May 2021 Entry
May was a fast month. Once June hit, I remember thinking "already?"
- Made plans to meet with a friend after over a year (05.01). Originally we were going to be at Chic-Fil-A, but the location we went to didn't have indoor dining. We ended up walking to the Sugar Land City Center to see what was around and ended up going to Japaneiro. Last time I went there was with some of HER and we got a sushi boat. As we were walking there, another friend called asking where we were since the original invite to a group text was for Chic-Fil-A. No one replied that they were joining so we didn't let him know of the change until then, ha. But we had fun catching up and having good food.
- Started using Ring Fit Adventure (05.01). Not streaming it. I didn't want to worry about stream stuff or any critiques with how I was doing things. It's strictly for exercise purposes. I will continue using the main Twitter thread for updates and stuff. I will say, all the positives I've heard others say about Ring Fit Adventure are true. I wasn't expecting a skill tree, ha. But any day I'm not streaming and have nothing else planned, I'll be using it. And I've felt great ever since using it.
- New shirt, Okami. (05.03) Ordered it as a reward for beating Trials of Mana last month.
- Got to hear one of my best friends' voice for the first time in months or a year (05.03). We didn't talk long, but we wanted to at least let each other know that we're both doing okay. Hopefully I'll get to video chat with her daughter in the near future.
- Starburst Gummies are delicious (05.11). Great snack. Highly recommend it.
- My dad had eye surgery (05.18-05.19). His vision had been getting worse over the years. So he had the cataracts removed from his left eye. The next day was a follow up. He's been fine since then, but is restricted with what he's allowed to do so his eye doesn't strain. Next month, he'll be getting the same procedure on his right eye.
- This day marks the day Cinnabon followed me on Twitter (05.24). I replied to a friend who mentioned a few verified accounts that follow him and they liked my comment. Haven't had Cinnabon in years, but I will fix that soon.
- Went to a new cardiologist (05.25). It's actually my mom's cardiologist. I had been there a few times when I took her there. Wow, they are miles ahead of the other place I was going to. Only negative was the long wait to see the doctor, but it wasn't even that bad. He and the nurse were both very specific and honest with the answers they were giving me. They did inquire about what was done at the other cardiologist office and they had shocked faces when I replied. In the end, they want to see more of their records from the testing they did before deciding if any further action needs to be taken or if nothing is wrong. It was very relieving.
- Got my copy of Justice Society: World War II and watched it more than a week later (05.13, 05.25). I liked it. Different than I thought it would be and it surprised me as I had no idea where the story was going. Thumbs up.
- Round 14 of free movies done. My favorites were Just Wright, A Taxi Driver and Click. Round 15 will be all comedies. Also, I made a mistake last month and talked about Round 12 again. After posting this, I will make the proper edits to that post.
- AEW: Blood and Guts had some insane action (05.05). So much blood in the actual Blood and Guts match.
- Wrestlemania Backlash 2021 was really fun (05.16). At first I thought it would be a general casual PPV, but I found myself getting invested in almost every match.
- AEW: Double or Nothing, excellent (05.30). Every match aas solid, but seeing a full capacity crowd and hearing them go nuts added so much pretty much like it did for Wrestlemania.
- I told this story recently on stream, but I wanted to put it up here as it is a nice story. During Halloween season, we altered some of our rooms to be themed for the month. I'll admit I wasn't the biggest supporter of the idea, but the staff always enjoyed it and we did it every year minus the first year (maybe second too). Much like during Christmas time, we would also decorate the lobby, hallways, briefing room, etc to fit the spookiness. Usually the rooms that got altered were the first 3; Mo's Safehouse, Grandma Codebreaker, and The Scarlet Scam. It went back and forth between how many rooms we altered, but I did always say at least one needed to remain as is. The more we did it, the more we invested in props for it. One year we even got a fog machine, which was cool, but I think it broke after a week of using it. And unfortunately I know a few props were bought, not used, and not returned. So I don't know if the themed rooms ever did bring in more money or not. My guess was that it didn't especially after we started getting more props over time.
There was one year that Grandma Codebreaker got a huge makeover. I believe we called it Grandma's Poltergeist. The usual props and puzzles were altered. I believe this is where we used the fog machine when it was operational. Any light sources were removed and replaced with low lit lanterns and we gave the teams flashlights during their briefing. In fact, the Agent that was supposed to facilitate those sessions put on a costume and was in the room waiting while someone else did the briefings outside. Not everyone was cool with wearing the costume so anytime there was a session, the 4-5 that were okay with it were assigned those sessions. I didn't want to wear the costume.
