June 2020 Entry
June went by fast. I always check back to make sure I don't repeat myself in the intro here, but I didn't even write anything for May, ha.
- Went to my scheduled ENT appointment (06.03). It was a follow up to getting it cleared half a year ago. It was also the first time I've been to a place that takes your temperature and asked questions due to COVID. I also thought I ended up on the wrong floor as they installed the plexiglass at the reception area and it looked so different. Seeing all the precautions in place was reassuring. Did the audio test that I had last time. Then it was a long wait to see the doctor (an hour). Unfortunately the results were not great. While I had not noticed a big drop in hearing, there is a small bit of hearing loss again in my left ear again as well as a few other things that are happening around that area. The doctor did suggest the same surgery he did last time, but gave a time frame of when I should do it by. It has not been decided yet, but we both agreed that if I did go for it that it would be better when the virus has calmed down just so there aren't too many things healthwise to worry about. The surgery is not necessary, but it will only get worse the longer I put it off. I actually haven't thought of it until typing this. But yeah...that's a thing.
- Something stressful happened in the household (06.06). Things aren't great all the time, but this one got to me. Not going to get into it, but I do want to thank one of my best friends for being there via text to listen to me during that time.
- I don't remember what I was originally looking for, but I do like that I got some Goldfish Mickey Mouse crackers (06.22). Nothing different in the taste. Just some of them are in the shape of Mickey heads. I did like that there were 3 different poses for Mickey on the packages.
- Round 03 of Prime Movies was fun. 3 of them had to be swapped due to not being available anymore; The Tuxedo, My Sassy girl, and Rumor Has It. Replaced those with Jackie Chan: Kung Fu Master, Countdown, and The Ladies Man. My favorites were The Hustle, Russell Peters - Two Concerts, One Ticket, and Life's Paths. And my favorite out of them all was Life's Paths. That made me cry so much. Was not expecting that. I think I'll pick my top 3 from these from now on. Of course that means Round 04 is ready to go.
Round 3 of free movies I plan to watch on Prime Video. In this batch, I've only seen 4 out of 16. pic.twitter.com/Ppw5QHuQYm— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 1, 2020
- Things that are consistent; stretching in the morning and cleaning at least once a month (or when necessary). Needs to become consistent; a simple work out daily.
- NXT TakeOver: In Your House was so cool (06.07). The old school set, the old school promos done by wrestlers of today, and the action. All of it made for another great TakeOver.
5 out of 6 predictions correct. What a fun show. The throwbacks were fun, the in ring action was awesome. Cheers to the all the performers. Congratulations to Io Shirai. #NXTTakeOver— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 8, 2020
- Ordered some new shirts (06.10). I normally buy new wrestling shirts I want right away, but I'm starting to do the smart thing and wait for one of the many deals that always happens on their merchandise. Got the new Edge and Tegan Nox shirts for 40% off.
Shiniest Grit. pic.twitter.com/GfhMUOL5RM— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 11, 2020
- Backlash was a fun PPV (06.14). I am glad that they started to have wrestlers in the crowd for WWE events. No crowds was okay for a bit, but the noise helps. I might have been one of the few people that didn't mind the piped in crowd noise for the Edge and Orton match.
5 out of 8 predictions correct. Can definitely see rematches for Asuka/Jax, McIntyre/Lashley, and a third and final match between Edge/Orton. Great action. Fun PPV. #WWEBacklash— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 15, 2020
- The Last Ride documentary on the WWE Network was fantastic (06.21). If you were a fan of The Undertaker, this is a must watch. Thank you, Undertaker.
- We are currently still closed. I did go to work though to print out some papers (06.12). Stayed there for a while to wait for information to be relayed from my parents. But it was good to get out of the house for those few hours too.
- Agent Blue gathered a few of us over Discord to play some Jackbox games (06.21). Fun times. Good seeing their faces and laughing with them again.
- I tried something different with the stream schedule this month. The plan was to stream every other day. The exception would have been for games that took more than one stream to beat would be played in a row. I didn't get to stick to this completely as I did have to do a few one-off streams back to back based on a few events plus one extra stream being thrown in as a sponsored stream. Overall, I liked this set up as I felt the balance of streaming and not streaming was good for me. Felt like I wasn't putting so much pressure on myself to get all necessary stream related matters done as quickly as possible. I will continue this next month and the next until further notice.
