- Work -
Very boring. The majority of what I do during my day is play our safety videos and read the scripts along with it. I’m checking for any spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and taking out or adding any text that needs to be or not be there. Yeah…it doesn’t take 10 minutes to check a script for a 10 minute video. Today I actually spent most of the day just on 2 videos. Both were around an hour in time length.
At first I just watched the videos and checked the scripts with no other sounds to distract me. Now I listen to my iPod while doing it. I thought it would be distracting at first, which is why I didn’t use it for about a week. It’s actually not bad. I just keep the volume low enough to hear the music and the video audio up louder to hear it. Plus I only listen to music through one ear. Occasionally a favorite song will come up and I’ll lose my spot in the script, but I go back and forth enough times without distractions.
Some people were getting new ergonomic chairs at work. So that meant their older chairs were not going to be used. We thought they were going to just throw them out so I asked to take one home and I did. It’s way better than my previous tiny chair I had in my room.
- Video Games -
Currently playing Final Fantasy IV on the DS. Nostalgia is wonderful.
- Music -
Music gained recently:
Genki Rockets – Star Line/Smile

Genki Rockets Album

Music on the way:
Lee Hyori – (Vol. 3) Hyorish
Cheon Sang Ji Hee – (6th Single) Stand Up People
I did make an Instrumentality Mix of Baby Vox Re.V’s “I Believe.” I think it turned out well. It’s a catchy song. Their second album is really good also. It’s a very big improvement from their first album.
I love Genki Rockets. Their music is just very free and uplifting.
Lee Hyori’s new songs sound good. I almost didn’t buy her new album because I didn’t like her second one. Her first one was good and I liked it a lot. I recently added her albums to my iPod as well with all the other new music I received from overseas recently. Can’t wait to add the others coming their way.
- Miscellaneous -
In sequential order:
July 4th – Great Exploderbration. It started with a $3000 fireworks display by people in the neighborhood. It lasted about an hour. Then a lot of failed attempts and close calls done by us. To sum things up, something caught fire.
Food Poisoning – I had some bad Taco Bell. It was horrible. Horrible vomiting started at 11PM and I had to be taken to the emergency room. Had horrible cramps in my lower body that had me screaming at night. The pain was excruciating. Took some IV, some morphine, and some other fluids to calm me down. I remember being up till sometime around 3 and waking up around 4 when test results came back and things were wrapping up. Got home around 5. Used my last 3 days of vacation to recover.
The Batman – That night I had food poisoning, I actually ordered all 5 seasons and the one movie made for The Batman cartoon series. Watched most of it during my time off and finished it not too long ago. It’s not a bad series, but compared to The Animated Series, it doesn’t hold a candle to it. The reason for buying all those was because the day I got food poisoning, Batman: Gotham Knight came out. That was a great DVD to watch. But yeah, a big Batman fix.
Anh’s Birthday – I recovered from the food poisoning in time to attend Anh’s birthday. Didn’t eat, but I did participate in the games played at her place. I dressed up as a guitarist for our Mafia games and it was fun to have others be dressed up and in character. Fun night. I would like to see pictures from that night (hint, Anh).
Dark Knight – Fantastic movie from beginning to end. Great twists, great characters, great story. Geeking out for about 2 hours after was fun.
Floppers Aren’t Welcome (Basketball) – I didn’t play, but I took tons of pictures. Even though it had been a while from suffering from the cramps from the food poisoning, I didn’t want to overstress my legs. Just being on the safe side (legs are okay now though). Good action shots. I wouldn’t have made many basketball shots had I played anyways.
Roast DVD – Almost complete. Invitations were sent out. Hopefully the turn out is great. Finalizing plans and getting the DVD finished up.
And that should do it for this entry.
Take care.
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