*Side Note: This entry was to be posted on 04.30.09. Due to the cable going out, posting was not able to occur. Please enjoy reading the March/April entry posted at the beginning of May.*
I honestly don’t remember much of March. I’m not really trying to think of what happened then anyways. Hmm…yeah. Nothing is ringing a bell other than Salsa Night. That was a fun night. Other than that, I can’t recall anything else for March.
At the beginning of April, I and a few others attended Wrestlemania XXV. Very awesome. I brought my Rated-R championship belt along and I did notice getting a lot of stares. A few people asked to take pictures with the belt also, ha. I can honestly say that I didn’t see anyone else with that belt unless it was a kid version of it. The show itself was maybe 50-50. Best match was HBK VS Undertaker with Jericho VS Superfly, Piper, and Steamboat being the second best. It sure was fun yelling and screaming my head off and thousands of fans in attendance. We did sit high up behind the stage…and behind the loud pyro…the very loud pyro. It was still fun though. For my first and only live wrestling event, I was very satisfied. Can’t wait to buy it on DVD.

Went to the Japanese Festival again this year. Was fun, but I do wish for more or at least different things to happen. They need to have more culture and less booths or at least more different booths.
New toys: Shock Ball and LED Umbrella.

There is a lot to talk about in terms of work. A lot of changes have happened. I really don’t want to delve into it because it would be rather long to explain in text. To sum things up…sales have been down, money isn’t coming in like it used to, hours have been cut, and layoffs have occurred. I’m still employed, but who knows how long the company itself will stay afloat.
Still no proper segue from topic to topic. I know more “magic” tricks. Probably the best trick I have now is eating fire, which I haven’t done for anyone in person yet. Actually, Cindy saw me do it, but that’s because she beat me to it. Her being able to do it motivated me to actually do it instead of fearing the fire coming into my mouth.
Games. Awesome segue of magic/fire to games. Latest reviews since the Strong Bad series include:
House of The Dead: Overkill (Wii)
And speaking of games (that’s more of a segue than anything so far), I downloaded the original Metroid from the NES from the Wii’s Virtual Console. Man, that was nostalgic. I really don’t see how I was able to beat that game when I was younger. It took maybe 3-5 hours to beat (Samus only removed her helmet in the ending), but I was just amazed with what I remembered from the game. I died a lot, but did end up collecting almost everything. I’ll probably buy Super Metroid on the Virtual Console in a month or so or whenever my next drought in games occur.
That drought won’t be happening anytime soon since I’ll be playing the remake Klonoa when it comes out on the Wii. I’ve heard it was a good game and read that the ending was one of the best endings. It’s also a classic platformer and I loved and played a lot of those games when I was younger.

I organized some of my music CDs lately. I had a couple stacks building on my computer desk and it was taking up room. Those have been moved now. What used to be just a shrine for the original BabyVoX has been greatly condensed to make space for the other CDs. All the BabyVoX stuff is still there along with my Genki Rockets CDs, my Son DamBi CDs, and my Cheon Sang Ji Hee/Tenjochiki (CSJH/TSZX) CDs, and my Girls’ Generation (SNSD) CDs. For those wondering, all my BoA CDs are on a shelf on my computer desk. They pretty much take up the whole shelf. I won’t be moving those anytime soon, but it is close to full.
Speaking of BoA, her first US album came out in March. There we go, another March memory and I actually have a story about trying to find the CD. So…the CD was released in March and I planned to go during my lunch break to find it. I checked online at Fry’s first since it was the closest, but the CD wasn’t even listed on their site. So I went to a nearby Best Buy. Couldn’t find it on the shelves so I asked a worker. He checked to find none in the store. He checked the rest of the stores in Houston…3. Only 3 copies of the CD existed in all the Best Buys in Houston. I was amazed. So I started to go back to work since the lunch hour was nearing an end. I did stop by the Walmart nearby to check there. None. I did check Fry’s after work just in case their online database wasn’t as accurate as it usually is, but it was accurate. I still haven’t seen a physical copy in the stores, but I’m not really looking anyways since I got my online order of it. That came maybe a week after. It was a 2 CD and 2 DVD package. The DVDs are great to watch and the BEST collection of her Japanese tracks is a good collection also. The US album is so-so. I like it, but it’s pretty much what I expected it to be. It’s not bad, but it’s not the best representation of BoA and her talents. It was manufactured to appeal more to the US audience, which I understand, but yeah. If she does another US album, I’m sure it will be a lot better. Still, nice effort, BoA.

