February 2022 Entry:
For being the shortest month, February felt long. By the way, I'm getting rid of the Wrestling section. I really felt like I was saying the same thing, but in different ways month to month. Anything wrestling related from now on will be mentioned in the MISC section.
- My copy of Castlevania Anniversary Collection came in from Limited Run Games (02.01). It sits nicely on a shelf in front of me as I stream along with others that don't fit on the shelf behind me.
- Productive day (02.01). Had a Discord call with Kuriie about my animated emotes. Earlier in the day, I also received a message from Jamie about doing a voice over for one of her videos. I agreed, but didn't know when I'd get to it. But after Kuriie's call the rest of my day was free. It took a few takes due to noise from the outside, but I got it done.
- 500 clips posted on Instagram (02.06). I still don't like that a lot of my interaction is blocking and reporting spam, but it is what it is.
- Catwoman: Hunted was very fun (02.08). There were a few characters that I was surprised to see appear. Liz Gillies knocked it out of the park as Catwoman, bravo.
- Found some Reese's minis unwrapped for a snack (02.08). They are wonderful. They're supposed to be used as toppings for desserts, but they're just as good on their own.
- Ordered some Pop Chips as my snack of the month (02.12). Originally I ordered Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios, but the tracking got lost and it didn't arrive. Got it refunded...and they showed up the next day, which was still about a week late. It didn't come in a package. It was straight up a box of cereal with my postage on it. I was worried that it got weathered and ruined, but the bag inside was untouched. The cereal tastes good, but I think I was less excited seeing how it was late and not packed with safety.
- Got my booster shot (02.18). This was also the start of 4 days off from streaming. Thankfully it didn't hit me that bad, but it wasn't that it wasn't bad at all. I was super cold last time and this time I was super hot so I lost sleep just like my last shot. Basically I took the next day to sleep as much as possible because I couldn't do too much else. Thought I'd be too out of it to do other planned things the following days, but around night time I was getting better and better.
- Went to Kai's to get my new PC built (02.20). We talked online around mid January about him helping me get a new PC. Sent messages back and forth as he was finding good deals and then decided on getting an Alienware setup while upgrading the ram. Took all the stuff to Kai's where he did his thing and I watched. Figured some odd things out about the previous PC and transferred one of my harddrives to it (took a long time for the PC to read all that was on it). I thought I didn't need another harddrive caddy for the other harddrive I had, but thankfully the new PC had more than enough in it. During the time of the PC reading stuff, Kai showed me around, met his parents. And as things were winding down, they offered lunch. Played some Castle Crashers Remastered before and after eating and left. On my way back home, I pre-ordered Nintendo Switch Sports.
When I got home, one by one I made sure things worked. While I knew some programs might not be needed or usable via a straight transfer, there were 2 things that hurt. I didn't create backup files for OBS and Stream Deck. Spent the majority of that day and the next getting as much up and running again. As of typing this (03.09), Stream Deck is still missing a few actions, but those aren't used as often so I'll slowly get to them as I had been with all extra functions. But the new PC is great. It's incredible to have it running so fast. The previous one was about 7 years old and needed to be replaced at least 2 years ago.
- I had to step out of the showers 2 minutes in to go to my room dripping wet in a towel to get a pen to sign tax papers (02.22). That's all.
- Round 23 was a little lackluster. Possibly my least favorite batch I watched. I did have favorites though so it wasn't a total bust. My top 3 were Ghost in the Shell, Kung Fu Yoga, and The Name. Watching 2 anime series for Round 24.
- This story is about when I fell off the cage. In The Scarlet Scam, one of the big things I had in mind was an immediate shock of entering the room and that came in the form of a cage that housed a few things, but mainly a computer. There was also a laser set up for one of the puzzles. At the time, the laser was still running on a 9-volt battery that we took down and charged every night. While most would get a chair or step stool to grab it, I would favor climbing the cage because it was fun. It's something I did plenty of times a week so it wasn't anything new. But there was one time I missed my footing on the chain link and fell back from a couple feet high. I fell awkwardly on my left ankle and thought I broke it. Agent Obsidian and Agent Powpoper were there resetting when it happened. Agent Powpoper went to get a bag of ice and Agent Obsidian stuck with me as I was collecting myself. I wasn't in too much pain and after a couple minutes regained more feeling in my ankle. I rolled it around to see the range of motion and it was okay. I hobbled as I moved around, but thankfully nothing was broken. The thing that stood out was when Agent Powpoper came in with a bag of ice. He found a ziploc bag and put some ice cubes in it. However, that was a good 5+ minutes when he returned and by that time I was already back to resetting the room slowly with a bit of a limp. At that point I didn't need it and he said something to the degree of "but I made you a bag of ice" in an odd way. As if me being okay sucked because he wasted his time making it and now I didn't need the ice. He walked out of the room to throw it away and I actually don't remember him coming back to help with the reset. It's a weird memory of that situation.
The other thing that apparently happened was that I fell on the case used for The Scarlet Scam. We would give teams a big case to store all the recoverable items they found in there. It was big and sturdy. I have no recollection of hitting it, but Agent Obsidian said I fell onto it and pointed to the damaged corner that remained on that case from then on. I still have no recollection of that after all these years. Maybe the pain in my ankle blocked out any other pain.
