Monday, August 31, 2020

August 2020 Entry

August 2020 Entry

August went by fast. It didn't feel like it at times, but I'm surprised we're now more than half way through the year. 


- I've had this brand of popcorn before, but I haven't had popcorn in general for a long time (08.03). 

- Had a dentist appointment for a cleaning (08.04). I was supposed to go last month, but if you read what happened, you know why I had to reschedule. Much like when I went to my ENT, I was surprised and relieved by all the measurements they are taking during the pandemic. I even mentioned it to them and they were thankful that I felt safe there. Unfortunately I was told I had inflamed gums and needed to do better with self teeth care. They suggested an electric toothbrush or a water pick. I went for the latter as I've always wanted to get another one. First time I had one was when I had braces and that was decades ago. Now I use the water pick every night. 

- The power went out for 2 hours in the morning (08.09). Oddly enough, I also woke up early that day so I was able to do some normal routine stuff early before we lost power. Also to take note of, we get the occasional power surges. It's definitely a few times a month, but no real pattern when they do occur.  

- Rest In Peace, Chadwick Boseman (08.28). 

- Prime Movies Round 05 is done. My favorites that I had never seen before from this batch are Love On Air and Anna And The Apocalypse. I will say though, I enjoyed the majority of these movies. Coming up with the next month's batch was tough. 

- I also finished the 60 Twinkies I ordered a few months back. Ate one a day. It was great. Apparently a lot of people on my timeline were very interested in that, ha.


- The WWE started filming RAW and SmackDown in their new Thunderdome (08.21). I really like it. It definitely makes things lively again with the fans in digital attendance and comes off as a differently produced product. I haven't tried to be part of a show yet, but maybe later. 

- NXT TakeOver XXX was awesome (08.22). The big downside is that Kross had to relinquish the title on the next NXT show due to injury. Sucks for many reasons. 

- SummerSlam being the first PPV in the Thunderdome was great (08.23). Good matches and cool surprises.  

- Payback was really good (08.30). New champions, great matches, and a nice launching pad for storylines.


- I had been lazy in doing this, but I finally went to our Memorial location to pick up some personal belongings (08.26). It was my camera bag with equipment, a Street Fighter keychain, and my dossier. It was nice to be in the building and walk around the rooms.  

- While HER is no more, I do think I'll keep writing about it in these blog entries. I'll tell stories and other related tidbits about working there. But I'll start this series of writing by talking about what I was planning to do if we were going to operate again. 

I wanted to try a couple things with customers. One was to adjust my greeting. I got this idea from listening to the Scrubs podcast and specifically from John C. McGinley. Apparently when others ask him how he is, he replies with "better now." I think that would have worked with customers. Not only that, I knew how I wanted to adjust that for customers I was attracted to, ha. 

The other things I wanted to try to help break the ice while waiting in the lobby was to do a fake magic trick. Basically I would ask a customer to pick a card, show it to others, put it back in the deck, and I would put the deck back in the desk. Then I would do something silly with my hands and then point to the customer's pocket and say "wouldn't it be cool if your card was now in your pocket" prompting them to check. Of course they'll find nothing and I'd respond with "it would have been insane if it was in there, right" and riff off of that. It's silly, but I think it would be fun. 


- I'm going to condense the GAMES section of this blog. I know it gets long when recapping every game I played on stream and more. So I'll keep it to a list with dates and links and then talk about a few stand outs after. I will keep the embedded tweet for when I beat games. 

- I created a public spreadsheet called Games Streamed. This is for people to take a look at the games I've played on stream and the links for to watch them. Made separate tabs for the years as well as alphabetical and one for just demos. Don't know if others have taken a look at it other than a few that I showed it for feedback, but it's part of my bio along with an Amazon Wish List and more. 

- Mega Man ZX Advent (08.01-08.02) 
This was a great end for the Zero/ZX Legacy Collection. While I liked ZX, Advent was better polished. 

- Demo Showcase 45 (08.04)

- Star Soldier (08.06)

- Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax [VIEWER'S CHOICE] (08.08)
I'm glad Discord chose this one. Not that I would not have enjoyed playing the others, but this one was very fun to play. 

- Starlink: Battle for Atlas (08.10-08.12)
Aside from the Star Fox stuff available on the Switch, Starlink really surprised me. Repetitive play was a little blah, but this was a solid game. I wish there was a sequel or if they made a full Star Fox game with what they've done with Starlink. 

- Demo Showcase 46 (08.15)
I would suggest watching this one specifically for the Tyd wag vir Niemand. The clip is just a taste of it. 

- MetaChampions (08.17)

- Galaxy Champions TV (08.19)
Shout out to the developers for watching the stream and for interacting with me on Twitter. The chat in general seemed to enjoy this one and I did have a laughing fit towards the end, ha. 

- Dongo Adventure [Provided by QUByte Interactive] (08.21)

- Demo Showcase 47 (08.23)

- Space Pioneer (08.25)

- Star Sky (08.27)

- Star Fox 2 (08.29)

- Got a couple of physically released games that were only digital. Old School Musical from Super Rare Games and The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories from Limited Run Games (08.29). Old School Musical I've already played on stream and I plan to play The Missing at the end of December. This was also my first time ordering from Super Rare Games. I like all the extras they pack in and I knew of the plastic sleeve it comes in. I thought I would keep that, but it didn't fit well with the rest of the games on the shelf so I threw it away. And I did forget that it is formatted for another region so I actually have 2 separate icons on my Switch for OSM now. Those are a few small things that I wasn't too big on, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives. We'll see if I order another game from them in the future. Has to be another one I really really like. As for The Missing, I ordered it back in January. Of course with the way the world is, orders from LRG are taking longer to produce and ship out and that's understandable. Glad to finally have it and to play it eventually as I've heard good stuff about it. 


- ITZY - Not Shy (MV) 

- Red Velvet - Milky Way 
Welcome back, Wendy. 

- BoA 20th Anniversary 
Can't believe it has been 20 years. 20 years of BoA and 20 years of me being into Kpop. It's thanks to her. While I knew of other Kpop artists like HOT and SES, BoA was the one that I poured all my interest into. She has been the one constant throughout my Kpop hobby. Even when I fell out of it for a while, I still kept up with what BoA was doing. I do need to buy her latest concert "BoA LIVE TOUR 2019 #mood" on blu-ray. It's in my shopping cart, but I don't need to buy it right away (didn't even know it was released in February). I think I'll make that my Christmas present this year. 

- An update on things I wrote at the end of the last entry. No one contacted me. It was disappointing, but I was making the effort to interact with more people during the month. I didn't swipe on dating apps as much as I thought I would this past month. I did make one connection, but it was a fake account. They did well with holding up a conversation and sharing photos of not just them but of their every day life. However, once she started talking about stocks and wanting me to download Encountered that before. It was a nice week of back and forth until the end. I've also started to leave the house more. At least once a week even if it's to drive around for an hour with no real reason. Rash is mostly gone. It definitely isn't as irritating as it was last month. I did keep my facial hair for 2 months. It was nice and I liked getting to use my mustache comb again, but it felt good shaving it off at the end of the month. 

- That's a wrap on August 2020. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind. 

"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits." 

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