May 2020 Entry
- I've lost sleep at the beginning and end of this month. (05.02, 05.05, 05.27, 05.28). The latter end will be explained later, but the times at the start of the month threw me off. I can't recall if there was any reason as to why, but it was the first time in a while I could remember being exhausted.
- Spent a couple hours to make sure all my emotes were available to be "on camera" for streams (05.07). And by that, I mean that they are placed on screen in place of my camera in the event of a camera issue. I've done it a few times in the past, but only 4 emotes were used (one in each corner). Now any of the 10 emotes can be used in any corner. And 3 of them are even in a slideshow sequence. It took a couple hours to do this, but I think it will be worth it.
- Bought my copy of Justice League Dark: Apokolips War on the 20th and watched it a few days later (05.24). Wow, what a violent movie. So many characters died, but it was interesting to see how others changed due to the events that started the movie. While I didn't like the original Justice League Dark, this was a fantastic way to end this arch of movies. Definitely recommend it.
- Around 4:30PM, we had a power outage (05.27). It tried coming back on 3 times within a minute before giving out. It wasn't just our home, it was the entire neighborhood and others all throughout town. This happened in the middle of the stream and I paused hoping it would come back on within an hour. When it seemed like it wasn't, I decided that the latest I would stream is if the power came by 7PM so I could complete the rest of the stream time of 8 hours. It did not. I kept Discord and Twitter updated so they knew what was up.
The power didn't come back that night. I spent time trying to balance my time on the phone checking social media or watching videos and keeping it charged at all. I spent a good 30 minutes in the car charging it and then I remembered I had a power pack in my room. I had not kept that charged for a while, but it was able to power my phone back to 90%. I was worried about trying to sleep that night, but thankfully there was a nice breeze that day. While I did sleep, I was woken up early by workers getting the power back.
After eating lunch, I went to HER to see if the power was still running. It was. It was my first time going to the building in months. Things were still left the way they were with a few more items from Downtown being stored. But the power was running, the a/c worked, and the internet was functional. Spent time making posts, catching up on social media and videos, and relaxed. I was actually planning to leave at 3PM, but my dad called a little after 2PM saying everything was back on. Headed home, checked to see if the PC was working, showered, and streamed Part 04-2 at 4PM for 3 hours, 21 minutes, and 20 seconds to complete the 8 hour time frame. Things have resumed. It was a crazy time not having power for about 20 hours. Thanks to those that reached out to make sure I was okay.
- Finished watching Round 02 of Prime Movies. My favorites were Zombieland, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, and Dirty 30. Special shout out to The Matchbreaker because of Christina Grimmie (miss you). And I had to do a last minute replacement of Scooby-Doo (which I thought was free) with Rocketman (Elton John), which became available that day. Got Round 03 ready to go. This has been fun.
Round 2 of free movies I plan to watch on Prime Video. In this batch, I've only seen 2 of them before.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 1, 2020
- Money In The Bank was so fun (05.10). The whole card from start to finish was great. The MITB match was so fun and creative.
6 out of 8 predictions correct. Props to everyone that competed tonight. That Money In The Bank match was so dang good in every aspect. Incredibly entertaining. #MITB— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 11, 2020
- Congratulations to Becky Lynch (05.11).
- Alter Bridge - Metalingus (Official Lyric Video)
- Rest In Peace, Shad Gaspard (05.17). You went out as a hero to your son and to those that respect you.
- Rest In Peace, Hana Kimura (05.23). This...was sad to read about. This was a prime example about how cyber bullying really does affect a person. It's one of the reasons that I try not to be negative in streams whether it is my own or I'm watching one because you never know. She was so young too.
- Shout out to my coworkers for "raiding" me after their Zoom meeting while I was streaming Splatoon 2. There was an email sent a couple days earlier about the meeting. If it were a normal stream where I wasn't asking others to play with me, I would have joined the meeting. But it was a rad surprise to all of a sudden see familiar names appear in chat.
- I and others that couldn't make the that video meeting were part of a second one the following day. It was a mix of good and bad news, but I did think it was good overall. My separate meeting also led to another one with a few others about what we can do to provide a digital product. Hopefully we are able to make something soon. As far as opening up, while other escape room businesses have reopened and altered how their rooms are, I think we'll be okay waiting a little longer.
- Mega Man Zero 3 finished (05.01-05.02). Before playing this, I've heard it is the best in the series. I can see why, but I don't completely agree with that. I'll have to rank these some time later, but it's a tie right now between Zero 2 and Zero 3. Next month, we'll see how Zero 4 is.
Mega Man Zero 3 finished. Thanks to those that saw it happen. This ended faster than anticipated (even with getting the extra items beforehand). Good game play and good story. Can't wait to play Mega Man Zero 4 next month. Next stream, Demo Showcase 39.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 2, 2020
- First Demo Showcase of the month with Demo Showcase 39 (05.04).
