How is your 2012? Mine is okay so far.
If you remember from the last entry, I spent the night at AT(f) and MW's after New Year's Eve. I actually remember waking up early due to noises from outside and I really couldn't get back to sleep. AT(f) eventually came down along with Baxter and we talked for a bit before I headed back home.
I was thrilled to check my work email and find a proposal for a possible wedding gig in the future. Not a bad way to start the new year work-wise.
Got a text from MIM to meet up with her, her fiance, and AD for dinner. I already ate dinner, but still went to meet them at the taqueria. It was a short meeting, but it was nice to see them and finally meet her fiance.
As mentioned in the last entry, I was going to start vlogging. On this day I filmed the first one and here are the results.
Oh, such a spazzy time, my copy of SNSD's concert from their first Japan tour arrived. It was such a great concert. I did only have one moment that gave me goosebumps and that was when TaeYeon sang "Devils' Cry." Fantastic. Thoroughly enjoyed this on blu-ray.
I also got my photobook in that I ordered, but...I ordered the wrong one. I ordered their Tokyo photobook again...darn it. That was my fault for impulse buying and not making sure I ordered the correct one. When that newer one is available again, I will order it ASAP.
Filmed WV 02. Thank you to the 3 that helped film this one. It was fun and I am glad to have you all help. No way I could have done that by myself.
I finally finished editing the wedding I went/worked in November. Very very proud of it and it makes me smile every time I watch it.
Got together with a few friends to watch some bad movies...and they were hilarious. My ratings:
"Riki-Oh: The Story of Riki" 5 out of 5
"The Street Fighter" 4 out of 5
I had been looking forward to this day as I would be doing an interview with my dear friend JW for a work project. The interview went on for about 3 hours and I am looking forward to putting the full edited version together. Thanks, JW.
We also filmed a small bit for what was going to be WV 03. It became WV 04 for reasons to be explained later.
JW and VL invited me to eat dinner with them and a few of their friends and watch a movie. That girl can cook, met some cool people, and as for the movie:
"Ip Man 2" 5 out of 5
SNSD released their first US album, which is basically their 3rd Korean album with a few of the remixes of "The Boys" from the maxi single. Either way, I was going to get myself a copy and support them. I headed out thinking I wasn't going to find it because I remember not being able to find BoA's US album that I eventually bought online. I also received their repackaged Japanese album "The Boys" on the 10th so a lot of SNSD was happening in a short span of time. Arrived at Best Buy, looked around for about 10 minutes, and found 1 copy. In my head I said "whoa" because I couldn't believe it. Picked it up, took phone photos, and asked a worker if there were more copies. He showed me the inventory list of all the Best Buys in Houston and only 4 of them had 1 copy each. Tweeted out to let my Houston SONE followers know where to find them. Bought my copy and headed home happy.
Then I thought to create an unboxing video. An hour of planning and many more hours filming and editing later...
Soundbox Studios celebrated their 2nd year of being a studio. I met up with BT and drove him there since we were going to work. It had been a while since I was last there. It was great to see tons of familiar faces and just feel the positive energy of a large group of people doing what they love to do. I'm not always around that type of energy so it just filled me up with tons of emotions.
A few days later I came back to the studio to give the footage I shot to the person who was going to edit videos for them.
I had been searching for a certain type of lavalier online for a while and finally found it. I didn't buy it right away because I wanted to just think about it before splurging, but I eventually bought it. Awesome.
Met up to do birthday activities for CC1's birthday. The plan was to go ice skating, but when we got there, a hockey game was going on, which meant no public skating. So we all dispersed and went to another mall to go ice skating.
Only 4 of us ended up ice skating. I ended up falling twice. The first one sucked since I did jam my already injured arm. Second fall, not so bad. What did suck was that my ice skate started to dig in on my foot and eventually formed a blister. I tried switching out for a skate size larger, but the blister had been irritated too much that it still hurt. We had already skated for a good hour so that was enough for me.
The latter end of the night consisted of walking around the mall, eating at Fuddruckers, and playing "Quelf."
Another dinner and movie night with JW and VL and crew. Great food again, good company again, and as for the movie:
"Tucker and Dale VS Evil" 4 out of 5
The next day I "celebrated" the Lunar New Year by watching:
"The Legend Is Born: Ip Man" 4 out of 5
Purchased a small light kit and a few other things off ThinkGeek. The lights are small and portable so they can come in handy and if anyone needs to borrow the little lighting tent, they can. To this day (02.05.12) I haven't been able to close that tent. It smacked me in the mouth a couple times when I tried, bah.
Met up with LN later that night. I did some shopping (new shirt, new pants, new boxers, new shoes) and we ate at Kona Grill after. Had a good talk and ended up taking the conversation to Cafe 101. CN and her boyfriend showed up and they asked to sit with us. LN left and I stayed to talk to the others since it had been a while since I saw them. That was a good fun night.
The dead pixel on my new monitor would bother me from time to time, but I couldn't figure something out. If I move my mouse cursor to where it was, it would disappear. So I took my cleaning cloth and pressed a little harder on the monitor...and it disappeared. I touched the area again and it reappeared, but I just pressed against it again to make it go away. A small victory, but I am glad to not see that dead pixel anymore.