- Finished the final game in the Megaman Zero series with Megaman Zero 4 (06.01-06.02). I did not enjoy this one. Had a lot of troubles with this one that I had to restart...twice. Once on stream and then again off stream as I did research into what I was missing and the best path to take. Not looking up stuff before put me up against roadblocks that were insurmountable. And while I had prided myself in not using cyber elves in the previous games, I had to for this one. I can't recall the last time I was frustrated with a game and did not enjoy it. I just wanted to be done with it and that's unfortunate as I was liking the Zero series more and more. Oh well. Next month, ZX.
And a note on the second part of the stream, I didn't advertise going live like I normally do as I took part in BLM movement taking place on social media at the time. I only posted going live in our Discord and that's all.
- Demo Showcase 41 took place (06.04).
Blasphemous - Finally got to try this out. I only remembered a little from watching Voxgizer playing the demo when it originally came out. Great stuff.
Hexagroove: Tactical DJ - I was looking forward to this one as it was a rhythm game, but was gravely disappointed. It didn't really click with me and I couldn't pass the first level. I liked what it was going for, but...yeah...
Langrisser I & II - A tactical RPG for both the first and second one. I did enjoy that you can switch back and forth from the classic/modern anime style. It did a few other things I enjoyed such as the battle sequences.
Oh!Edo Towns - Another fun simulator game from Kairosoft. This had you building a small village in ancient times of Japan. Nice feel.
Quest Hunter - A simple resource gathering adventure game. It was fine, but I didn't get anything from it.
Out of the batch, I chose Oh!Edo Towns as my favorite. I mentioned on the stream that watching the stream, it would seem that Blasphemous should have been added to my wish list. But...I own that game already, ha.
And this was the first Demo Showcase where I started implementing a ratings system. Thumbs up/side/down and give positives/negatives after playing each demo. This will help give more weight as to which I choose as my favorite.
- Our NES game of the month was Rygar (06.06). Always knew of it, but never played it. There were a few frustrating parts to it that required me to consult a guide. But it was good. And it brought on the creation of Flygar the Byegar, ha.
Rygar finished. Thanks to everyone that showed up and supported (@Elmolyc raid, etc). This was...certainly interesting. Definitely got lost a few times (yay for FAQs) and died 60 times (missed the grapple spot). Next stream, Shantae and the Seven Sirens. https://t.co/ZIlcne1SIJ pic.twitter.com/pqV8NpfNgP— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 6, 2020
- Finally played Shantae and the Seven Sirens (06.08-06.09). Got 97% of it finished. The last few things were monster cards that randomly drop and I didn't want to spend more hours on the last...10 or so I was missing. It was fun, a little on the easy side, but I enjoyed it because it's Shantae.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens finished. Thanks for all the support (tips, @TheJank5 raid, etc). 97%, so close to 100 (nuggets + cards). I had a blast playing another great Shantae game. Everything about this was stellar. Next stream, trying out Dauntless. https://t.co/V8Vjl7lhuB pic.twitter.com/M1F3DnEJnM— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 9, 2020
- Warface was not supposed to be our free game of the month (06.11). It was supposed to be Dauntless. I was able to start it up to get the thumbnail for posts, but when I was going to play it on stream...maintenance started. Looked up stuff online and the maintenance was to last for 2 hours. So I restarted things and pushed up Warface, which was scheduled for July. And...this wasn't any better. I was barely able to play it as I kept getting disconnected. I was able to finish the first two tutorial levels, one free for all (10 minutes), and the rest of the time was trying to finish missions and getting disconnected. It was unfortunate as I did like it when it was working.
- Some time ago, I remember seeing some videos on YouTube with sections and titles. I didn't look further into it until I saw it again in another video. Then I took the time to look up how to add chapters for YouTube videos and it wasn't difficult. Then I took a couple of days to do that for all my stream videos on YouTube that had multiple games played (Demo Showcases, etc) (06.12-06.13). It's so simple and I will be doing that from now for future videos.
- Stream 299 means another round of Tetris 99 (06.13). This was a good one as the latest update (that happened the day after the last time we played, ha) allowed for private rooms. While I only was able to get 3 of us in a room at most, I was still able to play against 5 others in chat throughout the stream.
