
Celebrated AJ's birthday with a few friends at Brenner's. Most of them had never been there plus it was still Houston Restaurant Week/Month. Brenner's is great (if you've never been). Had been there before so I was glad that AJ chose to go there.
Afterwards, we went to Yardhouse to get some drinks before splitting and heading home.
I was invited to BS's birthday party at Nori's Sushi Bistro. Pretty good place for sushi. I was part of the first guests to arrive and BS's mom asked me to help decorate, ha. BS finally arrived and other familiar faces came afterwards. Met some new cool people and had some interesting conversations. I had fun. Thanks for the invite.
"Gargoyle's Quest" was released on the 3DS' Virtual Console on the 25th of August. I loved "Demon's Crest" on the SNES and never played any of the prequels so I downloaded this title and enjoyed it. Just add it to the list of games I've beaten.

The owners of RFM had a meeting to talk about a few things. The main thing is a redesign to the website. Stayed tuned for that change to come around the end of September or early October.
BT wanted to do another deal since it was still Houston Restaurant Week/Month. He chose Sullivan's. It was just BT, AJ, and I in this fancy place. It was pretty good. They both preferred Sullivan's over Brenner's, but I was the opposite. At least our waitress was cute.
I also started listening to the "Ghost Trick" OST. I added it the night before to my iPod after finding it. Loved that game and its music. I'm pretty sure it was the last normal DS game I bought before any 3DS stuff. I highly recommend it.
The 3DS Ambassador Program was officially supposed to start on the first of September, but the games were available on the last day of August. Got those downloaded onto my 3DS as soon as I could. Played some "Balloon Fight," "Donkey Kong Jr.," "Ice Climber," "NES Open Tournament Golf," "Super Mario Bros.," "Wrecking Crew," and "Yoshi." Such fun classics. I will play "Metroid" using the code I had in the end when I beat it on the Wii's Virtual Console rather than playing it all over again. Then I'll conquer the 2 Zelda games in order. Anticipating playing Zelda II because I've never beaten that game before the few times I tried it when I was young. It'll definitely be a challenge.
My copy of "Girls' Generation - The 1st Asia Tour: Into The New World" DVD came in. I'm planning to watch it on my birthday.
Had an itch to take a hiphop class so I took AN's class. It was good. There was one part I just couldn't get, but I just made sure I got the rest of it. Good fun.
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=====Final Thoughts=====
- I've had a lot of trouble falling asleep this month. Sometimes it was because I was sore or my back hurt, but usually it was just because I could not fall asleep. There were quite a few nights that I stayed up watching videos on my laptop. Every now and then it would be accompanied by a late night snack like ice cream.
I did change the position I sleep in. Now the sun doesn't shine in my face in the morning. It didn't take long to get adjusted to that.
I've also got to say that I've had way too many weird dreams lately. None of them make sense, but the involve people I've met. One of the first ones was of a waitress I know and her and I working at an arcade. It ended with both of us getting harassed by a group of thugs. Her boyfriend happened to be our boss and tried to take care of things, but he ended up getting shot...yeah.
- I made a few last minute edit changes to "Forever Graceful Impact XXVIII." I had the time so why not. They were mostly minor changes, but things I've thought about adding for a while. And soon the show will be viewed by the public on my birthday.
- To start this small section about video games, let me share this quote from an episode of Feedback on G4.
"That's why I'm attempting to patent 'feeling bad about myself' because I'm just worried that some other people are going to try to encroach on that." - Adam Sessler
I downloaded "Kyotokei" for WiiWare. It's pretty much "Ikaruga," but horizontal. It's tough and I still haven't beaten it.
I also downloaded "10 Second Run" for my 3DS. It's my first DSiWare title and man did I get my money's worth. It's a 50 level platformer and you have 10 seconds to reach the goal at the end of each level. It...is...difficult. To give a general idea of how hard this game is, it should take less than 50 seconds to beat 5 levels. One time it took me 20 minutes to beat 5 levels...mm-hmm. And I'm stuck on level 42.
And when I felt like it, I went back and played "Super Smash Bros Brawl." I didn't do everything in that game so I've been going through a lot of the challenges.
Speaking of Brawl, Game Informer recently released a documentary on their attempt to break a Guinness world record. I found it a good watch and am inspired to attempt a gaming marathon (not break a world record) with a few friends sometime in the future.
Smashed: The Guinness Marathon Documentary - click
- Oh...Vampy, she is so awesome. I've known about her for a while and seen photos of her modeling and cosplays, but only recently have I been crushing on her a lot. It's probably because of her recent Psylocke cosplays, which are absolutely perfect. Look up photos of that and you'll see what I mean. Vampy has taken over my PC, latptop, and cell phone backgrounds. Soon, she will own space on my walls. Anyways, I'm a fan and would love to meet her someday.
Thanks for reading. Be healthy, be thankful, and be loved.

Take care.