Hip hop class with BS, always a good time. I was asked by TT to come to her birthday later and I was considering it while telling her not to be disappointed if I don't show up. So I made some quick plans with others to be out and then leave for TT's party.
The plan was just a few hours of karaoke then I'd leave and go to the party. MC and AC met me at Yes KTV. Unfortunately they were booked. We ended up going to Melody KTV and were very pleased with their song selection. CN and her boyfriend met us there as well. 2 hours later and I was convinced to just chill and eat and drink with who I was with instead of going to the party. Moved to 101 and we ate some snacks and had drinks. We mostly commented on the Korean videos being shown. Apparently we caused more eyes to watch as well because we were talking pretty loud about Kara's butt dance and Rain's ab dance, ha. Fun night.
Went to watch Wrestlemania 27 with BT. Met up at a BW3 and watched on. Honestly, it wasn't the best Wrestlemania. To me, it felt like a long episode of RAW. At one point, the feed went out and we were "entertained" by a few fans that had a "match." Everyone did pop loud when the feed returned.
Spent the day with AN. Had some pizza, played some MVC3, and then for some reason we went to the studio to work on a piece of choreography. Went to the studio and went through a few songs before settling on TaeYang's "I Need A Girl." It was fun actually working on something since I can't really recall the last time I thought of any dance steps. DN was there also working on a piece with BS. Got to surprise her and give her a big hug. AN and I then went to the Waterwall and just chill in the good weather in the park. Took him back to the studio, said yo to a few others, and then went home.
Ended up going to the studio to take AN's class since he was teaching the piece he and I worked on. It was slightly modified, but still fun to learn. Then I took Salsa class after. Got a few more compliments from the LD dancers, which was nice.
Went to CN and her boyfriend's apartment afterwards because I didn't feel like going home...although I should have. After an hour there and with plans to go get dinner, my car was towed. I've parked there before and there were other cars parked in similar marked areas all around...they just happened to choose my car out of the lot. And some guy mentioned that it was literally just taken away a few minutes ago before we got out there. So dinner plans turned into find my car plans. 30 minutes and $203.39 later, I got my car back. I wasn't in the mood for dinner anymore so I went home feeling like crap. I'm over it, but it just sucked when it happened.
Hip hop class as usual. Afterwards, AN came over to work on a rough cut mix for the Riot Squad. It was for their World of Dance performance piece. Wasn't perfect, but it was just a rough cut. We then met a couple of studio members to have a meal at Nu Cafe. Then we went to AN's to play some MVC3. There were talks of doing something with JH for her birthday. It ended up with going to Taisho. I wasn't going to go at first, but I didn't feel like going home. Had a couple drinks and met an acquaintance who I had not seen for a while. I left probably an hour later to go home since I had plans the next day.
Japan Festival. Rode with WC there. Unfortunately the person who organized the event couldn't make it. I could swear that I saw my high school Japanese Sensei. I really wasn't sure and i couldn't believe it so I didn't try to stop her. Walked around with WC to just check out what was going around, which was pretty much the usual thing that happens all the time. I did end up buying a shirt where the funds were going to help Japan due to the recent disasters they encountered.
WC and I split up to do whatever. I was texting BS back and forth trying to get her to come out. In the end she couldn't, boo. I ended up walking around the garden area and witnessed a duck fight, ha. I then went looking around for who I thought might have been Sensei...no luck. I then sat out in the with the breeze blowing so nicely. Ended up rejoining WC to watch a Shamisen performance. It was a very good performance. We left after that.
Tried calling a few people to join us at Kubo's for some food. LN was able to join us. Ate, talked, and laughed. We then waited for MC to join us. During that time, LN and I started Salsa dancing in the middle of the parking lot. She turned up the music and I just did what I could/remember. People were watching on, ha. All 3 of us started dancing all silly-like when MC started to drive up towards us. LN split and then we went with MC so he could get something to eat. I don't remember how the topic came up, but we ended up going to Target to buy Nerf stuff. MC bought himself a gun and I bought an axe (too go along with a long sword I bought not too long ago). We split and WC dropped me back home to end the day.
Honestly, it's good that Edge has to retire. Like he stated, his neck injury from years ago is catching up to him and if he were to continue on, things would turn out for the worse. I'll admit that I teared up. He was my favorite during this generation of wrestlers. The guy got to achieve his dream, live his dream and more, and retire as champion.
I did realize shortly after that Edge and HBK both retired within a year of each other. 2 of all-time favorites are no longer wrestling, but I will remember the careers they've had that entertained me while I was growing up. And out of any wrestlers, the charisma of both of these wrestlers are what resonate within me. Edge, you will be missed. Take care of yourself.
