- Intro -
Just in case there are new readers, I update this thing at least once a month. Kind of like a subscription to a magazine. But the once a month thing is to shed light on some personal going-ons, but nothing too personal. Obviously if I don’t want people to know, I’m not going to put it on a public internet blog. Anything else that goes on here are small little things like video game reviews or something I’m excited about that is going on or happening soon.
- Work -
So far in 2008, work has been more tolerable all around. I don’t know if we’ve all just gotten used to it or that we know that we need to communicate properly to get things done now. Maybe a mixture of both. While stupid projects and complaints still go around, at least we’re not afraid to voice ourselves (when acceptable) about how things are going. Ridiculous deadlines will be there, but we could side step those with better planning.
My stuff…very mundane. One computer to upload PPVs., one computer to capture video footage and make DVDs with., one computer to do important projects on and capture video and make DVDs with and be online with, and one computer to do any miscellaneous tasks it can handle. Yeah, I think my office is the only one that has a fan running even during this spell of cold weather we’ve been having lately.
But my attitude towards work is still on the blah side. I do my stuff and don’t need to be bothered by anyone. I’m always doing something. Even when I’m in the bathroom, my computers are all still doing something so there is almost never a time when I’m not working in some capacity. Do it, collect paycheck, repeat.
- New Year’s Resolutions -
I don’t normally take on any resolutions like most people do with the attitude that they’ll break it quickly. But I took on a couple of small ones.
1. Exercise more.
2. Reprogram myself to get rid of a few OCD habits.
3. Personal (some know of it already).
Doing well on all 3 so far.
- Recent Get-Togethers -
New Year’s Eve, fun like always, right? This was the first time in a few years that it was family and friends. Last couple years were just with friends. This was also the first New Year’s Eve in years without a performance. One was already done at AndyN’s Christmas Bash so no need to do another.
People got some late Christmas presents. “Rock Band” got a lot of people jamming. “Scenes From A Hat” was funny, but I think our try at it during Christmas was funnier. “Questions Only” was a fun time. Watching fireworks, chilling, relaxing, eating, being with close friends and family add up to “Good Way To Start The Year.”

Fun at the park. Don’t get to go to the park that often. Food, throwing of frisbees around, flag football, getting stuff stuck in trees (sorry for accidentally starting that), Twister, and picture taking all around.
Pizza and then back to AndyN’s. Speed Mafia was pretty fun. Ninja Mafia was also funny. Cranium of 2 kinds of course brings out our competitive/jerkoff sides. Monopoly with the credit cards was very high-rolling and somewhat more fun than normal Monopoly.
Happy Birthday, Kids.
- Cheon Sang Ji Hee -
I sure do love them! I’ve decided to track down and buy all their singles. Some tracks on their singles don’t get released on their full albums (like most Asian artists do). There aren’t many. I’m splitting up buying them so I could use up some coupons I have left on Yesasia. It won’t take long to get them all (2-3 more orders should complete it). Some came as CD+DVD packages so I’m getting the ones available. Some were limited edition and out of press so I just get the next best version of it. I’ve only bought one so far (and it came within a week’s time).

- Miscellaneous -
I bought a new belt.
I bought some new cologne.
I bought “The Secret World of Alex Mack” on DVD (LOVE!)
I lost a bet.
I left Xanga (no announcement, just don’t do anything on it anymore).
I think my eyesight is getting worse.
I keep waking up around 3AM on weekdays.
I have already used up 1 vacation/sick day at work.
I eat out at restaurants more (and NOT always 101…geez).
I listen to music on my Ipod all day at work.
I am getting used to my new car.
I had a really great dream not too long ago.
I love “No More Heroes!”
I love BoA*!
I love Cheon Sang Ji Hee!
And that’s 15 “I…” if you cared to count.

Take care.
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