September 2020 Entry:
Quite an interesting month. It felt like it dragged at the beginning and the middle.
PS: New blogger layout is different for posting and doesn't seem the most intuitive. Might have to resort to only posting the URL links instead of embedding videos (turn out to be in the wrong size), tweets, etc. For images, I can always save the image from links and reupload them, but that's extra work, ha. At least the gif at the end will still be there at the end of a wall of text.
- I have a new sword now, ha (09.05).
- Picked up my copy of Superman: Man of Tomorrow (09.08, 09.12). Watched it a few days later when the internet went out. It was okay, but I was surprised with how it ended.
- I also went to GameStop that same day (09.08). Needed to reserve my copy of Super Mario 3D All-Stars. I also reserved the Joker and Hero amiibo. I had those pre-ordered via Amazon, but I always prefer to pick up orders if I can and only recently did my GameStop start allowing customers back in their store in limited capacity.
- When doing my morning stretches, I heard this odd clicking sound come from my left knee (09.15). I had not been doing anything different and it didn't hurt. Only made the noise for when it bent enough like going up/down the stairs. I noticed it again the next day, but not as frequent. The third day, the clicking noise was gone, but decided to monitor it for a full week. The clicking noise has never returned.
- Ordered a treat for myself in the form of Airheads Extremes (09.29). Originally I wanted chocolate, but it's been a while since I've had sour candy.
- Round 06 of free movies done. I think this month was the first one to have multiple movies I ended up not liking. But out of the ones I liked, my top 3 in viewing order was Dora And The Lost City Of Gold, Benched, and Ender's Game. Big shout out to Benched because a John C. McGinley fan Twitter account retweeted and then John C. McGinley himself tweeted at me (09.10). That was incredibly cool.
- Some really good matches NXT Super Tuesday II as well as the first part the week prior (09.08).
- Clash of Champions had good matches from top to bottom (09.27). It started strong with that triple threat ladder match and ended strong with the Universal title match.
- Mentioned it earlier in this entry, but the internet went out for a long time (09.12). It was about 7 hours. After watching Superman: Man of Tomorrow, I decided to go to HER and just chill there for an hour. I needed to leave the house anyways. The bright part of all that was singing in the car on the way there and the way back. Something I used to do on a regular basis while driving is now a treat.
- For my anniversary stream, I got Agent Blue to join me as we played a virtual escape room game called Escape First (09.28). I had asked him a few months ago and he was excited to join. With the way things are, we were preparing in case we couldn't have him join me in person. I think we met online via Discord 4 times to try different methods. We ran into issues and had to find alternate methods to get him on screen and for him to hear and see the game without a delay. Ultimately we used Parsec. On his end, he used a second screen to zoom in on my OBS. There was one technical issue that occurred when transitioning our spots on screen causing OBS to crash. I tested it after he was gone and it worked fine. But everything else seemed to function fine.
On the day of, we did have that issue occur because we were blocking parts of the game we shouldn't have and unfortunately the two year anniversary stream is in 2 parts. If nothing happened in the first part in the chat, I would have started it over.
But it was still a good turnout. Lots of people showed up to hang for the majority of the stream or at least to drop in and congratulate me on two years. The highlight for me was playing with Agent Blue and having Agent PQ and Agent Ocean joining us with help in the chat. All of us have been escape room deprived so this was a fun way for us to fill that gap. We may do something similar in the future where all of us appear on screen or at least in voice chat. We shall see. But having them be part of the anniversary stream really made it more special. Thank you.
- 198X (09.01)
I was really looking forward to playing this. It has been scheduled for the first game of September for a long time and it was worth the wait. I would welcome a sequel to 198X.
- Streets of Rage 4 (09.01)
Scheduled to play in November.
- Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary Direct (09.03)
This altered a lot of the last few months of the stream schedule. That's a good thing though. Took awhile for me to settle on something for all the Mario games. But starting November, there will be one Mario game a month.
- Demo Showcase 48 (09.03)
- Donkey Kong 3 (09.04)
Donkey Kong 3 was supposed to be played earlier in the year, but I kept pushing it back. It mainly got cemented into September because Donkey Kong Country came out.
