February 2020 Entry
Such a busy month, my goodness.
- Jubilee makes a lot of good videos and I recommend them in general. But this video featuring the the owner and his new fiance was quite nice. (02.16)
- Took a day off and the main item on the agenda was to watch the Sonic The Hedgehog movie (02.19). Originally I was going to watch it the day before, but my parents needed the car. But I went to see it before noon in an almost empty (another guy came shortly before the trailers and sat a row behind me). What a fun movie. I enjoyed it so much and wouldn't mind seeing it again.
Sonic The Hedgehog was an incredibly fun movie. I enjoyed every single second. Highly recommend it. pic.twitter.com/dm7haYCWxv— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 19, 2020
- NXT TakeOver: Portland was wonderful (02.16). Great matches from great performers as usual. This also marked Cathy Kelley's last NXT appearance as she was leaving the company. She's incredibly talented and was actually the person I wished I could meet the most from NXT. Of course she'll do great with whatever she does, but good luck with everything outside the wrestling world, Cathy.
- I haven't been talking about AEW, but I've been watching it. It really hasn't grabbed my attention outside of former WWE wrestlers. Plus others I knew of weren't being portrayed as great so I couldn't get invested. I had started to like some of them such as Darby Allin and MJF. But they definitely caught my attention with the PAC VS Kenny Omega iron man match (02.26). It was an excellent all around match and it was the first time I wanted to stay tuned to AEW over NXT. Ever since then, I have found myself more invested.
- For the past few months, I've been listening to wrestling podcasts more on the way to work. It's mainly After The Bell, The New Day: Feel The Power, and Busted Open. I realized that earlier in the month as I didn't take out my mp3 player from my car to charge at home like I normally do.
- Our weekends at work have been busy in February. On the first Saturday, we had 6 sessions (02.01). The second and third Saturday was a little more normal. But then the 4th and 5th Saturdays had 7 sessions each (02.22, 02.29). Keep in mind that these sessions were facilitated by only myself and Agent Ocean. Glad to have him as a trustworthy and reliable coworker.
- Another cool thing to happen on the last 2 Saturdays was having my last teams of the night want to stay and talk afterwards (this also happened the first Saturday of March). The first one went for over an hour and the other was about half an hour. It was great to see these teams be interested in learning more about us and say some good things about what we do. Thank you them.
- Agent Striker joined us for a busy day (02.28). He was originally going to stay for the sessions and head back to Downtown, but he ended up staying the whole day, which was cool. But he also joined Agent Ocean and I as we went to Zero Latency. They came to HER a few days beforehand and offered us to check them out and we did. They're a VR place and it was all of our first time doing VR. We joined a group of 3 that was had been doing a few rounds before us and they turned out to be great teammates. We had a blast. Striker, Ocean, and I talked about all the good things about that place and definitely want to bring the rest of the team there for a company activity.
- And to end the month, I already mentioned that we had 7 sessions for Leap Day (02.29). Combined with the day before (12 hours) and the more than busy Sunday after, I had worked for 30 hours in 3 days. Spoilers, it happened the week after. Didn't realize that at first nor did I feel tired during those times. It's just great that work has been picking up.
- Finally played Old School Musical (02.03-02.04). I saw StarSlay3r play it a long time ago and always had it on my wish list. The first stream was playing the game through and experiencing it for the first time on Normal. The music was incredibly good, had wonderful humor, and full of surprises. The second stream was playing it on Difficult. Didn't beat ever level on Difficult as it was...difficult. But it was still fun. Highly recommend it.
Old School Musical finished. At least the story was on Difficult. We beat 32-55 songs on Difficult for Chicken Republic (at least gave them all a shot). But what a blast. I had so much fun playing OSM. Highly recommend it. Next stream, Demo Showcase 30. https://t.co/t6iV0xJcH0 pic.twitter.com/wdCLcxrtNu— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 5, 2020
- Demo Showcase 30 was our first Demo Showcase of the month (02.05).
AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - Very well animated and voiced visual novel that I had my eyes on and had already bought (so it was not eligible for being my favorite).
Battle Chef Brigade - I originally thought this was an action game alone. But the cooking is a match 3 type game. It too was also animated and voiced well.
Bear With Me: The Lost Robots - Not a bad point and click adventure. However, the bland voice acting was a turn off.
Invisiballs - Couldn't really gauge this one as it is strictly multiplayer. Seems interesting. I tried using multiple controllers, but I'm sure it would be better with actually players. This was also a game that had a demo you couldn't download from the eShop for months. Had to directly download it from the Nintendo website.
The Mystery of Woolley Mountain - And another point and click adventure. Had its own charm and flair and was a good game to end the showcase on.
Such a great combination of demos today just in the sheer amount of variety. It was a treat. AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES was actually my favorite, but I already owned the game and prefaced it on stream. So the game I added to my wish list was Battle Chef Brigade. While I wasn't great at the match 3 part, I'm sure if I played it, I would get better at it. And if I do buy it, I'll get the physical copy.