Thanks to everyone that tuned in for stream 299. As usual, it's fun jumping back into Tetris99. 9th was the highest we placed and made sure to get 99th place again, ha (silly me). Next stream, I'll be replaying LIMBO (chosen by Discord) for stream 300. https://t.co/HKLqo8G1WL pic.twitter.com/KG8QICyLSG— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 13, 2020
- Stream 300! Those in Discord voted on a list of games that I had beaten before I was streaming and they ultimately chose LIMBO (06.15). It was cool to replay this one. Forgot the majority of it, had a guide open to find the eggs, and eventually looked up videos on parts that I was stuck on.
And I announced a few other things at the end of the stream that were happening that I also typed up in Discord. Below is the list of things I talked about, but further details are in the stream and on Discord.
1. New intro/outro song for the next 50 streams per usual
2. New intro screen
3. New avatar
4. Edits to Twitch profile
5. No more gift subs for beating games
6. New channel point redemptions
7. Twitch trailer (more on this later)
8. Nintendo Sensei moniker
LIMBO completed. Thanks to all that joined the 300th stream (@TheJank5 raid, etc). 125 deaths and 10 eggs squished later, OBMIL completed his journey through LIMBO. Next stream, Demo Showcase 301. https://t.co/h0X1ZQ4stD pic.twitter.com/hmq6qC2eVj— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 15, 2020
- Received my copy of Mighty Switch Force Collection from Limited Run Games (06.16). Similar to Sayonara Wild Hearts, I ordered this one back on January 17th of this year. There are obvious delays (as of now I have 5 more LRG orders) so I understand. But I do plan to play this collection next month.
- Second Demo Showcase of the month with Demo Showcase 42 (06.17).
Cat Quest II - Simple and fun adventure game with animals as characters.
Moving Out - From the creators of Overcooked. But instead of filling orders of food, you're moving different types of furniture from one place to the moving truck. Good, but most likely better with more players.
Pocket Clothier - Another Kairosoft simulation game. Wasn't digging it at first, but got more into it as time went on. Very proud of the dumpling stand next to the bathroom, ha.
Skybolt Zack - High-paced action as you zoom from enemy to enemy by hitting the corresponding buttons. Multiple pathways for replayability.
Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe - The sequel to Woodle Tree, which we played the first demo of before. Pretty much more of the same.
My favorite was Skybolt Zack. I really enjoyed this one as it can be fast paced, but doesn't have to be. Easy to understand and get into, but can take a bit of practice to discover the extra pathways. Shout out to the producer of the game for sitting in the stream and telling us stuff about the game. If the producer wasn't in the stream, I still would have chosen Skybolt Zack.
- #RaceDieRun was the next Qubic Games game of the month (06.19). This was not bad. It was tough and not as fast as I thought it would be. Thank goodness that we could skip stages to play all the naturally unlocked stages or else we wouldn't have been able to beat it. Good mixture of stage creations and trap placements.
#RaceDieRun finished...kind of. We beat the last level (88/89 deaths), but we skipped a good number of levels per chapter. It definitely was challenging, but wow, some levels were crazy hard. Next time on stream, a sponsored stream as we play Him & Her. https://t.co/xHRFfe52WU pic.twitter.com/dBo9QjgJvL— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 19, 2020
- Him & Her was added to the schedule (06.20). We got a game code from QUByte Interactive (they've given us games in the past) on 06.11. I shuffled a bit of the schedule around and found time to play it. It was short and sweet. Good puzzles, but I thought it could have been longer rather than the hard mode being the same levels without the zoom out feature. But thanks again to QUByte Interactive for the game.
Him & Her completed. Thanks to those that joined the stream and of course thanks to @qubytegames for the game. It was short and sweet and challenging at times especially in hard mode. I enjoyed it. Good $1 game. Next stream, Toki (Retrollector Edition). https://t.co/pK7DLQ66Z6 pic.twitter.com/U5pXJrX5Rp— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 20, 2020
- Throughout the week, I had been watching the cut scenes from The Last of Us Part II (06.20). Similar to Final Fantasy VII Remake, I wanted to watch them on my own rather than trying to see the whole story through streams. Now I watch people's reactions to key scenes in the game. Man, what an emotional roller coaster that was.
- Played Toki (Retrollector Edition) (06.22). It was a remake of an old arcade/NES game. Looks great and plays with the same level of difficulties of arcades of the past. The main attraction to buying this at the end of last year was the Retrollector Edition that came in a big box with lots of cool extras. Showed those off at the beginning of the stream. And I also built the mini arcade cabinet a few days before. It's cool to actually put your Switch inside it.
