Things at work have started to turn towards the positive. They had already done cutbacks and layoffs, but we recently got one of our work days back. And the following week, we got all of our hours back. That’s more money for everyone.
I did have a gripe that caused me to blow up to a coworker who brought me some insider news. Apparently it seemed like I wasn’t doing any work. “He’s just staring at the screen.” Thankfully the door was already closed, but I think I was still yelling loud enough that anyone passing by could’ve heard me. Firstly, I have 4 computers in my office. I may not be using all 4 at once, but 3 of the 4 are usually active. One I use solely for uploads, another solely for compression, another for capturing video and heavy computer work (DVD creations, etc), and the last one is the one I’m normally on for anything else suck as checking documents, correcting files, and anything else I need to do that’s not automated while the other computers are busy. So how does it look like I’m just staring at the screen? Well, that’s when I’m doing Quality Control (QC) for a video. I stop everything else because my full attention needs to be on the video to catch any glitches, spelling/grammar errors, editing mistakes, etc. So…yeah, I’m literally sitting there and just staring at the screen. How else am I supposed to QC video? So I blew up over that. If I honestly didn’t want to do any work, why would I be staring at our videos? Why do it so obviously? Besides, my office door is almost always open. If it looks like I’m not doing anything or doing something not work related, they can just easily walk in and ask what it is I’m doing. But no, they walk by, glance in, pass judgment, and tell someone else of their concerns rather than the subject in question. Yay for frickin’ work.
This short paragraph is a small thanks to The Houston Rockets for making it to the second round of the NBA finals. Unfortunately, we lost to the Lakers. It’s still an achievement for them to make it as far as they did. Thanks to The Rockets for putting on an entertaining series in the finals.
A few of us went to see Russell Peters live at the Improv. My second time seeing him and it was just as great and possibly better. Firstly, all the acts were great. Each person was hilarious. Secondly, we had great seats up front. Going early to be first in line is worth it. Lastly, Russell was great and he made fun of our table! I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for that to happen. I’ve always wanted to go to a comedy show and be picked on by the comedian. It was great and very memorable.

Walmart recently had a 2 Wii games for $30 deal online. I took advantage of that and bought 2 games I originally wanted to buy on their release dates, but didn’t. Those games were “Sonic and The Secret Rings” and “Sega Superstars Tennis.” I haven’t opened the tennis game yet. That’ll be for when I run into a drought of games to play at home. The Sonic game is not bad. I’ve heard more negative things about the game than positive. I can see the faults of the game though, but other than those complaints, I’m enjoying the game. The sense of speed is great and the graphics are very nice (for a Wii game). Still unsure if I’ll review these games, but we’ll see when we cross that road.
Latest review is for “Klonoa.”
Klonoa (Review) - click“Punch-Out!!” came out on the Wii. That is great game. It’s still as difficult as the original NES game was and adds enough new content to make it a great new game. Again, it’s a very difficult game. My record still hinges on more losses than wins, ha. I’ll have that review up hopefully within the following week.

During the Memorial Day weekend, some friends gathered for a BBQ/Crawfish event. Very fun. Watched some movies, cooked some good food (I didn’t cook…it would’ve been bad anyways), and some good photos were taken. I took some footage of some of the things going on that day. Once I finish my current video project (or I need to take a long break from it), I’ll make one for this event.

Segue! I’m currently working on fan tribute video for CSJH. I’m planning to show it to other fans on a forum, so I’ve been very picky with my choice of scenes and how I cut scenes. This has been going on for about a month and I only work on it in my spare time. I’m halfway done. A few scenes/cuts are bugging me a bit because I’m trying to make it perfect, but the clips I’m working with don’t know that, ha. I think the last half will be a bit easier to work on. Any other spots that have been left with filler or any other additions to previous scenes will be worked on after the rest has been completed.

Sort of segue (they’re somewhat related)! I watched a lot of movies this month (excluding the ones shown at the BBQ). “Star Trek,” “Terminator: Salvation,” and “Up.” All were good movies. Out of those 3, I’d rank “Terminator: Salvation” third, “Up” second, and “Star Trek” first. “Up” gets bonus points for being 3D. I don’t remember the last time I saw a movie in 3D or if ever saw one in 3D. I’d give each one a recommendation to anyone though.

No segue! A few of use went to see Andrew and Wyldstyl perform at a free event. The whole show was pretty good. Andrew was awesome, duh! I’m glad that we went out to see it. Not many have actually seen what it is that Andrew has been doing with his dance hobby. At least more know how it is now. Greek food after the show was excellent. Good choice in food, Andrew.
And let’s not forget awesome salsa dancing little boy and little girl. And who can ever forget INTENSE GUY! And I personally liked hot salsa dancer in purple.
And now for the obligatory SNSD post. Hmm…I don’t really have anything new to say about them. Still love them. They can still brighten my day and make me smile. Maybe I shouldn’t get gushy about it and just simply state that they’ve been my constant positive for the year 2009.
The video I’ll be ending with is actually a mix of the past and the present. This video and song was made by a mixer that goes by Masa. Masa has done other mixes/remixes of Korean/Japanese/English songs. Masa’s latest (well, as far as I know) mix was of BoA and SNSD. He combined BoA’s “Valenti” and SNSD’s “Gee” to make……….”VALENGEE!” By title alone, I thought it was silly, but I’m glad I didn’t skip the video. I think it works out well and the title is very appropriate. So that’s the video we’ll be ending with this entry. Enjoy “VALENGEE.”
Take care.
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