June 2022 Entry:
Wrapping up half of 2022 here.
- Hell In A Cell was a really good show (06.05). Hot crowd all night. Cody's injury going into the match, my goodness.
- Got more Shantae merchandise from Limited Run Games (06.09, 06.18). Getting all the merchandise is kind of cementing the replay of all those games on stream later this year. If it isn't this year, it will be next year.
- 200 days of not shaving (06.12). What started as a clean shave for a gathering around Thanksgiving that got cancelled turned into being lazy and realizing that the last time I didn't shave for this long a time frame was 10 years ago. This time it felt a little more inconvenient mainly with eating. Will I do it again in another 10 years? Don't know.
- Met up with Agent PQ and Blue for some bao and amiibo (06.15). It's been a while since seeing them in person and it had been about a month since Blue was holding on to those amiibo for me. Good food, good friends, good fun. Although the car ride home was long as there was an accident or something that happened that slowed things to a crawl for about half hour.
- 20,000 punches have been thrown in Fitness Boxing (06.21). Nice milestone. Other than that, my final session of the month wasn't when I had planned it since I had to move the schedule around and didn't do a Heavy session like I would have liked to to end the month. I did a session of Light at the beginning of the month and it was a little too light so no more of those.
- BoA - The Greatest (06.21). It's been a while since purchasing a BoA album. This did make me start the slow process of reorganizing my iTunes (didn't save a backup when upgrading the PC). And as of typing this (07.13), I'm still not done and have yet to even rip the music from the album. But I also need to consider moving back to the 2 minis I used back in the day because (in July) the iPod Touch that I got from work is malfunctioning (constantly tries to shut off or won't respond to button tactile button pushes).
- 800 clips are now on Instagram (06.23). I will start to slow down from posting 3 a day to only 1 or 2 a day as it's catching up to real time.
- Went to GameStop to pick up AI:THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanaA Initiative and Pocky & Rocky Reshrined (06.24). Both are scheduled to be played in the near future.
- Forbidden Door was fun (06.26). I might not have known everyone that appeared from NJPW, but I was still impressed with all their performances. It was a large card per most AEW events, but this one flowed well and I didn't feel tired halfway through it like past events.
- Round 27 in the books. My favorites were Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Big Brother, and How to Steal a Dog. However, I enjoyed a good chunk of them. Watching this small number of movies felt better too so I'll stick with 8 for however long I continue to do this. Round 28 will be anime series again.
No new news on the revival so I'll share a story that kind of relates.
I forget the year it happened, but I was asked by Agent Raynor to join him as we were scouting places for a second location. We went to 2-3 during this run and I remember at least one of them was a good hour away. It was an open warehouse with tons of potential, but kind of out of the price range. The second (and if there was a third) spot shown to us by the realtor was way too small. Think of a small gas station building with enough space to put snacks and drinks for purchase and the counter. After that, I realized that the realtor was trying to give us anything and everything, but had no idea what we needed in terms of space to put in rooms. During that time, escape room weren't as relevant so they might have thought of "room" as a small bedroom or something. But basically the two spots were the opposite ends of the spectrum and we didn't take either. I wasn't invited to any other site visits until our actual second location was found and landed on. But yeah, looking for locations has more downs than ups as it's neat to see cool locations with possibilities, but sucks when we either can't afford it or it's not the right size.
- BIT.TRIP RUNNER was next in the BIT.TRIP series (06.02). While this was the one I was looking forward to the most, it was also the one I didn't beat. The last few levels were really tough and I even went long, but had to cut myself off at one point as it wasn't going to happen.
- Demo Showcase 91 (06.03)
- Alien Soldier was the Genesis game of the month (06.06). Got to see what it was all about. I liked it, but it was tough one.
- Retrograde Arena was the free-to-play game of the month (06.07). The physics took a while to get used to, but it was fun. Check it off. It's free.
- CAN ANDROIDS PRAY: BLUE was a sponsored stream (06.08). I knew it was short, but it was really short. Went through it 3-4 times to see different dialogue options and to see where it changed.
- First time playing Radical Dreamers (CHRONO CROSS: THE RADICAL DREAMERS EDITION) (06.10-06.11). Not a bad visual novel. I did have a few issues with it, but ultimately got all the endings. Some were hilarious and that was enjoyable. I've only seen one other person play Radical Dreamers on stream when this version came out. I don't blame them as it can be confusing (random battles and getting lost). That just means a bunch of people missed out on the extra ending on the Radical Dreamers Edition.
- And then of course we played Chrono Cross (CHRONO CROSS: THE RADICAL DREAMERS EDITION) (06.13-06.20). First time since the original release. I saw the criticisms people had as there were a lot of very stiff animations. I also kept the fast-forward on almost the entire time and used auto-battle or the full powered option for all the regular fights, but played boss battles without them. And I did a lot of things that people probably wouldn't do in their first playthrough. I liked it enough to consider possibly replaying it to get all the alternate endings.
- Shift Happens was a favorite from Demo Showcase 12 back in February 2019 (06.22). Originally planned for 2 streams, but finished it in one. Of course I only did it solo swapping and couldn't do the co-op although I assume those would be quite challenging too.
- Demo Showcase 92 (06.26)
- Greak: Memories of Azur was not bad (06.28-06.29). This was actually from Demo Showcase 91 making it the shortest turnaround from demo to full game. It got added as things were getting cancelled and was on sale. The second part got split as the internet went down for a minute. Not only that, but that second stream was only 3 and a half hours so the second part was only 1 hour long. Not a bad game, but it had to convince me to keep it a thumbs up or to knock it down to a thumbs sideways.
- Earthworm Jim 2 was the SNES game of the month (06.30). This was more familiar than I thought. I know I've played the first game more, but almost every level I was like "I know this." It was also shorter than I remember. Nothing wrong with unexpected short streams. I prefer those over unexpected long streams.
- SNSD - Gee (MV remastered)
- S.E.S. - Just In Love (MV remastered)
- TaeYeon - Toddler
- SMTOWN - Summer Vacation (MV remastered)
- TWICE Nayeon - POP! (MV)
- TaeYeon - Heart
- SMTOWN - Hello! Summer! (MV remastered)
- I don't recall when, but I started to have pain in my arms. It would vary being either from my fingers and hands, the wrist, biceps, shoulder, shoulder blades, etc. Reason being was bad posture. I'd be slumped in my chair and over extending my arms to reach the mouse and keyboard. There were a lot of times that my arms were in tons of pain throughout the day. Playing games actually helped, but there were a few games that required much input that I'd feel it. Massage gun, pain pills, patches, stretching, ice packs, etc. I used many methods to help it. Some days were worse than others. The one big thing that has helped was not just better posture, but elevating the arm rests in my chair. The pain has subsided for the most part, but if I start to slack in posture, it can be pretty painful again. Thankfully it's nothing more than that.
That's a wrap on June 2022. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your support. Be cool and be kind.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."
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