- My copy of Blasphemous from Limited Run Games arrived (02.05). Scheduled to be played in October.
- Kung-Fu Heroes was our NES game of the month (02.07). It looked familiar and it definitely was after playing a couple of rounds. It wasn't easy. And thanks to those in chat looking up things on the game for me to help me figure out what to do. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. I wanted to a nice game full of punching and kicking to fall in line with other games played later in the month.
Kung-Fu Heroes finished. Thanks to everyone that joined for all the punching and kicking. Wow, that was tougher than I thought it would be. Certainly didn't beat it twice. Once through was enough, ha. Next stream, we start Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s. https://t.co/4SlfnT7KAW pic.twitter.com/hElgLJBclq— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 7, 2020
- Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s was a game I was looking forward to playing based solely on the anime art style (02.10). It looked like the anime I grew up on. Originally I had planned for this game to be played on multiple streams and at most run through a week of streaming especially when I saw there were 50+ endings to attain. But after starting it and seeing that endings can be gained very fast, this once planned 3-4 stream became a one-off (and thanks to that, I was able to fit in more games this month). Not the best visual novel you can play, but not the worst. Other than some grammatical errors, I enjoyed what it had to offer.
Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s completed. Thanks to those that showed support (@TheSNERDAPERDS raid). Thought it would take 2-4 streams to play became completed 100% in one (61 endings, 18 panties). I enjoyed Pantsu Hunter. Next stream, Super Kirby Clash. https://t.co/s9jwqS2V3P pic.twitter.com/e3N4uFw9zZ— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 11, 2020
- Our second month with a Kirby game in the form of Super Kirby Clash (02.11). It was also our free game of the month. Not a bad free Kirby game. It was similar to the 4-player Kirby game on the 3DS. Battle in short 5-10 minute bursts to defeat the enemy/enemies with AI buddies or others you know/don't know online. Got some information about the game from kenchien22 who had played it and learned about the time constraints of having points to actually battle. Originally this was planned to be 2 streams long as there is an end to it, but the time constraints and the in-game economy would have been the biggest hurdles to overcome. The game also got difficult as bosses took more strategy and hit hard. Still, not bad for a free game.
Thanks to those that joined today's stream. Super Kirby Clash was fun, yay. But that progression and difficulty wall really do slow things down. It's meant to be played in short sessions, not long ones. But it's worth a try. Next stream, Demo Showcase 31. https://t.co/Gdo0H0bgKV pic.twitter.com/j6PbV3OQr3— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 11, 2020
- Another Demo Showcase with Demo Showcase 31 (02.12). This was a fun one all around. No issues with any of the demos. If I did, they were small gripes.
Cadence of Hyrule - Already own and played it so I knew what I was getting into. The only question was how long the demo was since the levels were randomly generated. They had a certain section blocked off to travel on and then one dungeon. It was fun to play this again.
Devious Dungeon 2 - We had played the first Devious Dungeon (don't recall if it was on stream or not), but it immediately was familiar. Jump, attack, and don't get hit in a medieval setting.
My Big Sister - Simple retro graphics and a horror theme wrapped in adventure game. And it even ended on a cliffhanger.
Songbird Symphony - Not a bad rhythm adventure game. Run around and solve puzzles and then do a boss fight with rhythm prompts. There didn't seem to be anything to harm you though.
Wordsweeper by POWGI - Another fun word game by POWGI. It took me a while to understand the concept, but even then I was still guessing until I nailed the correct answer.
Cadence of Hyrule was not eligible much like AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES. I enjoyed all of them, but chose My Big Sister. It really surprised me (and Reversed2) and I wanted to see more. I bought it shortly after as it went on sale for 35% off. Looking forward to possibly playing it in October.
- Our QubicGames game of the month was Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition (02.17). It would have been One Strike, but I played it last year. Plus I had Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition already and it was free because of another deal for owning One Strike. It's a runner game. Run, jump, get a few extra abilities, and collect socks along the way to saving a someone to marry. I actually enjoyed it. I didn't collect all the socks, but did beat all the levels (? because maybe more would have been unlocked had all the socks been acquired). Not bad for a free game.
Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition finished (?). Thanks to those that joined to watch the gnome run and die a bunch of times, ha. We beat the 89 levels, 69 trophies were attained. Not a bad game that I got for free. Next time on stream, Aldred Knight. https://t.co/byN3v6jiDq pic.twitter.com/qsj1HxzhsJ— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 17, 2020
- I added Aldred Knight to the schedule due to the previous games being finished earlier (02.18). This is a game from QUByte Interactive (they gave us 99Vidas and Vasara Collection). I purchased and downloaded the game when it was on sale for a dollar (free with gold coins) and was just trying to find a time to play it and here it was. A simple action game; attack and don't get attacked, learn spells, gain upgrades, and save the kingdom. Not a lot of flash and bang, but it delivers as a proper game. Not bad for the price.