Instant Sports - Rafting and Bowling were the only 2 playable sports out of the 6. Did something silly with trying to use my kendo stick as a paddle, ha.
Invisigun Reloaded - Interesting concept with how you are invisible until you fire your weapon.
The Legend of Dark Witch - A mix of concepts such as Gradius and Mega Man. I had played a demo for this before on the Wii U.
Mimpi Dreams - A nice puzzle platformer where you're a dog dreaming and trying to get to the end goal.
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 2D platformer similar to the Donkey Kong Country games. I liked it, but there were parts where I got stuck.
My favorite of the demos was The Legend of Dark Witch. Like I mentioned, I played this demo previously on the Wii U and it still holds up. If I ever do end up playing it, I'm sure I will enjoy it.
- Back to Splatoon 2 with the Splatoon 2 2020 Special Demo (05.05). I did have fun playing the 2019 Special Demo and this time was even better. I was able to play with more people from the stream (including my cousin, my friend's kids, etc), met some cool new people from the Splatoon community, and it was just fun. I mentioned it earlier in the blog, but one highlight was having my coworkers "raid" me after their Zoom call, ha. Didn't expect that. Thank you to them and thank you to anyone that I played with on stream.
- This glorious Shantae Funko Pop arrived (05.05). Instantly my favorite out of the few I have. She joined me for a few streams even though she was not related to the games played, ha.
Speaking of Shantae, I also pre ordered my copy of Shantae and the Seven Sirens Collector's Edition from Limited Run Games along with a plush (05.15). And I also downloaded the game digitally (05.28), which I plan to play in June.
While I usually wait for my copies of the game from Limited Run Games, because of the virus, their process for making games has slowed down. It usually takes 3 months from ordering for a game to ship out, but I have games I ordered from January that have yet to ship. It's understandable though. Shantae is the only one I could not wait on. Streets of Rage 4 was close, but I can wait for that one.
- Our NES game of the month was Shadow of the Ninja (05.06). I didn't know this was a two player game at first. But when Reversed2 jumped in the chat, I asked if he wanted to join and he did. Neither of us had played it before and we got as far as we could before he needed to do some work, but that was awesome of him to jump in last minute. Pretty decent game overall.
Shadow of the Ninja finished. Thanks to those that watched. Shout out to @Reversed02 for being my Kaede for a bit. A short and fun action game. Wish it was a little longer, but I enjoyed being a ninja. Next time on stream, we play The World Next Door.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 6, 2020
- Finally played The World Next Door (05.08). Originally played the demo during Demo Showcase 23 on October 7th, 2019. I really enjoyed it. While I had a few questions about why things were done the way they were, it was fun. There is an alternate ending that was attainable by making a different choice towards the end of the game. But I'm glad I looked it up instead of trying to get it in the game as the thing that changed was kind of minor. If there were a sequel ever made, I'd be down.
The World Next Door finished. Thanks to everyone that came and watched along (@TheSNERDAPERDS raid). I really enjoyed this game. Interesting combat and the characters were memorable. I'll look up that second ending. Next time on stream, Eternal Card Game.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 8, 2020
- Our free game of the month was Eternal Card Game (05.09). While I've been skeptical of card games in the past, this one was alright. Even though I was getting into it, I made it a short stream.
- Second Demo Showcase of the month with Demo Showcase 40 (05.10).
Happy Animals Bowling - It definitely wasn't motion controls. Seeing that the differences between easy and hard was how fast the meter moved made it interesting at least.
Link-a-Pix Deluxe Christmas - We've played demos similar to this, but this one had a Christmas theme. I opted to not do the last one as it would have taken over an hour to do based on the size alone.
The Pyraplex - Another simulation game from Kairosoft. But this time we built a pyramid (mall).
Trine 4: Nightmare Prince - A puzzle platformer where you take control of different characters with different abilities.
True Fear: Forsaken Souls 2 - A point and click and adventure continuing where the first game left off.
My favorite in this showcase was Trine 4: Nightmare Prince. I learned that there was a Trine: Ultimate Collection available. After doing the math and finding it on sale for half off, I bought a copy of it and it arrived on the 18th.
I also gave a special shout out to True Fear: Forsaken Souls 2 as the first game was the first demo ever played under the Demo Showcase name on October 10th, 2018.
- Koloro was our latest free game from QuBicGames (05.12-05.13). Your shape moves forward and you can make it jump and you need to avoid obstacles with different mechanics it introduces in levels to get to the goal. Simple to explain, difficult to master. I liked it, but did find it frustrating at times. Those times being when I would die many many many times in one level. Not bad, but like I said in the game summary I typed up, not worth the normal $10 price tag.
