March 2022 Entry:
March was busy.
- I didn't know that Arizona Fruit Snacks existed (03.02). They don't taste like the tea itself, but they're pretty good. Still working through them as of typing this (04.15).
- Ordered a Nintendo Switch Card Case (03.03). I really liked the DS/3DS versions of this in the past and actually used them, but since I don't go out as much or even take my Switch with me, this is more of a collector's item for me.
- Celebrated Kai's Birthday (03.05). Was picked up by Rannchan, Kai, and Triple S. Went to an anime store than the Japanese grocery store close by to pick up food for a picnic. As we left, Rannchan realized we didn't get utensils and we went back to get them. Triple S got out of the car to get them and as he did, I noticed familiar figures in the parking lot. When Triple S returned, I asked Rannchan to swing around to make sure and it was Krispy and maxx. I popped out to hug them and then introduced them to Kai and Triple S who never met them.
After that encounter, we went to the park Rannchan found and ate our food in the windy climate. It was nice to be out and the park was nice. We then went back to Rannchan's to hang out with G joining us. We caught up and stuck around into the night. We took time to figure out seating and camera arrangements for a future stream with Rannchan.
Triple S took me home where there were a lot of cars out because new neighbors moved in. My guess was that it was a housewarming party with loud music and loud cars, but it wasn't the only time this happened. About a week later, it was a similar situation that was even louder. This time, cops were called in around 10PM. I saw at least 4 police cars, but I wouldn't' be surprised if there were more. Gradually, they were being kicked out, but it took a long time as I can recall the police being there for a couple of hours. And this was the first time cops have been called in ever since I lived here that this has happened. Since then, there hasn't been a loud gathering, but there will be the occasional loud car.
- Rest In Peace, Scott Hall (03.14). Shocking to read about. My tribute to him was quoting the end of his Hall of Fame speech at the end of my stream that day.
- The King Dedede amiibo went back in stock along with a few other Kirby amiibo thanks to Kirby and the Forgotten Land (03.17). Was hoping a few more of their Smash amiibo would get a restock, but it was only Dedede.
- 600 posts on Instagram (03.23). I forget when this happened, but I figured out how to block bots. I recall trying to look up how in the past, but couldn't find anything, but I did it again on the whim and did it. Every now and then I'll have to add another phrase or name to the list, but this is way better than having to wait a minute or two after each post to continuously block the bots.
- I had done well without having to use sleep medicine for the majority of the month. Towards the end of the month, I just needed to (03.24).
- Triple H had to announce his retirement from the ring due to heart issues (03.25). It was sad to read about. It's not that I was wanting to still see him wrestle, but the fact that he HAD to stop instead of riding off into the sunset on his terms. But it is what is best for him and his family.
- Round 24 is in the books. I really enjoyed Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku. I wouldn't have minded a few extra episodes. My criticism was the introduction of new characters late into the series so I couldn't get invested in them as much. IRIA was nice to rewatch. As short as it was, I forgot so much. I saw reasons why I liked it like IRIA's design and the intro video, but thought it was only okay this time around.
- Little victories was what I tweeted (03.27). I wish I remembered what the victories were, but those are nice when they happened.
- Level 250 is a crazy milestone to reach in Ring Fit Adventure (03.27). Hard to believe it's coming close to a year of doing it.
- Radio Shigi was back on air (03.27). It lasted for the last week of the month and just like when it previously aired, it was great to wake up to.
- Pokemon Live: How Pikachu Nearly Took Broadway | The Art of Failure features voices from friends and myself (03.29). I was asked early February if I could read lines and was just waiting for the video to release. During Kai's birthday was when we all learned that we were part of it, ha. It was great to see the final product and to see the traction it got on social media and other websites. Check it out if you haven't yet.
- We lost our internet at the end of the month (03.29). It was out for 2-3 hours. Thankfully it was after a stream and I was already planning to level up off stream. I had to use cellular data to at least have videos in the background to make it not as mundane.
- After one of the meetings this month, we did a Virtual Escape Room (03.09). Agent Majordomo joined us as we REC: Escape the VHS. I believe it was all our first time doing a virtual escape room. Some things were surprising. The room We finished it in half an hour. Had a little after meeting-meeting to talk about the pros and cons. While it was fun, it wasn't up to our standards. Not worth the cost.
The following meeting, we did a free online escape room (03.23). I think we laughed a lot playing this one, but it wasn't good overall. You're welcome to search for Minotaur's Labyrinth Escape Room if you want to try it. It won't take long and most likely could be done solo.
In the end, I really enjoyed that we did escape rooms together after so many years. Some day, we'll do a physical escape room together.
- Continuing playing all the BIT.TRIP games in alphabetical order with BIT.TRIP CORE (03.02). This was tough with having to time shots. If I remember correctly, I knocked it down a difficulty level in order to beat it.
- Demo Showcase 84 was the stream where I asked and figured that I shouldn't do the Read A Review redemption (03.03). It happened at the beginning of the Sam & Max demo, which I knew certain viewers were excited to see and then it got delayed by 10+ minutes. I asked how they felt because not everyone was going to know that. After that, I decided to make that the rule for that redemption.