Aldred Knight finished. Thanks to those that joined today's stream. We fought with honor to defeat Lord Gugor. We didn't find anything, but we upgraded everything at least. Fun, short, and sweet. Not a bad adventure. Next time, we start River City Girls. https://t.co/geW5hjirWU pic.twitter.com/jKQv3KAET9— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 18, 2020
- River City Girls is so good (02.21, 02.24). I'm so glad I finally got to play this. Everything about it is great (art style, music, game play). The only negative was accidentally leaving an area when attacking an opponent. This was so good that I played it a second time to get that 100% completion. No way was I going to let this be a one-off. I can't recommend this enough and wouldn't mind playing it again in multiplayer with a partner.
River City Girls 100% completed. Thanks to those that were there to witness it. Getting the thousands of dollars we needed in the end wasn't that bad, but we did it. What a fantastic game. Highly recommend it to anyone. Next stream, Demo Showcase 32. https://t.co/gY9yU8Z93Y pic.twitter.com/3rIRh70mLA— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 25, 2020
- Got my copy Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection (02.25). The plan is to play one title from the collection at the beginning of the month for 6 months.
- A third Demo Showcase in the form of Demo Showcase 32 (02.25).
Boreal Blade - An online multiplayer battle. Wasn't into it at first, but once more players started coming online, I started to enjoy it. The trailers showed so much more that there was to offer.
Fifty Words by POWGI - A super fun word game by POWGI. It's basically a really large word search from words as short as 3 letters to as many as possible. A good one to play with the chat online too as I definitely didn't see some of the words.
Just Dance 2020 - A new year and a new Just Dance demo, but this time it had two songs...and one of them was Kpop (BLACKPINK). It was good to try out two songs. It's Just Dance and it was fun. Unfortunately the highlight of the video has all the music portions muted.
Our Flick Erasers - Another demo from SAT-BOX. Another desktop game. It wasn't bad. It worked for sure, but the theme wasn't as interesting to me this time.
Pacific Wings - An old school vertical shoot 'em up in the vein of 1942 etc. Very short and very simple. I liked it.
For this one, Just Dance 2020 would have been my favorite. But the way I stream, it wouldn't be good for a long one and I'd be getting too tired (however, I could build the stamina back up). And after the fact seeing that the highlight was muted made me really not want to. So my choice was Fifty Words by POWGI. This might have been the POWGI game I was the most into.
- I mentioned it in Discord about how many amiibo I was missing. I almost have a complete collection. So I said that I will at least buy 1-2 a month to inch closer to finishing it up while collecting new ones released. The latest ones to add to my collection were Dr. Mario, Digby, and Isabelle - Winter Outfit (02.26). Getting the the latter two through the Animal Crossing amiibo Festival pack also netted me a new Wii U game (don't plan to play it) and 3 amiibo cards. Will I collect all 100 cards? I looked into. So far, not right now. I'd rather concentrate on the amiibo figures. With these latest additions, I am only missing 44 amiibo figures (including Japanese exclusives).
- For awhile, posting screen shots straight from the Switch to Facebook wasn't working. You could still post via Twitter though. I even spoke to someone on Nintendo's site chat and they were aware of the issue. But it basically took the whole month for it to be fixed. (02.03-02.27). At first, you can only post single photos and not batches, but batch posting was back after another week or so.
- And our final game of the month was our SNES games of the month, BRAWL BROTHERS (02.27). I chose this one because it was a beat 'em up similar to River City Girls and I wanted to keep punching things. But...it's not that great, ha. The main thing was no invincibility frames. That goes for both yourself and for the enemies. I had to turn on an extra Angry mode to help with it. I found things to like about it (check out all the clips) such as chucking enemies and victory cheese, but I don't recommend it.
BRAWL BROTHERS finished. Thanks to those that were there. What a...game. Not the best mechanically, but there were a bunch of times that we found to make it more enjoyable. Next stream, we start the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection with Mega Man Zero. https://t.co/izM79XIZxs pic.twitter.com/If3s0aZGYh— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 27, 2020
- I watched my copy of BoA THE LIVE 2018"X'mas" concert (02.14). I love her. Watching these concerts always remind me of songs I haven't heard in a while and sometimes get to see newer songs performed for the first time. A couple things got to me during this concert. One was the performance of "Love Letter" because at one point in my life, I had associated this song with someone I used to like. So I actually haven't heard this song in years. I forgot how great a song it was and enjoyed singing it again for the first time in a long time. But before that was a simple set change where the curtains drop in the middle of a song (can't remember which song), but it looked so good. For a quick set change to bring a tear to my eye, powerful. Of course I'm incredibly biased, but this was a wonderful reminder of why I've always supported BoA.
Finally watched my copy of the BoA THE LIVE 2018 "X'mas" concert. Every time I watch these concerts, I'm reminded of how much I love this woman. And hearing songs I haven't heard in years brings back some great memories. To 20 years of support from the beginning and to many more.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) February 14, 2020
- To one of my best friends, congratulations on the birth of your daughter. To my other best friend, take care of yourself. I'm always here for you when you need me. Stay strong.
- That's a wrap on February 2020. Thanks for reading. Thank you for the support. Take care.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."
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