What started as a plan to get ice cream with AN led to a dead car and making shakes at his place. Talked while drinking our shakes, played some MVC3, and then made plans to go to the mall to look for an outfit he needed for WoD. I saw a jacket I liked, but he convinced me not to get it. Took him to the studio afterwards and then headed home.
Then I received a late night call. If anyone ever calls me late at night crying, I'm there for you.
Did the Salsa thing and was given an interesting proposal. More on that if it progresses.
Met up with DW and JR. We went karaoke hopping to help DW figure out where to celebrate his upcoming graduation. Funny that he ended up picking the place where he was originally thinking to have it, ha. At least it was fun talking and going around checking out places.
Hung out with SH. It's been a long time. She came over while I was doing some editing. I gave her an exclusive sneak peak at one of the segments from my birthday last year. That was good for her to know what's been going on with some people she hasn't seen in a while. We were just talking a lot and catching up with each other. Then we made dinner plans. Went to BJs and I gave her a couple of number puzzles to try out, ha. We then went walking around the First Colony town square before going to a Baclava cafe. Yeah, we at a lot. Back home to talk a little more before she left ending our night. Was great catching up with you.
Did the hip hop thing. Later at night, MP and MC came over and we discussed some RFM stuff. We got some work done, but we really do need to meet again and smooth out more details.
Went to have ramen with AN and CE at Kubo's. Then we got some shaved ice at Nu Cafe before we split. I then went to Walmart to hopefully find the Nerf tomahawk since I haven't been able to find that at any Target stores. Luckily they had one left. Picked that up and a few other things before heading home...only to be called be LN to hang out around where I was earlier, ha
Drove back out to meet LN and actually saw SH there with her friends. Met with LN and we caught up while waiting for AC. They got some drinks and snacks. After that, we walked around the plaza area, I got some ice cream, and then I made the suggestion to go karaoke. It was only 7, but who cares. I think we were planning for one hour, but ended up singing for 2 hours. Good times.
Met with BT for lunch at Tofu Village. I was wanting some dukkboki, but they unfortunately didn't have any. The lunch specials there are good though. Oddly, the waitress thought I was eating there the day before, ha. I was in the area, but didn't even pass by Tofu Village.
Mega Man X was released on Virtual Console. Ran through it and did everything in a few hours. Good times with 16-bits of gaming.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Salsa. Actually, before Salsa I was able to see Riot Squad practice their piece for World of Dance. Those are some talented kids. Salsa was very interesting. I pretty much had a semi-private session (one other guy showed up). And it was a different instructor this time since LD was doing some important show/audition. But the subs were good. The girl said I did very well and the guy said I had potential to be really good. I did enjoy the semi-private lesson. Got to learn and refine more. Before leaving, I watched as Wyldstyl practiced their routine for World of Dance. It was looking very good.
I had been working on editing the events of last year's Formal/Summer Reunion. On this day I spent most of the day working on the photo room video. I had not worked/completed/produced a video in a long time so this was a nice accomplishment especially getting it done within a day.
Summer Reunion - Photo Room - 07.10.10 from Royal Flush Media on Vimeo.
Went to Sonia's since BS wasn't teaching on Saturday due to going to Dallas for World of Dance. Small class, but that's alright. She also taught a tweaked version of the dance we learned last week. Unfortunately there was an annoying couple that was part of the class. They were very much in their own world while there. BS and I talked a little bit about them after class since we were both bothered by them. I gave her my well wishes on her performance at World of Dance before we split.
Did some cleaning around the room. Later in the day I went to YD's where others were. But YD and MC and I were to go over a flier we're having made done to have for the upcoming Samba Night. It's starting to take shape.
I also received a couple of mics I ordered online and was able to test them out while there. I tried by myself and it really wasn't being effective that way. More on that later.
We all had dinner and chilled for a while. The night ended with us going to the Cheesecake Factory where some of us made late night cheesecake purchases.
And congratulations to Wyldstyl for taking 2nd place at World of Dance. Man...this is one of those times I really wish I went...it would've just been awesome to experience their 2nd place victory along with them. Still, congratulations.
Happy Bunny Day! Yeah...didn't do anything to celebrate. Usually I'd at least hear of a family gathering, but I heard nothing of the sort. So I just did more cleaning and organizing around the room. I left one corner to take care of another time.
I did do a lot of singing at home. Nothing like rocking out to some CN Blue.
Picked up my external from MP and talked for a bit.
The dance version of SNSD's Mr. Taxi was released. I really don't know why, but I like bright yellow on girls. It really catches my eye.
And late in the night, MC asked if it was possible I could put a video together from the SNSD fan meeting in January. I would've done it a long time ago had SSF asked me since it was my footage. Anyways, I'm working on it now and stayed up a little late into the night thinking of a concept and editing the music I am using for it. And...