Toki finished (medium). Thanks to those that chilled in the stream with me. That was tougher than I thought it would be. It's arcade difficult, but I didn't think it would take 3 full runs for me to be able to beat it on medium. Next stream, we play GRIS. https://t.co/4i5bWaXMcC pic.twitter.com/Hq2hXQGGlD— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 22, 2020
- Downloaded GRIS back in November during a Black Friday sale and finally played it (06.23). What a gorgeous game. I always knew it looked fantastic with the watercolor art, but getting to experience it was another story. And I went for 100% completion on this one. After beating it the first time, I wasn't ready to leave the world. So I found a few guides to follow and did it all. Whether you play it yourself or watch someone else play it, GRIS is a must play/see.
GRIS 100% completed. Thank you to everyone that joined the stream (@TheJank5 raid etc). What a fantastic game this was. Visually stunning and audibly wonderful. So glad I finally played this. It was absolutely worth it. Next stream Battle Princess Madelyn. https://t.co/hGpCwFs3NW pic.twitter.com/xlk4imXiBn— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 24, 2020
- NightmareVortex recommended I play Battle Princess Madelyn after playing Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts on stream in October (06.25-06.26). I liked it, but it was definitely lacking polish in the Story Mode. It's a functional game, but could be better.
Battle Princess Madelyn finished. Thanks to all that joined the streams. Finished Story (missed 10 dolls), finished Arcade, finished Boss Rush, and didn't have it in me to do all of King Daddy mode. I enjoyed my time with this game. Next stream, Wild Guns. https://t.co/OpR0jFoHBV pic.twitter.com/Yuh5Cxup3X— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 26, 2020
- And our final game of the month was our SNES game of the month, Wild Guns (06.28). Still so good. Beat it on Normal, tried a little bit of VS, and then beat it on Hard. I didn't know about the alternate end screen for beating it on Hard so that was a nice treat. Still a classic game.
I mentioned it on stream, but Wild Guns Reloaded was one of the choices for the 300th stream. That was decided prior to Wild Guns being available on the SNES app. So part of me was hoping Reloaded wasn't chosen as the 300th stream (it was tied for second).
Wild Guns finished. Thanks to those that joined the stream. It was so nice playing this game again that we beat it twice. Once with Clint (normal) and once with Annie (hard, didn't know about the alternate credit screen). Next stream, we start Mega Man ZX. https://t.co/gjNaFC1DC9 pic.twitter.com/ctXsrRM7j0— Arnell (WingedVoX AKA Nintendo Sensei) (@ArnellragasA) June 28, 2020
- It took less than a month to finish my Twitch Trailer (05.20-06.16). The idea was to include a 5 second clip from each game I played on stream. Not one per stream, one per different game played. So there would be one per each game in a Demo Showcase, one for each game in a collection (3 for the Ace Attorney Trilogy), one for every game played, but one from a series of games only (9 parts of Smash Ultimate, but only 1 clip from the whole series).
Little by little, I would take a few hours per day and get X amount of clips. I included any viewer made clips (if they were good), which was a sigh of relief as scrubbing through the videos could take a while to find 5 seconds I want to possibly use. They aren't all victories either. It's a mix of cool moments, goofs, miscellaneous, etc. The only rule I have is no cut scenes (only exception was the clip for X-2). But I needed the 300th stream to happen to complete to have all the clips needed. During that time though, I started to put everything else together as I already had the concept. Once the final clip was ready, I made a few drafts and showed it to a few people for feedback, and then uploaded it to Twitch. It lasted for 2 days because the song I used was muted. I knew I was running into that risk, but tried anyway. Shout out to DoubleTake for providing a few tracks for me to use as a replacement (06.19). The plan from here on is to update the trailer every 100 streams. After every stream, if there wasn't a clip made, I'll create one and add it to the project file. You can watch it on Twitch as well as the full length version on YouTube.
Twitch Trailer: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/655934098
Extended Trailer: https://youtu.be/FJg-j1gZsqg
- TWICE - Fanfare (MV)
- Black Lives Matter
In regards to Speaking Out, it was crazy reading stories coming from both the wrestling world and streaming world. Props for people speaking out, those doing their part to support others, and providin hope. And there are other world issues happening, new and old. It is nuts that we're halfway through the year and this is the life we are living. Stay strong, everyone.
- That's a wrap on June 2020. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."