October 2020 Entry:
This was an interesting month. I will say the majority of it went at a steady pace.
- I've been searching for miscellaneous new shirts on Amazon. I have a few in my cart, but decided to get one a month. One new shirt arrived (10.07). I don't have too many light blue shirts either so I like this one.
- Mentioned it a few months ago that I was rewatching a lot of old videos I had. Went through a few more and found a set of interviews that we conducted (10.08). We did these for a photo shoot magazine that was created. I only watched 2 of the interviews with one being mine. I thought I was going to see differences from me from back then to now, but the interview was mainly about hobbies and the history behind them. Still interesting to watch. I dug out the magazine to see the final product. Unfortunately my part of making a video didn't happen as the audio messed up because of a bad lavalier mic.
- Caught up with a friend through chat and he invited me to go eat sushi with him and a few friends. I was still apprehensive about going out in big groups so I was on the fence about it, but ended up going (10.09). Went to Kura, met new people, and ate so much sushi (the table total got 3 sets of Sonic chopsticks). Another cool thing that happened was seeing a long time highschool friend and his wife and son there as well. It was very refreshing seeing them and catching up with them as well. We walked across the street to the bakery before splitting ways. Went back to my friend's place and we talked for another good hour. It was good. The times I met with this set of friends, wrestling was usually the reason we hung out so there wasn't much time to get to know each other. And it's been forever since I've done that as well. That night was very much needed and I'm more open to meeting others in groups rather than 1-on-1 as I had been doing for the last few months.
- Bought and watched Batman: Death in the Family (10.14). It didn't take long to see all the endings, which is very good. The alternate endings were for the most part interesting and I did notice that a lot of the movie was majority voiced over saving on animations. Definitely recommend it.
- The seventh round of free movies is in the books. Also did 17 movies this time as I had someone recommend me one on YouTube and it fit with the theme. This round might be the one with the most movies I didn't enjoy. Despite that my favorites were Kingdom of Blood, The Good Neighbor, Silent Hill, and The Addams Family.
- NXT TakeOver 31 was great (10.04). TakeOvers always are great and this of course did not disappoint. And this might be the first time I got all my predictions correct, yay.
- Hell In A Cell...wow (10.25). So many awesome things happened. I only caught the last two matches live since I was streaming, but catching up on everything else was fun. Such a good PPV.
- And the return of Halloween Havoc was fantastic (10.28). I really hope this will be a yearly event again. They did some fun stuff with the theme on top of having cool matches.
- Got a message from Agent Ocean letting us know that the locks at the Memorial location were officially changed (10.28). So if anyone on the staff wanted, they could take anything from there that day. Was 30 minutes away from streaming when he sent that message out and I quickly decided to go over there. Agent Ocean and I were later joined by Agent PQ and we started dividing stuff up and helped pack things into our cars. We were there for a couple hours. It was nice seeing them again, but obviously bitter sweet. Agent Ocean and I went back a second time the same day. He contacted friends who wanted stuff and my dad wanted to see what he might want for himself. Crazy day. One sucky thing was that I had made plans for a friend to come do the escape rooms there since we still had access, but it was going to happen in November. Unfortunately that won't be happening anymore.
- On the flip side, a few of us from HER have been having online meetings and we're planning a start-up. We know what we want to do and now it's about creating the product and establishing things such as hours and compensation. Definitely excited.
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection (10.01-10.15)
I played each of these 8 games every other day. The first 4 I had played before while the latter 4 were completely new. It was great to have more Castlevania games under my belt.
- amiibo (10.02)
Joker and Hero are very detailed. I keep saying this as more amiibo are made, but they keep getting better and better.
- Super Smash Bros Ultimate Steve (10.13)
Much like all the DLC Smash characters, I gave Steve a try. Unfortunately, he wasn't clicking with me...or it at least took longer. He has some potential, but...yeah, he wasn't clicking with me.
- Demo Showcase 50 (10.17)
Did 6 demos instead of the normal 5. That was to make the total number of demos played a multiple of 5.
- Overwatch (10.18)
Tried out every character. That was my main goal for playing. I found myself liking the melee characters more than others. Top 5 to use were Ashe, Brigitte, Reinhardt, Sombra, and Winston. Shout out to Agent Kagai and Agent Blue for playing with me.
- Hardcore Maze Cube (10.19)
Sponsored by QUByte Interactive. This certainly was challenging. Thank you to the chat that was helping on the riddles. The game deserves the "hardcore" in its title because the levels were very difficult. We were 2 levels away from finishing the game, but at that point I was also worn out. At least I'm first on the leaderboards.
- Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 1 & 2 (10.21-10.22)
Keeping with the theme of games this month, finally got to play Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon and then it's sequel. Had a copy of the first game from Limited Run Games. I think I enjoyed that game more than the sequel. The sequel is fine in its mechanics. However, the difficulty went up a lot...each time you did more...and I couldn't do more at a certain point. Playing these has me interested in trying Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (on my wish list). Maybe next year.
- Cadence of Hyrule, Untitled Goose Game (10.23)
- Blasphemous (10.24-10.26)
My goodness, this deserves its M rating. It's so well done in every aspect (gameplay, story, setting, etc). From seeing Debonair Vox play the demo when it first came out and then me playing the demo back in June, this did not disappoint.
- My Big Sister (10.29)
Played the demo back in February. It left me wanting more and it delivered. The story definitely went places I did not expect. But I enjoyed it enough to get all 6 endings.
- Demon's Crest (10.30)
A favorite of mine on the SNES. Didn't know there were 4 endings so we got them all...especially that true ending. I don't remember it being that difficult because I have proof of it, but this time it was taxing. But I still enjoyed replaying it.
- I have been 6 years sober now (10.24). I actually would not have remembered had the story of drinking not come up in a person's stream. I spent time going back through blog entries to find out the actual day. It's cool. Have I wanted to have a drink since then? Yes. Have I drank since then? No. I still stick by my rules if I ever drink again; when things are really bad or with a significant other.
- Odd month. Streams went smoothly for the most part. Losing the Memorial location sucked. Going out with a larger group for once was great. Hopefully there will be more positive highlights next month.
- That's a wrap on October 2020. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."