October 2022 Entry:
October had its share of ups and downs.
- Forgot to mention this last month, but I helped my dad again with painting the outside of the house (09.30). It was a continuation from months ago when it was too hot. I did hurt myself. We were transferring some stuff from the front yard to the backyard. There were a few things I forgot to bring to the backyard so I decided to hop the fence instead of going around and around again. But when I landed, the shockwave was much because I was wearing slippers instead of shoes. So it went mainly from my knees, to my crotch, to the small of my back. All the pain except in the back went away within minutes. The back pain lingered for days, but thankfully it wasn't debilitating.
- On the first, I publicly announced my hiatus for streaming (10.01). I know people read it, but I was also a little disappointed that not too many reacted to it. The few I've spoken to about it understood, but I guess I was hoping for someone to ask why at the very least.
- Started Fitness Master in Ring Fit (10.01). I like that they unlock level 4 skills for every exercise to make everything stronger. Not only that, but there is no longer a cool down for them so you can technically use your strongest/favorite attack over and over.
- The trailer for the Super Mario Bros. Movie looks great (10.06). Can't wait to see it.
- Rannchan did a drawing request I made for a WingedVoX amiibo (10.07). It was thanks for donating during her charity stream. Turned out really good.
- Extreme Rules 2022 was awesome (10.08). I may have only had one correct prediction, but the PLE was great from top to bottom. The production for Bray Wyatt's return was done really well.
- New stream trailer; Trailer 800 (10.10).
- New shirt; Final Fantasy VI shirt (10.11). I found it odd I didn't own one previously considering it's my favorite Final Fantasy.
- And that's not the only Final Fantasy merchandise that came in as the Final Fantasy music boxes arrived (10.14). They were my Christmas gift to myself and I knew there was going to be a wait. It was worth the wait as they are amazing in quality. Because of that, these might not be the only music boxes I end up getting.
- Fixed some stream deck issues (10.17). It happened during this month's Demo Showcase where my buttons weren't working so I had to mouse click in OBS to make things happen. Saw in the stream deck commands that basically all the emotes were not properly linked. Thankfully I label things the way I do and it made things easier to reallocate everything.
- A couple of purchases were received the same day; Crisp Choco + Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons (10.19). Thanks to TWICE being on First We Feast, I immediately looked up those Crips Choco's that Sana liked (already had eaten Momo and Mina's favorites). Smaller than I thought, but they're good. If you like Cocoa Pebbles, you'll like it. As for the movie, good too. I really liked the animation style they went with and the sons were portrayed very well.
- Halloween Havoc 2022 was fun (10.22). NXT still puts on fantastic matches, especially pulling away from being 2.0 (which I still enjoyed).
- I started playing Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics (10.23-10.30). Little by little I had been trying 5-10 games whenever I wasn't streaming (posted some good results as linked below). But I made sure to play through each one first rather than stick with one whether it was a favorite or not. Took a while and the games vary in length. Now that I've tried all of them, I'll slowly work through each one and get all the achievements. Thanks again to Rannchan for the game.
Double Bullseye https://twitter.com/ArnellragasA/status/1586357558113357825
- 8 years sober (10.24). I can still remember that day super clearly except for that specific 5-10 minutes that I can't. Still don't know what it is. Thought it might have been when my best friend nudged me while I was driving to stay awake, but I can recall even saying to her that I was awake the whole time. Plus if it was that and it was a 5-10 minute gap, we would have crashed. So I'm still thinking it's something else.
- My copy of Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection from LRG finally arrived (10.24). To be played on the anniversary month when I played Super Valis IV. They're all supposedly really short so I will probably play all 3 on the same stream.
- The daily IG posts have ended (10.25). I knew it was coming, but I was bummed when it happened. No one else seems to care, but it was something I liked doing on a daily basis. If I could go back and redo it, I would only post one clip a day instead of 2-3. That was the intended plan; to catch up to the present faster. Past me didn't know future me would want to do it differently, ha. Now new clips will go up after I have played/beaten a game. So for example, even if the clip from Shantae comes from the first stream of two, I'm going to wait until I beat it.
- A couple of friends are moving to Germany and were stopping in town for a bit before it. So a German Party was planned (10.26). It was mainly playing board games (super fun) and going to eat German food (so good). Just a good day around with good people.
- Picked up my copy of Bayonetta 3 Trinity Masquerade Edition (10.28). I was worried I would get a damaged copy because a person before me was given one and asked if there was a better copy. The cashier did check in the back and came out with one in great condition. Mine was pristine as well, but he mentioned that someone has to get the bad copy. And unfortunately that's not his fault or the store's fault as they received it in that condition.
- I've actually been struggling on an idea for what to write in this section for this month. Nothing immediately has come to mind. Only ones are big stories that I've most likely shared in past entries when working at HER was a regular thing.
