I kind of find it hard to believe that November went by so quickly. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been busy or maybe that time really is going faster than ever. I think when 2010 arrives, I’ll see a slowdown in time. And because of November going by, I really can’t recall that much that went on.
I’m having very little to complain about work lately. And saying/typing that might break that streak. I just find it unbelievable. The only thing I can think of is that we didn’t get our annual Thanksgiving gift card to buy food. Yeah, we’re not making that much money like before, but I think the gift card was still something that everyone was expecting. Oh well.
On a plus, I found out I still have 6 days of vacation time. I know I will use 2 days next week by taking off Monday and Tuesday. I still need to figure out how to spread out the remaining 4 days.
Video Games

Other than the new Mario game, I also bought Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. I’m trying to finish that before The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Silent Hill: Shattered Memories come out (another reason for taking off 2 days the following week). Out of those 2, I think I’ll try to finish Silent Hill first. I am thinking to bring Zelda to work and play that at least during my break time. That’s an hour of play there if I don’t eat…so it’ll be more like 50 minutes of play. I don’t like juggling games, but I have to do something to run through these games. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers comes out at the end of the year also. I’m actually going to be busy till the year ends so I’m hoping to at least beat one of the 2 games before Crystal Bearers comes out.
And speaking of Final Fantasy, I didn’t beat the one on Virtual Console. IF there was time, sure I’ll play it and try to beat it, but otherwise I’m just collecting it.
Didn’t do anything. Technically, I did do something. I went to work to do a favor for a coworker. I did get paid for my time there. All I did was set up a wedding to be captured and made sure it finished. Then I put it to DVD and made sure it finished. During that time I was playing the new Mario game.
Actually, I also got all of my Christmas shopping done that day, too. Online shopping only. There is one element I have to buy still to complete the gifts, but I’ll wait until those come in.
I also bought myself a little cheap tripod from Walmart. It’s not bad, but does feel like it would break easily. It’s cheap so it feels cheap. I was trying to get the exact tripod I already have, but no Best Buy had it in stock when I was checking earlier in the week. By the way, I did pass by a Best Buy just to see if it was open. People had already started camping out for Black Friday and it was 4PM. I guess some people just skip Thanksgiving altogether and just get ready to shop.

Thanksgiving is not really a holiday I like. I just have a few bad memories of past Thanksgivings. I don’t mind going to see family, but if I do nothing on Thanksgiving then I’ll be okay with that also.
Happy November birthdays. NSREMBTDWC was fun to play with others. And Spot Light was fun. Saw a few people I had not seen in a while and just had a good time in general.
Forgot to show the video I made for the 2nd KT Anniversary.
I recently bought a wireless microphone for my HD cameras. I was worried about how it would turn out since it was fairly cheap. Not only that, it did send a lot of static when listening to the audio being recorded while filming. Thankfully I was able to try it out and it turned out better than I expected. The static I heard during the time of recording was pretty much non-existent after exporting the video. Good stuff. I still do wish for a better one. The kinds that you see used on TV are the ones I want and those can run about $500 depending on the brand. They are good though. They definitely have a better looking/feeling mic on them.

It has been busy lately. The final month of December will be no different. Still have a few things that are hush-hush. One of them does involve the upcoming XMAS Bash. Big plans for that and I’ll be bringing a lot of stuff that night (games, gifts, etc).
I’d like to congratulate Andrew and Wyldstyl at the soft opening of their new studio. It was a fun time there seeing them perform along with others. Good luck in all your future endeavors and I hope to see a lot more from all of you.
Soundbox Studios - click
Girls’ Generation
Yay for SNSD. I did mention last month that I’m finding it harder to find things to say about them and it’s still true. I just enjoy them and have been enjoying them for all of this year. They can always bring a smile to my face and make me forget any troubles.
That is something I will talk about though. I am all about needing to vent about frustrations, but I’ve been changing how I feel about how to go about it. I honestly haven’t vented too much lately about anything mostly because I’ve been letting things go. Usually they’re small and I don’t see why it would be beneficial for me to vent about all the little things that are bothering me. If they were bigger issues, then I’d need to say something or do something about it. I don’t see what complaining about small things accomplishes. You waste your breath and your time and possibly someone else’s time. I want to say that I’ve been thinking this way for a better part of the year and I think that’s why I don’t have much to complain about. I’ve told people before that if you have something to complain about (big or small), I would hope to at least hear about something good happening in your life (big or small). If all you have in your life are complaints and negativity then you probably should do something to fix that. I don’t like being around negativity all the time and always being negative is not a healthy way of expression either.
Anyways, I’m not going to ramble too much about it, but I hope I think I’ve been clear. It’s easier to explain in actual discussion (so feel free to ask me about it if you want to know more) and it makes it sound less like complaining. But this does tie in with SNSD. They are that constant positive I’ve had in my life throughout the year. I don’t get to see my friends and some family every day, but these 9 girls are always there whether it be the videos I watch of them or the music they sing that I listen to daily. There have been other musicians in my life over the years that had done the same thing that SNSD is doing for me now (BoA, CSJH, BabyVoX, etc), but SNSD is in my present and I can count on them to make me feel happy or forget the things that are bothering me and I am thankful for them and the others in life that bring anything positive in my life.
Please enjoy the following clips from a new Korean variety show, Strong Heart. In these clips, Yoona is (jokingly and against her will) involved in a 4-Way Love Square. I found it to be hilarious.
And also enjoy this other clip from the same show. Also very hilarious.
Take care. Mmbyeeeee.
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