...that's all I did this whole day; work on the video. Time really flew by. There were a few parts that I constantly redid because I wasn't satisfied with how I arranged photos/videos, but I finally got everything the way I wanted. Pretty much I was done 23 hours after starting the project.
Unfortunately, I ran into issues exporting the video. It glitches at one tiny part every time...and I've tried multiple times. Each export takes 30-35 minutes and I've done it 5 times in a row with the same glitch popping up in the same spot. I'm trying things out and I don't want to change the clip because it's placed there for a reason. Hopefully it will pan out otherwise I'll have to settle...with the glitch...and I don't want to...
...and I don't have to. Figured a work around and it works. With one minor uploading error, it's finally up and sent to be later posted on Soshified. Originally, I would give a sneak peek here, but I don't want to get in any hot water with the Soshified staff with leaking it early. When it's up, it'll be available on our RFM site and Facebook. And if you don't remember to see it there, it'll be posted here next month.
Did some RFM work also as I went to go start the prints for our first flier with YD. We were there close to closing so seeing a proof of it would have to wait to the next day.
Then I went to do some Salsa. Talked to a few people and was introduced to formally to JPG. Cool guy.
And then...tears...
Got woken up from a call from the print place that the proof was done. Got ready and went out to see it and thankfully it turned out well. Headed home, bought lunch, and liked the weather outside so I asked AN if he wanted to chill. He had plans, but asked me to join in.
So on to Burger Guys to meet AN, JPG, JH+1, and CE. That was fun. It was cool to learn a few things about those dancers. I received a call from the print place during that time letting me know that the complete flier print outs were finished. Went to pick those up and then chill at the studio. Again, chilled with people, introduced to some new people, worked the desk for a bit, and even threw out a puzzle/riddle for a few students to try out. Ah, always a cool thing seeing reactions to it, ha.
Did a lot of prepping for Samba Night. Overall a slow day until the actual Samba Night. That was a great show, but I do have my gripes about filming conditions. Not going to rant about it here, but I will say that my main gripe was that my body felt horrible after being crowded and contorted for 3+ hours straight. I'm just hoping the video turns out well because I know we had a lot working against us.
Been a while since I drove home and screamed...
My body felt better waking up. It was mainly the back that still had pain.
Got to see the wedding photos from Chery's wedding. Looks great and I know she'll love them.
Despite being in pain, I did still go take my weekly hip hop class. They also had a workshop going on at the studio and they did pack it in. Class was fun. Greeted JPG and JH and a few others while people were piling in and out.
And then...suspense, ha.
I had set up an RFM business meeting for that day at 5. So I went to that straight after hip hop class to talk business with MC and MP. Pretty productive. We then took a "business dinner" and enjoyed ourselves very much so. Perry's Steakhouse & Grille is magnificent. The food was great, drinks were great, and the bartender (we sat at the bar) was a very cool dude who definitely deserved the big tip we left him. Good times talking business and being silly.
=====Final Thoughts=====
- RFM's Facebook has only gained less than 5 extra Likes this past month. Please help spread the name around. facebook.com/royalflushmedia
- The WWE Draft was fun.
- iJustine is hot and awesome.
- About the mics mentioned earlier...yeah, I needed to get the mics for my cameras (a wireless and a shotgun mic) after editing my birthday (Forever Graceful Impact XXVIII) and the Formal/Summer Reunion. Both of those events had horrible audio. And I just remembered that I should start editing last Christmas' events. I know I was holding back on touching that because of bad camera angles plus poor lighting. I think the audio would be lower on the list of things to worry about when editing that event. I still want to buy more stuff. I'm looking into a good light mount. Sure we need a light kit, but the light mount is a personal choice.
- I purchased a couple of masks recently. Still waiting for those. I'll be adding them to my sunglasses collection.
- I think I'll need to revisit and relearn some magic tricks. I actually tried one I haven't in a long time and it took a while for me to get it right.
- Thanks go out to DJ Cesca on Soshified. Thank you for the friendly advice. I'll keep you updated and continue to listen to your radio show.
- Season 6 of ABDC has started. I didn't watch the previous 2 seasons because I was starting to lose interest during season 3. But I have a good reason to watch this season. I aM mE is a Houston crew. I've seen all of them before at Soundbox and I've seen them perform live and they are just amazing. Please help with supporting them. The Houston dance scene would sure love to see them go all the way and win.
- And MR. TAXI's full MV was released and here it is with subs provided by Soshified.
And I think that should wrap things up for this month. 8 pages on Word and a good number of videos for you to read and watch this time.

Thanks for reading. Be healthy, be thankful, and be loved.
Take care.
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