So there was one time where I did the briefing while Agent X was facilitating. It was a group of teen girls that were already getting scared by the props in the briefing area. Of course the tension continued to ramp for them as I read the briefing. They got more worried when I handed them their flashlights. Then when we got to the door, I forgot how I phrased it, but I let them know that I wasn't going in with them and they freaked out. They begged me to go with them even after reassuring them that they would be okay, but they kept asking. Our staff room wasn't far away so I quickly went there and asked if there were any sessions coming up where I needed to be outside. We were good with the current Agent placement for future booked sessions, plus everyone obviously heard the girls screaming and asking me to go with them so it was okay, ha. And it turned out to be a fun session. I did my part by holding one of the flashlights for them as they tried to solve things. Once they became more comfortable, I gave them the flashlight and stood next to Agent X. I might have asked if the sessions were usually like this and I'm sure he replied that they were. I don't recall if the team escaped, but I'm glad they had fun.
- Felt so good to play Final Fight (05.02). Classic.
- Demo Showcase 62 (05.03). Agent A and Captain Tsubasa were really good. Agent A is basically an escape room. It even had a similar puzzle we had in Mo's Safehouse. I also missed out on Captain Tsubasa for 3 cents at Walmart. Would have been nice, but if I can get it for $20 or less, good to go.
- Got 600 followers on Twitch now (05.05). We did go over 600 due to 50 bots happening, but those were all wiped over time and we then legit hit 600. Someone had predicted I'll hit 1000 followers this year. That would be nice, but I don't see it happening.
- Mainly chose Tennis for our NES game of the month as we were going to play Tennis 1920s (05.05). But I failed to realize there was a tennis game on the SNES as well. Would have moved the tennis games to June instead. Tennis was hard too.
- Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was so good (05.07-05.09). We came very close to 100% it, but the last 2 missions were all long form multi-leveled areas. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it. Charming and challenging.
- Stream 499 and the last time we played Tetris 99 (05.11). Didn't get a first place win, but did play a majority of the time with others in chat. Good way to send it off.
- Stream 500; Ikaruga (05.12). Did some silly things with the game such as beat it with no hands. Thankful for the turnout and thankful for the support for 500 streams. Here's to 600.
- Trailer 500
- Demo Showcase 63 (05.14). While it wasn't my favorite, I had a ton of nostalgia playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Recreating my Selkie HeeJin and playing felt like a glove. I still would hesitate on getting it if it were my favorite since I did not pull the trigger and buy it day one.
- Tennis 1920s was a very interesting take on tennis (05.15). It only sucked to have to wait a long time for free matches to happen.
- While I did have some trouble at the beginning, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap was really good (05.17). Especially liked being able to swap from retro to modern on the fly. And we would have 100% completed it were it not for my poor skills at the beginning as we could have spent that time doing the money trick to buy all the weapons and armor. But by the time we beat it, I was tired and preferred looking at all the extras, which were super cool.
- Streaming Street Basketball was an interesting one (05.20). One, the game was okay and we actually beat it. Two, we talked about so many different things like anime. Three, I showed off my copy of Highschool DxD on 3DS.
- Not Not - A Brain Buster is an excellent brain teaser (05.22). It really tests your brains and your reflexes in a fun way.
- Demo Showcase 64 (05.23). Had a tough time with which to choose between Active Neurons 2 and Death and Taxes. One was better for streaming, but the other was the one I liked more and I went with that. I did put both on my wish list though, but still have to choose a favorite.
- Knockout City (Block Party Trial) was incredibly fun (05.24). This was a rare time where I wanted to buy the full version of the game (wish listed). I enjoyed everything about this game; how it looked, how it played, etc. The only downside was that no one in chat was able to join me. Still had fun playing with random people.
- Soul Searching was surprising (05.26). Interesting in a deep way, but interesting in an odd way too. Definitely one to watch or experience yourself. Your mileage will vary.
- My copy of Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World came in (05.28). Currently scheduled to be played next year to coincide with the anniversary of playing Monster Boy and now Dragon's Trap.
- Cadence of Hyrule | Impa (05.28). The run started great, but I had troubles with Octavo that extended the stream. Plus I found out after the fact that for the second half of the stream, my camera was blurry. Oh well.
- It was good to finish out the trilogy of Donkey Kong Country with Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (05.30). It's definitely not my favorite of the DKC games, but it wasn't that bad. Plus we had some fun talk in chat about changing the meaning of d-bags to delightful bags. Unfortunately an actual d-bag showed up towards the end of stream. While I was applauded with how I handled it. I won't deny that they really soured the whole experience for me. It'll be one of those streams that I'll have a negative memory of.
- ITZY - Mafia in the morning (Dance Practice)
- Super Mario Bros. Z (Episode 2)
- JOY - Hello (MV)
- I am planning to delete all my dating apps soon. A few accounts have already been deleted. Holding on to the rest until July (or longer, who knows). I've also increased the age ranges and distance to see if anything makes a difference. Although I really hope someone gives me a reason to delete them sooner than later. Am I being bold towards someone specific? Maybe. We shall see. In the past, I've been told I come on too strong and I've also missed opportunities because I don't take the chance. One thing's for sure...I'm lonely.
- That's a wrap on May 2021. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."