- Started to play through the BIT.TRIP series with BIT.TRIP BEAT (02.02). Going through them once a month and in alphabetical order. BEAT was tough, but I was able to finish it on the normal difficulty.
- Demo Showcase 82 (02.04)
- M.U.S.H.A. was our Genesis game of the month (02.05). Not bad. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't pay the $400 for the cartridge only.
- Along with the BIT.TRIP series, I also started playing Trine: Ultimate Collection. Working through those 4 games once a month starting with Trine Enchanted Edition (02.07). It was fun. Physics were good and the art was awesome.
- When the Past Was Around was so good (02.09). It was a favorite from Demo Showcase 72. Short and sweet. A gorgeous game with a sad story. Highly recommend it.
- The Nintendo Direct was so good (02.09). There was a lot for all audiences. My top 3 coming out of it were Mario Strikers: Battle League, KLONOA Phantasy Reverie Series, and Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.
- Love Esquire was a mixed bag (02.11-02.14). The original plan was 5 streams and to romance one girl per stream in alphabetical order. It took 2 1/5 of a stream to finish one path. Ended up doing two romance paths and only 4 streams. The controls...they were the worst offender. Story was fine for the two I saw, but the controls were not optimized for standard controls. Would I return to it to finish the other 3 romance lines? Maybe. But I was done and satisfied with the 2 and stopping there.
- 3DS Wii U Memories (02.15)
- The Artful Escape, simply amazing (02.17). Originally slated for When the Past Was Around was scheduled, but I swapped them for Rannchan (the only time I've ever done that). I'm glad that she and others were able to enjoy it as I really enjoyed this game. Felt like a badass rocking out on my guitar and really liked the story. My game of the year so far.
- Got to try out the online play test for Nintendo Switch Sports (02.19). I was worried I would miss it since I was still coming off my booster, but I had enough energy that night. Was able to try each game twice during my team. It convinced me to pre-order the game.
- Had a small issue with Demo Showcase 83 (02.22). Active Life Outdoor Challenge was originally on it, but I couldn't find it on my Switch or even redownload it. I tried for a while, but ended up swapping it with DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT + A NEW POWER AWAKENS. Solid showcase all around, but KAKAROT was my favorite despite me having issues with it (darn you Raditz). I can wait for a sale on the physical copy to get it.
- Wheel of Fortune was the 4th community challenge that was reached (02.24). Some unfortunate negatives will make me dislike reliving this stream (new PC settings not allowing for Discord calls, controller options in the beginning, my real name being used when another stream came in, etc). But the times where I was actually playing with others in chat was super fun. The stint of me playing against random people online was interesting, but made me realize that I can only play this game solo in spurts, not long sessions. Fun, but not a favorite I'll look back on. Probably no future Wheel of Fortune streams either unless it was organized with specific players and me hosting.
- FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH was a fun fighter (02.26). Originally it was supposed to be Skyforge, which had a 25BG+ download, but it kept crashing when I was simply trying to get a thumbnail from the beginning. It kept crashing at the same spot if I let the opening cutscene play and it crashed at the same spot if I skipped it and it was loading. But FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH was, as chat put it, a glorified demo. Got to try out 4 out of 19 characters in arcade mode with no online play. A good chunk of fighters were from the Street Fighter EX games, which was cool because it had been years since I had played any of them. Functional fighter, but not enough to make me want the full version. Maybe if it went on a deep sale.
- Our SNES game of the month was Pop'n TwinBee (02.28). The correlation between it and the Genesis game, they were both vertical shooters. This was challenging and colorful. Took a bit to beat it once, but then I played it with invincibility on the hardest difficulty by doing almost nothing. There were a few points I had to move the character to hit the bosses. During that invincibility run, the topic of my old game reviews came up and I read one and it was a hit with chat. So that is now a new channel point redemption.
- Shinhwa - Perfect Man (MV remastered)
- TaeYeon - INVU (MV)
I must say, this is one of TaeYeon's best. She's had lots of hits, but INVU is so damn good. The blue hair with blue dress ensemble, my goodness.
- HOT - Iyah! (MV remastered)
- On the 25th, I had a dream that involved hanging out with a few friends. We went to a restaurant to eat. Don't know what kind. But our waitress was an ex-girlfriend. However, she was upbeat and cheery. She was making jokes with my friends at my expense, but in a cute way. It was nice. However, I woke up from that feeling incredibly lonely. I remembered one of my last interactions with her was actually when I went out to eat with one of my best friends who she knows as well. She wasn't our waitress, but she came to our table, sat next to me, had a conversation with my friend, and left to do work completely ignoring me. Don't know what made her appear in that dream because it has probably been close to a decade since I last saw her. Regardless, my loneliness has been at an all time high and it's hard to shake those thoughts.
I also didn't go to the TWICE concert in Fort Worth. I'm getting better with crowds, but I'm not ready for that big a crowd. And as I told a friend that was there, I didn't want to risk another girl group being attached to something health related for me.
That's a wrap on February 2022. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."