Carpooled with friends to meet with others to help set up a surprise party. We were there an hour early and got the hotel room decorated all nice. Then a plan was devised that everyone would hide and I would greet the guest of honor in nothing but a bathrobe before everyone yells surprise. That plan was further embellished on with me putting on bath slippers, us using wine glasses and a bottle of wine as props, adding mood lighting, me wetting my hair, and finally having some Kenny G ready to play.
Fun night that went on for about 5 or so hours. I think I got home around 3AM. Then I stayed up for a couple more hours exporting the video footage from that night.
Converting 5 hours of footage took 9 hours. Just saying.
Didn't do much this day since until later at night when friends called to join and play some games at their place. Not only did I get to pet Baxter (I need a dog), but we played a couple rounds of "You Don't Know Jack," "Creationary," and "Catch Phrase." "Catch Phrase is so fun. Always have comical moments with that game.
I was really looking forward to going to Sky High Sports. It's one of those trampoline places that you can just bounce around or play dodgeball on and have fun. Even though I was worried about my nagging shoulder, I still wanted to do this and just have fun jumping around, which I did.
A nice group of us went. I actually did get winded after bouncing around the free zone for a bit, but I was already doing front flips, attempting back flips, and jumping off the walls. We then went to the foam zone where cubes of foam were laid out in a pit that you could jump into. My second jump...I bounced...bounced...bounced off the wall...swan dive...and hurt myself. Basically, I thought I'd land flat like ___. Instead, the foam changed how I landed and I landed more like a V or U...and I don't normally bend backwards that far. I did also hurt my left wrist from the way I was landing when doing back flips, but I kept it to myself and the adrenaline was keeping me going. I had lots of fun especially in the dodgeball zone.
We ended after 2 hours and went to eat at H-Mart. I ordered ddukbokki and the TV playing at that area started to play "Genie," ha. Wish come true, yes. "The Boys" actually started to play when we were eating and I yelled out "Gee Gee" at the appropriate time in the song. We all split after eating. I stayed and hunted for something for a future WV video, but couldn't find it. I'll check again later. And sadly as I left, my Broski sunglasses fell and broke...are you serious, bro?!
I spent the rest of the pain. I also got sick since the rest of the family was passing the flu around...yeah...
Girls' Generation making their US debut performance on "Late Night With David Letterman." I spazzed. I was so proud of them and their performance.
=====RFM & WV=====
=====Final Thoughts=====
- "There's your tomb, asshole!" - Dan Ryckert
- "B!itch, you just jealous of my Super Saiyan swagger." - TFS Vegeta
- SOPA/PIPA/ACTA...DO NOT support any of these or anything else created that is similar in the future!
- Probably my favorite episode of "Pop Fiction" since it has to do with my favorite video game and a rumor I had no idea about.
- "Mario VS Donkey Kong" 4 out of 5

- "Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3" 5 out of 5

- I know my future proposal will be creative as heck. Don't worry, future wife.
- It was sad to see Diggnation end. Kevin and Alex are 2 great personalities and put on great shows. I wish them the best in their future plans and thank them for entertaining me and tons of other fans.
- Congratulations to my younger cousin for giving birth to her daughter, Leia.
- My health...well, my heart is doing fine. I haven't had to use any of my medications for a while now. I carry them around just in case. I will be seeing my doctor soon just for a check up.
My nagging right still nagging me. I really don't know what it is. A mother had diagnosed me with having carpal tunnel, which could be true. It's just annoying.
My right quad felt like it was going to snap for a couple days after making WV 03. It was because of doing the dance and going down each time I did the dance...which was at least 16 times. That has gone away Thankfully.
My left wrist is fine now as of typing this. During the trampoline fun, when I did back flips I would land oddly and cushion my landings with my wrist. Hard to explain, but it's okay now.
My another thing. That landing into the foam was painful. I did feel a couple of cracks and the immediate impact/compression when it happened. I did lay in the foam a little longer after that jump compared to any other time I jumped before or after. I'm in pain and haven't been able to freely run around or do my normal exercises. Dancing...I tried and I was okay for only a few seconds. Can't even do my normal stretches without it hurting. No regular exercises also means my muscles are disappearing. Can't do my normal sets of sit-ups and push-ups so my glamour muscles are slowly going away, ugh. During my next doctor's appointment, I will ask them to check on my back to see if it's anything serious or if I just need to take it easy a little longer. The pain has decreased ever so slightly, but I just can't over do things and can't be too reckless. I haven't had back pain like this in a long time and I don't welcome it back at all.
- Filming these WingedVoX videos has been fun and I have so many ideas ready to do. But I am disappointed with the lack of support I've received after one month. I really don't want to complain about it (although if you ask me in person, I will), but I just really want more support and want to interact more with those that watch my videos. Support of any kind goes a long way for anyone in anything they do. Please help and support me as well.
- I was very proud to see Girls' Generation on Letterman (and the following day on Kelly). It was just an incredible sight to see a Korean group performing an live national American television. This definitely was something I never thought I would see in my 10+ years of enjoying Korean pop. It might not be the biggest milestone, but it is a milestone nonetheless. They're taking the steps necessary to be a success all over the world. Congratulations, SNSD!
Thanks for reading. Be healthy, be thankful, and be loved.
Take care.
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