- I don't normally do monthly themes that follow trends, but I did make this March Mario Month starting with Super Mario Bros. (03.04). I technically played it before I started streaming so it made sense to play it as I only played the SNES version and not the NES version on stream. I did the opposite (of my SNES playthrough) as Mario didn't warp while Luigi did, but both went through 2 runs. I still find it funny that G mentioned not to feel bad as I was doing better than he ever could, but he missed that I already beat the game way before he showed up, ha. It's Mario platformer, I'm good at them.
- Continued the Trine Ultimate Collection with Trine 2: The Complete Story (03.07-03.08). I did not enjoy this one. They ditched gradually teaching you abilities you'll need to use and went for having everything be available in the skill tree with no teaching. There were plenty of times I needed to respec my skill tree to use one ability I never thought to use or was shown how to. Combine that with the game being longer and physics not being as solid in the first game and it was a bad set of streams. I actually told viewers to watch someone else, took myself off camera and used the thumbs down emote the whole time, and even put it in emote mode only. I just wanted to power through and be done with it.
- I was on GToTheNextLevel's stream (03.10). I redeemed his 2 Genesis games to stream, but said I had to be there to play too. The two games were The Adventures of Batman & Robin and Saturday Night Slammasters. Batman & Robin went better than expected as we beat it faster that we thought we would. We also played both the Genesis and SNES version of Saturday Night Slammasters as both had different features. And it was still short so we played the SNES version of Mario 3 since it was Mario Day. We went fast through it as I guided G to get both warp whistles so we can get to the final world fast. There was one level that was tough on us. Once we finished that, it didn't take long to defeat Bowser and end the stream. Fun stream. That was the first time I was a guest on someone else's stream.
- 3 years after playing the first chapter, I streamed DELTARUNE Chapter 2 (03.11). I liked this one more as I was more for what's happening because of how chapter 1 ended and not as a fan of UNDERTALE (I've seen it played and seen multiple endings, but never played it myself). Chapter 2 also ended with me wanting to know more so hopefully chapter 3 will happen sooner than expected. I definitely enjoyed this one more in all aspects and highly recommend it especially if you like a humorous RPG.
- Demo Showcase 85 (03.12)
- More Mario games with New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (03.14-03.18). This further solidified to viewers that I am pretty good at Mario platformers. Beat U within one stream, completed it in two, beat Luigi U in one stream, completed it in two, and attempted to do as much with the special challenges, which were very tough. It was fun revisiting this so many years later from the Wii U version.
- Chocobo GP Lite was our free-to-play game of the month (03.20) even though DELTARUNE was also free (but that was more of an anniversary). While I had read about issues with the game, I didn't experience too much of that. Got kicked out a few times and lag caused a few losses. I really enjoyed this. I wouldn't mind getting it on sale and tackling the story mode to see how that plays out.
- The Switch now has Groups/Folders (03.21). It's not exactly like how it was for the Wii U and 3DS, but I'm so glad there's a way to sort games like this. Now I have groups for demos, digital, physical, NSO, and more.
- Another anniversary stream with a second playthrough of Neo Cab (03.22). This was great as I did almost everything different from my first playthrough (went through and typed out what I had said and who I interacted with in preparation). Some things I couldn't avoid saying and there were times I had to pick up someone I had previously, but that was only for about 20-25%. Everything else was different and we got a different ending. A third playthrough of this would be interesting, but I think I'm satisfied with this 3 year journey of Neo Cab (demo, first playthrough, second playthrough).
- Darkestville Castle was a silly point-and-click game (03.24). A favorite from a previous Demo Showcase, the game didn't disappoint. I'm glad I found a spoiler-free walkthrough as there were times that some of the solutions were way out there. Recommended though.
- Demo Showcase 86 was an interesting batch (03.26). The one I was interested in was the one that became my favorite. That being The Solitaire Conspiracy because I found out Alanah Pearce was in it. Only saw her name in the demo, but was greeted with another familiar face although I couldn't think of who he was until later (Greg Miller).
- Paper Mario was the last of the Mario games for the month and our N64 game of the month (03.28-03.31). I played it on the Wii U Virtual Console. Shortly after, I remembered what I didn't like about the game in general. I also leveled up off stream to an extent as after a certain point, low level enemies give you no experience points. However, it was good to replay.
- Rest In Peace to the creator and writer of Coffee Talk (03.27).
- An announcement was made on Breath of the Wild 2 being delayed to 2023 (03.29). I am okay with that as that just means more time for it to be refined and better.
- TWICE - Scientist (Japanese MV)
- BoA - My Name (Remastered MV)
- SES - I'm Your Girl (Remastered MV)
- Red Velvet - Feel My Rhythm (MV)
- ITZY - Voltage (MV)
- Happy Birthday, Mina (03.23)
- Fly To The Sky - Missing You (Remastered MV)
- Red Velvet - Wildside (MV)
- In my notes, I typed "rough day" for the 21st and I can't remember what happened. Maybe it's for the best. But I will say that this was a rough month. Whether it was wrapping up a stream or finishing anything, I would feel empty. Loneliness sets in. Like it's done and then...nothing. I have been feeling off more than ever and I've expressed it to a few friends. And for those that interact with me through streams, I usually say "I'm okay" when people ask how I've been. Lately, I've let it slip and say "I've been better," but that's the truth. Also stream burnout is more evident than ever and my patience has been wearing thin. It's not that everything is bad. Something I've forgotten to mention is that the pain in my right arm has gone away. But yeah...loneliness is hitting harder than ever as in the end, it boils down to that.
That's a wrap up on March 2022. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."
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