- Work -
For 2 weeks our production manager was on vacation. That was nice.
Recently, we had our half-year review. It went by fast. It was more just to see how the goals we set earlier have gone. Mine were progressing well and I even have new goals/tasks. I did make sure to say that I now do more and hopefully that will increase my pay soon. I also made sure to say that it took half a year for me to be given a task to do that I had asked for at my review half a year ago and that it wasn’t given to me, I had to take since they gave it to 3 other workers who didn’t know they were working on it together.
We also know who pees on the toilet seat now. Jerk. I’m sure he wasn’t even approached about it just because he’s the “president” of the company.
And…we now don’t carpool together anymore. Lost one for stupid reasons. Now I will lose $50 a week, $100 a paycheck, and $200 a month on gas (at current gas prices).
At least we get Memorial Day off.
- Video Games -
Rated C-BAM now has entries with X-Play video reviews. My reviews I write up were very sparse so I figured this would be good content. Last 2 reviews I did myself were for:
Mario Kart Wii - click
Ghost Squad - click
Wii Fit will be the next game reviewed soon.
AndyN’s gaming BBQ get together was mucho fun. Good food thanks to great cooks. Great comedy thanks to great comedians. And lots and lots of games to play from back in the day till 3:30 in the morning.
- Music -
I finished my iPod experiment. I played and listened through all 1302 songs I had at least once. Since then, the total song count is now 1371. Those have also been listened to and I’ll include a few more soon.
Newest music buys come in the form of Genki Rockets and Son DamBi. Both are great (to me). The Heavenly Star album is just 2 songs with the rest compiling of remixes of Heavenly Star. Son DamBi’s mini album is alright. I do like her new single, Bad Boy, but I do prefer her first single, Cry Eye, better.

And I still have love for BoA* and Cheon Sang Ji Hee. I did receive the other 2 CSJH CDs I was missing also.
- Miscellaneous -
222 --> 111 --> 66 --> 77
Hardy’s Twist of Fate and Wrestlemania XXIV are great wrestling DVDs.
Christmas In July (In May) was a lot of fun. Deal or No Deal, Don’t Forget The Lyrics, and 20-person Mafia with people that actually get into it and play hardcore instead of BSing the whole way is awesome!
Christiana’s going away bash was fun also. Flag football and water activities are great than the norm of games all the time. Mafia with water balloon kills is awesome! Be safe in
I have a guitar now…yeah.
July 3rd…
And that’s it I think. If I forgot something, you wouldn’t know since you’re not in my mind. It happens. People forget.
Take care.
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