I think it's also because there is no news on finding a place to reopen the business. We were supposed to look at a place on the first of October. It was locked in for a couple weeks. Then the night before, a third party that was to show us the place texted me and the realtor that the place was no longer available. That does mean that someone else was interested in the space and there had been talks about it. I wish they had let us know. Maybe I would have pushed harder to see it sooner if there was time. To be notified less than 24 hours before we were to see it was unprofessional to me. They didn't have any other spaces that were of the same size so we obviously cancelled the visit. I was disappointed more so because I was looking forward to seeing Agent PQ and Blue again. Unfortunately since then, the realtor has not contacted me for anything.
So there is a possibility of no more updates on the reopening. As I've stated to many, if we don't find a space by the end of the year, we put the dream aside. Even if we find a spot on December 31st at 11:59PM, I'll go for it. But if not, at least we tried.
- I was looking forward to replaying Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water (10.02-10.04). I had originally played it on Wii U and recalled liking it. Everything was going relatively fine until the end when trying to get all the good endings. Basically the touch function on the final boss wasn't popping up when I needed it to leading that final fight to go way longer than it should have with multiple tries.
- Arietta of Spirits was a favorite from Demo Showcase 93 (10.06). This was actually a good win for me. 100% completed it. After a series of bad luck with streams recently, this was a breath of fresh air. Definitely recommend this one especially if you like the play style of Link to the Past.
- Our free-to-play of the game of the month was Pokemon UNITE (10.07). I'm not usually a fan of MOBA games, but this was fun. Played some rounds with Reversed too. I was pleased by it so much that I actually played it on Rannchan's stream the next day.
- Per tradition, we played PAC-MAN 99 for the 99th numbered stream (10.09). In this case it was stream 799. Went over the 5 hour time limit again as I was trying to get another 1st place. It didn't happen, but I got 4th, 3rd, and 2nd. It's still fun and challenging and it's fun when chat jumps in to play too. See you again for stream 899.
- Puddle Knights was beaten on stream 800 (10.10). A favorite from Demo Showcase 67. Per usual, Discord voted on it. This didn't go as well as I had hoped for. It didn't take long for me to realize I couldn't solve everything on my own. There were flashes of brilliance, but not often. I was hoping for chat to help and even mentioned that I'd need help, but not a lot of people showed up. Thankfully I found video walkthroughs beforehand that I knew I could reference when needed, but I needed it the majority of the time. I might have said out loud that me watching a video and doing it step by step might not be entertaining. Oh well.
- Bayonetta was fun to replay (10.13-10.14). I had played it on Wii U and Switch and there were 4 plans between all 3 playthroughs, ha. I actually enjoyed it more this time as I was basically doing new game plus. It still took a while as I had to relearn everything. Replaying Bayonetta 2 next month and Bayonetta 3 the month after similar to how I played No More Heroes leading up to the third game.
- Demo Showcase 98 (10.16)
- I finished buying everything in SENRAN Kagura Peach Ball (10.18). It was easier with assist mode leading to multiple 60+ minute plays. Unfortunately that doesn't mean everything was unlocked. The last bits of percentage are random unlocks that happen once every 2-3 plays. I knew that ahead of time and was fine settling on buying everything possible with the game's currency.
- A block of Shantae (and wearing the LRG clothing) to end the month starting with the original Shantae (10.19-10.20). I have now finished every single Shantae game. Never could finish it on the 3DS. Playing on a bigger screen and having the ability to save state helped.
- Shanate: Risky's Revenge was fun to replay (10.22). I knew it would be a one-off since it's simply a shorter game, but it still holds up.
- Shantae and the Pirate's Curse was the first Shantae game I ever played (10.24-10.25). And it's most people's favorite and I understand why (even back then). This helped reinforce it. Much like A Link to the Past and Breath of the Wild, depending on what day you ask me, Pirate's Curse is my favorite Shantae game.
- Or it can be Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - Ultimate Edition (10.27, 10.29, 10.31). Made sure to do everything (minus Hero and Magic Mode). The HD look is still my favorite, but I understand why some prefer the pixel look. Almost everything about playing this block of Shantae games was amazing. I needed this too thanks to the string of bad streams that had happened.
- Red Velvet Seulgi - 28 Reasons (MV)
- TWICE - Once & Twice 7th Anniversary: The Promise of Everlasting Path of US
- HOT - Outside Castle (MV remastered)
- ITZY - Boys Like You (MV)
- Much like the HER section of this blog, I don't think I have anything to talk about to wrap things up here. I already mentioned the stream hiatus in my last entry. Nothing serious has happened since last month. Nothing great, but nothing terrible.
That's a wrap on October 2022. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."