Koloro finished. Thanks to those that watched the streams of it. This definitely was a challenging game. It had nicely crafted levels and puzzles. I really did enjoy the final boss sequences a lot. Next stream, we start Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 13, 2020
- Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom was quite an adventure (05.15-05.17). It was my favorite from Demo Showcase 16 back on May 27th, 2019. So almost a year later. There were lots of ups and downs throughout (the main down was a point of frustration that made me put up an emote instead of the camera), but the game is great. With time, it may have been possible to 100% everything in the game (was missing treasure chests and the contents in them), but I was very satisfied with 100% of the map being completed. And a big shout out to those in chat that helped me with the final 2-3% I couldn't figure out.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom finished. Thanks to all the awesome support today (@NightmareVortex @darksage226 @Reversed02 raids). What a game. Some super cool things and some not so cool things throughout. Enjoyed it. Next stream, FLATLAND Vol. 1.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 18, 2020
- My physical copy of Sayonara Wild Hearts finally arrived (05.19). Ordered it back in January shortly after playing it on stream. It came late due to the world being what it is at this time, but they added all the extras you see in the photos, which was nice.
- FLATLAND Vol. 1 was a free game from QUByte Interactive (05.19). They've given us free games in the past and they sent me another at the end of last month. While I beat it and liked it, it was unfortunately plagued with a lot of issues. I mentioned it to them in DMs so hopefully they fix some of them. I'm glad they sent me another game though. There is one that they're making that I have my eye on that isn't out yet.
FLATLAND Vol. 1 finished. Thanks to those that showed up in stream. Couldn't find the last cube (darn) and were milliseconds from beating Faster Than Light mode. Technical issues aside, I enjoyed it. Thanks, @qubytegames. Next stream, Breath of Fire II.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 19, 2020
- Our final game of the month was of course our SNES game of the month, Breath of Fire II (05.21-05.29). This was...tough. In the end, it was 50+ hours because I needed to level up off stream. Had I not, I probably would not have beaten it in the 5 stream estimate. And Part 04 was split into two parts due to the power going out. That was a first to continue a stream a day later. Sure, I could have simply called Part 04-2 just Part 05 instead, but the stream ended due to outside forces. Anyways, I summarized what I thought about the game in Discord, but I liked the first game more than the sequel. And a fun thing for me throughout were 4 random Kpop names that happened to be in the game (Suzy, Mina, Sana, G. Dragon).
Breath of Fire II finished. Thank you to everyone that was part of any of this 50+ hour adventure. Wow, this was a tough one even with all the leveling up in between streams. But we did see 2 endings like I thought we would. Next stream, Mega Man Zero 4.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 29, 2020
- Random thought popped in my head and I wanted to see if a GBA Link Cable would work on the Switch (05.30). It does not, ha.
Wanted to see if this would work. It did not work.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 30, 2020
- I have taken a few strides to get input for streams. Got some from those that aren't big on streaming, business owners, people that stream, are regulars in mine, etc. Took all into consideration and will do a few of them for sure, just not all. I do realize some things need to be changed in order to grow, but what I'm doing is not broken so it doesn't need to be fixed. It needs to be polished and further accentuated. But I will ask for anyone that reads this to do the old fashioned word of mouth method. If you know someone that falls under any of the following, point them in my direction, please.
1. Watches streams
2. Likes Nintendo
3. Has Amazon Prime, but doesn't watch Twitch
4. Wants a family friendly stream (for themselves or their kids)
5. Needs an escape from reality
There are more reasons that I can't think of at the moment. But any help in bringing a new audience will be greatly appreciated. And I'm not hoping that thousands of people all of a sudden appear. Seeing new faces come in at any rate is always nice.
And I'm also working on my Twitch Trailer. The idea was created on the 20th and I've been slowly working on it. I can't complete it until later in June because of the idea, but I think it's a cool idea, represents what I do on stream very well, and can be regularly updated if need be. So be on the lookout for that.
- TaeYeon - Happy (MV)
- TWICE - Feel Special (Dance Practice Video COMPLETE Ver.)
- I've had a series of dreams for a while. It would involve a woman who was my significant other. What we did was not of significance, but the fact that she looked different and had a different personality each time she was in a dream. I knew it was the same person though because the narrative kept continuing. And then I tweeted about it (05.11). Glad that people liked it, but unfortunately, and I knew this would happen...she hasn't appeared in a dream since then.
To the girl in my dreams the past couple of weeks that looks and acts different every time, but continues the narrative, hopefully I get to meet you some day.— Arnell (WingedVoX) (@ArnellragasA) May 11, 2020
- We are living in crazy times where everything is happening and it is affecting so many people. It is important. Things need to change. I'm not a person to lead change as big as what needs to happen, but I can support those that are taking charge toward facilitating a better life. Do things right and do things properly. Take care of yourself and be selfless towards those in need.
- That's a wrap on May 2020. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."
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