November 2020 Entry
The year's almost over, wow.
- Ordered a box of Cheetos Popcorn (11.02). Been eating a bag a day. I do prefer the original crunchy chips though. These aren't bad by any means. It's missing that crunch.
- New Japanese warrior shirt (11.06). I like it.
- Reorganized the shelves on my computer desk. (11.12). It started with taking the hats off the top shelf and cleaning them (so much dust). Then I organized the drawers next to my computer so there was a section dedicated to the hats. I wasn't sure what to put on the top until I figured I'd need more space for BoA stuff. So she moves up to the top and the second shelf is full of miscellaneous items.
- New Mystical Ninja merchandise (11.14). There really isn't much merchandise for that franchise outside of the games so it was cool to see anything. The only item I didn't get was the vinyl.
- Originally I had a dentist appointment set for a cleaning (11.17). But they had been calling me from a new number that I wasn't familiar with so that they could reschedule. Didn't know that until I went as normally scheduled and they explained. I added the new number to my phone and we rescheduled for the 20th. Routine cleaning. At the end they gave me a free electric toothbrush as an extra apology for the earlier mix up, which was great because I dropped my toothbrush into the toilet the night before, ha. We also talked about something we talked about a year ago and that was fixing an old crown. I mentioned having pains a month ago in that area and it wasn't the first time that happened. So...root canal in December.
- Because it was my cousin's wedding anniversary, I know that I haven't had a haircut in one year (11.23). Been a while since I had gone this long without cutting my hair. Oddly, I feel that it is healthier than ever.
- Eighth round of Prime Movies was okay. My favorites were Saving Face, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and What Men Want. I'd also recommend Gemini Man and Wandering Off. Round 09 will have half be holiday related much like I did with October.
- Survivor Series was fun (11.22). All the matches were awesome and the farewell to The Undertaker was good. Thank you for 30 years, Taker.
- Got some shirts on sale (11.28). I ordered them a few days before their Black Friday sale, but I would have only saved a dollar, ha.
- WWE makes great documentaries. But Liv Forever is one of their best (11.29). Highly recommend it.
- Had another weekly meeting (11.17). Unfortunately this was the same day I thought I had a dentist appointment. I was very tired since I had to get up early and it showed in the meeting as I got frustrated with things. Not a good representation of myself. I apologized to the team afterwards. But yeah, that was not a fun one for me.
- I had typed "random work story" here, but I can't think of anything that I have most likely mentioned in old blog posts. If there's anything you would all like to ask or read about, let me know. Otherwise I'll try to not rehash an old story.
- Celeste was very challenging (11.01-11.02). I did as much as I could within the two streams, but it would have been impossible to do it all especially as everything else was more of a challenge. I was able to at least collect all the B-side tapes, strawberries, and beat The Core (45 minutes).
This was a game requested for me to play, but unfortunately none of the people that asked didn't show up. I do have one more game request that's being done in December, but after that, no more off the cuff requests. It has to be done via channel points otherwise that redemption is pointless for others.
- Demo Showcase 51 (11.04)
- Mighty Bomb Jack (11.05)
- Finally played Streets of Rage 4 (11.07-11.11). The original goal was to beat it with every possible character. I didn't realize how tough it would be on Normal. After playing as Axel and Blaze, I bumped it down to Easy. So a 2.5 hour runthrough became a 1.5 hour runthrough. I had fun as each character and their retro counterparts felt distinct and fun. Such a good beat 'em up.
- Super Mario Bros. 35 was fun (11.13). Got two first place wins. Didn't unlock everything nor did I play against anyone I knew from the stream, but I liked it. Maybe I'll try to fit it in again before it becomes unavailable. This also starts playing at least one Mario game a month for about half a year.
- Starting the Collection of Mana with Final Fantasy Adventure (11.15-11.16). Pretty good Gameboy game. Most of the negatives I had were just because it was of its time. Having a guide helped too. And just like Mario, this is the start of one Mana game per month for a while.
- Future sponsored stream from QUByte Interactive with FLATLAND: Prologue (11.17).
- Demo Showcase 52 (11.18)
- The final of the 10 free games offered by Qubic Games last year, Mana Spark (11.19). I'm not the biggest on roguelites, but I liked this one. It sure was challenging though. I think we only got 8 levels in or however many levels it was to see the second boss.
- We reached 500 followers on stream (11.19). This was actually the second time. First time was on the 11th and it lasted a couple of days before losing a couple of followers. It took a while to get more and this was a bad time. It was the start of a funk that I couldn't shake for a few days and it leaked into work, home life, and even streams. There was a point I was going to cancel a couple of streams because of this, but I figured I need to push through it. I did. And when we hit 500 again, things felt better. Can't wait for us to hit 600.
- Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity was phenomenal (11.21-11.26). I put in many hours into Hyrule Warriors on the Wii U and Switch. I put in 41 hours into Age of Calamity. I originally thought I could beat the story in 3 streams, but that wouldn't have happened the rate I was going. In the end, the last 3 streams were side quests, story, side quests, story. I also put in a good 12 hours (9 in one day and 1+ hour before/after streams) off stream because there's so much to do. Part of me wants to play it more, but I do need time away from it. Anything extra will be off stream, but if the rumored DLC is true, that could be a reason to come back on stream for it.
I double checked because I remember this was a thing years ago, but I did play various Zelda games during previous Thanksgivings.
Thanksgiving 2011 - Skyward Sword
Thanksgiving 2012 - Nintendo Land - The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest
Thanksgiving 2013 - A Link Between Worlds
Thanksgiving 2014 - Hyrule Warriors
Thanksgiving 2020 - Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
- Got my copy of Panzer Dragoon: Remake (11.22). Scheduled to be played in January. Ordered it back in March and it finally arrived.
- Then my copy Shantae and the Seven Sirens and the Shantae plush came in (11.25). Such a nice packaging. The plush is great and joined me for a few streams.
- Valentina was a sponsored stream provided by QUByte Interactive (11.28). It wasn't great, ha. Bad translations, glitches, etc. I can see how it's only $1, but you can get something better at that price.
- Our SNES game of the month was Operation Logic Bomb (11.29). I didn't know what to expect from it, but I really liked it. I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about this game and I'm not sure why. It has its negatives, but it's a good one. So nice we beat it twice. Go try it.
- And then my copy of Forgotton Anne was delivered (11.29). Ordered it in February and it is scheduled to be played next February. Only have a few more Limited Run Games orders I'm waiting on now.
- Happy Birthday, BoA. (11.05)
- Happy Birthday, Momo (11.09)
- TWICE - Better (MV)
To me, their best Japanese song from top to bottom. Paired with I Can't Stop Me for their Korean release, this was a good time to be a ONCE.
- 202020 BoA
This was so good. I was surprised by a lot of things that happened such as her updated versions of songs and looks especially Eat You Up. I could also reflect on myself as memories of how my life was during different BoA eras. If you didn't know, my start in Kpop was when BoA started. While I knew of other groups a year or two before then, BoA was the first new artist that I grew attached to and never let go. 20 years strong.
- ITZY Performance Practice (Asia Artist Awards Ver.)
What an awesome version and dance to my favorite ITZY song.
- That's a wrap on November 2020. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."
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