- Dininho Adventures (09.06)
Sponsored stream from QUByte Interactive. A surprisingly good puzzle platformer. It would have been longer, but the power went out. Thankfully we beat the main game before it went out. An hour later, I did attempt going back on and do the secret levels that we unlocked. But the first secret level was too difficult and required crazy precision. I think I got 15 minutes worth of attempts and I just said "screw it" and ended the stream, ha.
- Poker Hands (09.07)
Another sponsored QUByte Interactive stream.
- Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (09.08)
I'm ready. I really enjoyed the original Hyrule Warriors and now in the Breath of the Wild setting, yes.
- The Four Kings Casino and Slots (09.09)
Had fun with all the games. Definitely ended up liking digital Black Jack and BINGO the most.
- Ace Attorney collection (09.09)
This collection is now completed (until future releases). Very proud of completing a collection that took a good part of a decade to slowly build. It's one of my favorite series.
- Okami HD (09.11-09.16)
Discord voted on this game for me to replay. I had a plan to get all the Stray Beads and take on the Devil Gate Trials. Didn't know that some beads were locked behind some of the Devil Gate Trials. And I didn't know the Devil Gate Trials would take hours to do. Some of the other beads were locked behind tasks that were not fast to finish either. And...the power went out 40 minutes into part 02 that I ended up having to finish the 8 hour time frame the next day meaning the projected 4-5 days of streaming actually became 6 days. As much as I enjoyed playing Okami HD again, this was an incredibly stressful week.
- APE OUT (09.18)
Great game. One of the stressful components of the stream was having to take a long break after 10 minutes of streaming. After coming back from that, I was still hot from being outside and cursed in frustration on the stream. I thought about it for a minute or so than I ended the stream. Cooled down a bit and then started it back up, but explained what happened. But that wasn't the end of frustration as the internet went down briefly. OBS kept recording so the YouTube upload is one continuous video while the Twitch stream was broken up into two. So while those factors may have soured how I felt during the time, I did like the game. It was a favorite of mine from a previous Demo Showcase and this was a good month to play it because of Donkey Kong 3 and Donkey Kong Country.
- Super Mario 3D All-Stars (09.19)
- Deleveled (09.20)
A developer (The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild) emailed me early September with a code for their new game, Deleveled. Threw me by surprise. I asked a few questions and mainly to see if it was okay if I could play Deleveled later in the month. And they were cool with it. Deleveled was a clever puzzle game. I needed the help of video guides, but that would only get me so far. But I gave it a good try.
- Breakpoint (09.21)
And The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild emailed a week later with another code for another game. This time I was able to play it on time and back to back with their previous game they gave me. Breakpoint is a fun twin-stick melee high score game. One cool thing that happened was two of the developers came into the stream at different points. It's always fun talking to developers when they come in. The other cool thing that happened was that I broke into the top 10 of high scores. I didn't think it was possible because my highest score for a couple hours was from my second game. Then it happened. Games after that were decent and I was altering my personal top 10 scores. I came close towards the end of the stream, but 9th place was the highest I got (and it didn't stay up there that long). Good stuff. Definitely recommend it.
- Coffee Talk (09.22)
A favorite from Demo Showcase 44 in July. I specifically chose to play it on the 22nd because that's the day the game starts on. And this was a great visual novel. It became a surprise 9 hour stream, which I enjoyed. Didn't beat it 100%, but I saw the extra ending online. If you don't want to play it yourself, you can still get the same feel from watching someone else play it.
- Demo Showcase 49 (09.24)
- Donkey Kong Country (09.26)
Fun to replay after so long. It fit kind of like a glove. Definitely familiar though. Glad I completed it with 101%.
- Escape First (09.28)
Mentioned more about this earlier in this entry. But yay for a fun anniversary stream.
- Thanks to those that remembered.
- TaeYeon - #GirlsSpkOut (MV)
- Like I mentioned at the top of the entry, this month dragged at points. It was for sure at the beginning of the month because of what it was. And then the middle of month dragged on because of all the power/internet outages. I would say the end of the month dragged too, but not as much. Not like this was a horrible month. Slow at points and that's all.
- That's a wrap on September 2020. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."