New year. New format. No more subtitles. I’ll just talk about things and they lead into other things like a book. I used to do it that way with my old Xanga. I guess I’m addressing those that sometimes need things to catch your eye on the internet. I totally understand that it takes 5-10 seconds for someone to lose interest on the internet. But in the end, if you were interested to see/read something online in the first place, you’ll sit down and actually look/read it.
And I’ve always ran my blogs that way. If you’re not interested, you’re not reading it anyways. I’ve always known of a few people that read it and have been continuing to read and I thank you. I know I’m somewhat cryptic in what I type, but I do not wish to put my life on the internet for everyone to know. Yes, I’m still revealing things like events and some frustrations, but anything too personal will NEVER be put up on here.
I will say that if I don’t like this new/old format, then I’ll go back to putting subtitles. I know that I started doing that because it helped remind me what I wanted to talk about. I used to do it all the time and it did help. I did take a quick look back on my entries for 2008 and it felt a little redundant. Arguing about work, video games, etc. I think without a truly organized format, my mind will be more open to explore a few other things.
Enough about changes to the blog.
Man…I already feel like I need the subtitles again. This is…*sigh*
Work carries on a lot of the same frustrations it did for the 2 years I’ve been there. I want there to be change. We can be making so much more money. That’s my hope. The job and the industry is not horrible, but this company needs to get a swift kick in the butt and change their ways. I think I mentioned it in the last entry that I’m really taking a look at how work is and see if it is worth staying around or not. That is if they don’t fire me first. I’ll admit, my attitude does suck around work, but that’s due to how things are run. And if I didn’t say it last time, I’m leaving if things do not improve.
I won’t mind not having a job for a while if I quit or get fired. I would actually think a good month off to kind of not worry about things like work would be a little beneficial right now. At least that would be one less thing to stress about.
2009 hasn’t started off that well in most aspects. For the cryptic summary, let’s just say that I complain about work a lot, but that is probably the least thing I am worried about.
My lack of interest in playing video games might be adding to some stress. What used to be my all time hobby and means for fun is now not that fun anymore. There are a few games I have on my wish list that are coming, but not for a couple of months. I did buy a game recently,

Getting this blog entry is taking a long time itself. Not only that I have an idea for a fanfic. I haven’t done that in a while, but I think it will be a good release of imagination. More on that later.
Back to the hobby thing. I think I want to try a new one. I have learned a few card tricks that I’m still perfecting. I’m not the best shuffler and I’m usually a little jittery when trying to pull these tricks off. I’ve done them to a few coworkers and have gotten positive results and feedback. I even did one for a coworker’s granddaughter and she was very amazed, ha. I do remember trying magic tricks when I was younger, but stopped after attempting my first trick. I remember reading about the trick when I was at the library in (probably) middle school. I read it a few times to remember the trick. Yeah, I didn’t bother checking out the book for some reason. It was the trick where you pour liquid into a cup and it doesn’t pour out. It was one of those tricks you had to prepare beforehand so it’s not like I could just randomly do it whenever, unlike a card trick. Anyways, I was kind of disappointed with my lack of ability to properly set up the trick and discouraged myself into trying some other trick. So I think I might try a few more tricks and see how they turn out. I can do 2 pretty well. I also am trying to perfect a mind trick by memory. I have been doing it with a “script” and playing it off, but it kind of takes away from the trick. And I just learned a little mind game that’s pretty fun. So I know I’ll try to show off these things to friends in the near future.
I have to thank revision3 for reviving my interest in magic tricks. revision3 is basically the new TechTV. A lot of the old cast and crew from different TechTV shows are there doing different shows and it’s very entertaining. I’m watching a little of this and a little of that, but they’re pumping out 30 minute episodes on certain shows and that’s a large chunk of time to fit in sometimes. But it is great to see those people again doing things they love, brining and talking about technology and more. Good stuff.
And (not a hobby) I did finally go out to one of Andrew’s practices with Wlydstyl. Unfortunately we couldn’t get in because the class was full. 2 people from So Real Cru were teaching so place filled up fast. But I did hang outside with others and then the Wlydstyl people that were there along with the 2 from So Real Cru went to eat. An interesting crowd to hang with.
That is hard to segue into something new.
Music. Okay. I did receive Tenjochiki’s 2nd album (Dear…) and I love it. Of course I’m biased, but it is a good album. A couple of the songs remind me of anime songs, ha. I really enjoy 少しでいいから (Sukoshi De Ii Kara / A Bit of Good) and Near~thoughtful・1220~. Those songs really show off their vocals. It’s a short album though and only half the tracks are new (other half from their last 3 singles). That’s okay. It was a smaller number of songs to learn.


And the subject of music actually brings things to a positive note. If you notice the writing flow, it did start off pretty down and slowly built up (not on purpose, just noticed). I have to give a big thanks to SNSD 소녀시대 (So Nyeo Shi Dae), Girls’ Generation. If you’re not familiar with them, they’re a 9-girl group in
I read more and more about their upcoming new single release (at the time) Gee. So the music video came out for it…and I got hooked. It was super cute and very catchy and it put a smile to my face.

And then I kept watching each new performance of the song they did as they came out. Since then, I’ve been catching up on some of their previous appearances and performances and getting more caught up with them. I know who they all are now, ha.
Again, I have to thank SNSD a lot. I know they’ll never read this, but I still need to thank them. They came at a low point in my life and always bring my spirits up. I cannot be unhappy listening to their songs. They’re cute and bubbly songs and there is nothing wrong with that. They’re happy songs and they make me happy. I’ve turned into a fan and love listening to their music. I don’t know if I’ll join Soshified (SNSD forum), but we’ll see. I don’t really like being part of a large forum where it’s hard to keep with everything. I ordered their first single, their first album, and their latest single recently and can’t wait for those to come in. I just know that they’ve really helped me from going even lower into my emotions and that they’re able to lift me up and help me forget things for a while.
And hooking things back up a few paragraphs ago, I do plan on writing a fanfic involving myself and SNSD. It’s a continuation of my “career” during my BabyVoX fanfics as if I was still in the music industry. I did start on one for Cheon Sang Ji Hee (CSJH, Tenjochiki, TSZX) early in 2008, but I never got around to finishing it. The one I have in mind for SNSD, I’ve already gone through it in my head. It seems like it might go on long, but nothing super long. I probably won’t release this one though. It’s going to be a happy one that is just to lift my spirits as I write it.
I’m glad I’m into them now and didn’t try liking them when they first started. They weren’t horrible when they started, but they needed a little seasoning. I think if I tried liking them when the debuted, I wouldn’t have liked them then and now. That’s how I felt about the original BabyVoX, had I tried being into them with their first album, I wouldn’t have liked or wanted to try to follow them.
SNSD, thank you very much. I’ll support you from now on.
That should be it for this month. All I knew was that I wanted to end with my feelings and SNSD and the importance of them to me. Thank you, SNSD.

Take care.