And speaking of music, I made my very first music video. For a while now I’ve been making highlight videos for some of the events my friends and I have. Just simple stuff with music in the background. I’ve tried a few more experiments now that I can edit at home. I’ve done a total of 4 video experiments. 2 involved HOT’s “Outside Castle” and that was something simple to start with. The 3rd experiment was a small tribute video for SNSD’s “Gee.” The last one I did was more of a real music video starring me.
I had the idea to do a music video to the song “Soul” from the MadWorld soundtrack. I had thoughts and ideas forming, but nothing solid. Not too long ago, I was asked to be a model in a test shoot for Michael. I thought about the pictures we took that day and that sparked the whole interest in making the music video. The next day it was raining and I thought that would help with the gloomy theme of the video. I had Cindy help me with filming scenes around town that day. Then from Sunday-Thursday during my spare time, I would edit the video together. After a while, the theme was hard to maintain with the footage I had so I decided to try to match up scenes with the lyrics as best as I could. I ended up pulling a few CBAM scenes and scenes from the music video contest from Revolution many years ago to fill in scenes. I was doing more with transitions and was just being more creative than usual and it was fun experimenting with other editing options. The response I’ve gotten so far has been positive. I like the video and think it turned out well for something that was produced within a week.
I mentioned the SNSD video I did. I'd post it, but apparently you can only upload one video per post. Moving on.
Ah, SNSD…I do love them a lot. They recently had stopped promoting “Gee” so there aren’t that many new videos of coming out. I can’t get enough of them. That leads me to something that’s been going on with me lately.
I’ve been having a lot of strange dreams lately. It’s just weird seeing a bunch of friends, family, and celebrities mixing together a lot doing real and unreal things. I can’t recall everything, but I did always wonder why I wouldn’t dream about the celebrities I’m really into. For example, I have only had ONE dream involving BoA and I’ve been into her ever since her career started and that dream happened only a few months ago. CSJH, only one dream with them also and it was short. Well, some members of SNSD have made appearances in a few dreams, but last night (04.29.09) was the first time all 9 of them were present.
Like most of my recent strange dreams, I don’t know how or why it started. All I can remember was that it started in a large empty field. I think a dark mountain was close by. It was myself, the 9 members of SNSD, and a bunch of mystical creatures with us. We were preparing for a large boss battle. I told them to be ready to heal each other after the boss’ initial attack because it’ll be very damaging. Soon enough, the boss appears (I forget what it looked like other than it was larger than the mountain). The large devastating attack came right away and it wiped out all the creatures that were around us and left the 10 of us low on HP (I could see the numbers rolling down quickly). Some of the girls begin healing themselves. Most were white mages. I was going around keeping their spirits up as the white mages started healing the non-mages. The boss began to prepare another critical attack so I needed to buy the girls time to heal themselves more. So I went out alone on the field and started to dance and sing to SNSD’s “Himnae.” Yeah…at least it distracted the monster as the girls were able to heal themselves. Something happened that I can’t remember, but for some reason we were only aloud to fight with 4 members at a time and had to swap members if we needed to. That’s pretty much where that ended. No real fighting actually took place. We were attacked, I distracted, and they healed themselves. Yeah…an RPG dream with SNSD…very odd. I specifically remember talking to Tiffany, SeoHyun, and Yuri during the dream. Too bad they weren’t dressed like they were for the Maple Story CF and equipped with those weapons also, ha.

So let’s leave it at that. I think that’s a lot of content to make up for missing an entry for March. 5 pictures, 2 self made videos, and a lot of text. And I’ll leave you with one more video. It is the song I danced and sang to in order to distract the boss monster. It is also my favorite SNSD song (maybe that’s why that song was used in the dream). Here is SNSD’s “Himnae! (Way To Go!)”
Take care.
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