Happy birthday to me. Yes, I am now 29. It was nice to read all the birthday wishes on Facebook and to get a few people texting me.
I had no real plans for the day since the party I had was to be the following day. The only thing I wanted to do was watch the SND concert DVD I got a few days ago. It was really fun to watch and sing along with and get into. Plus it was just great to watch it in crispy video quality via my laptop and an HDMI cable.
And then...disc 2 wouldn't play on my laptop, d'oh. So I continued watching it through my DVD player. And then...it started skipping and freeze towards the quarter of the concert. I tried it through my PC and it got a little farther before it started to skip again and then freeze. Upon close inspection of the disc I found a tiny warp on the disc. So yeah...I didn't get to see the end of the concert or the extra features. I had seen clips of the end of the concert, but it would have been nice to see it in its entirety.
And then...I got a call from someone who I had not seen in a while asking for help. I basically spent the rest of my birthday dealing with the law. That didn't end until 2AM I think followed by a late night meal.
Had a lunch with AN and his sister JN. Nothing like a nice meal. Just chilled and talked. Went back to the apartment and greeted their mother and eventually we split.
Returned home to rest a little before setting up and cleaning for the party. I hooked up my laptop to the TV downstairs and made sure it was working properly. When the first few friends began to arrive, I started to play the videos from the "Summer Reunion." I also debuted the "Fireball Classes" video for everyone before getting to the reason everyone got together; to watch the edited version of the variety show we filmed for my birthday last year, "Forever Graceful Impact XXVIII."
It was great having everyone there since most of them weren't present for the live filming and just to see/hear everyone's reactions to the finished product, which I'm very proud of. Not everyone caught all the little things, but that's better left for maybe fewer people and me giving commentary.
The last group of people left around 2:30 I think. I cleaned up and ate a little before I started to feel bad and tried to go to sleep. I couldn't. My stomach wasn't feeling good (felt like vomiting, but couldn't), my heart was racing and pounding hard, and I just could not go to sleep. My heart racing was really worrying me because I couldn't calm myself down. I woke my parents up around 3 for help because...I just didn't know what to do. If it was just a bad stomach, I wouldn't have bothered them, but my heart was just beating so fast that I needed help. They gave me water, cold towel, made soup, and just stayed up with me. My mom came to the conclusion that it was due to me drinking a lot of Guayaki during the party...sucks. I've had Guayaki before, but only one can at a time. So yeah...no more caffeine for me. At most, I'll do one soda a day if I ever have one. My mom also just chalked it up to being an anxiety/panic attack.
I think I ended up going back to my bed around 4AM. I kept falling in and out of small spurts of sleep, but I know I was up until 8-9AM before actually falling asleep from 10-1.
A DJ on Soshified I listen to faithfully is DJ Cesca. She's just very entertaining and I like her interaction with listeners on the shoutbox. Cesca created a section on her show called "Challenge Cesca" where listeners type a challenge for her to try live on air (as long as it's not really dumb). I've gotten a reputation of not only hitting on Cesca on air, but also coming up with creative challenges for her. On this episode, I challenged her to do the Pokérap. It was highly entertaining and I couldn't believe she actually did it. And once the audio from that show was available to download, I took a couple days to create the following video.
My parents had planned a trip to Europe so they asked me to drive them to the airport along with an aunt and uncle that were going with them. I was driving the SUV since they had a lot of luggage. My uncle asked how many girlfriends I had and how my business was doing. Didn't have positive answers for either question so I just quickly answered them and didn't elaborate. After dropping them off, I accidentally took a wrong turn heading back and paid an extra toll, boo. On the way back, I stopped by Best Buy to purchase "The Big Bang Theory" Season 4 on blu-ray.
Killed some time before going out to a hot pot dinner. Just before leaving, we had a black out in the neighborhood. Figured it was a good time to leave. Instinctly, I pushed the garage door button, but the power was out. So I went to manually open the garage door, but I accidentally pushed the latch to lock the door. Didn't have the key so I tried to open the door to the garage, but we had that barricaded due to it being broken into and items being stolen. So my car was stuck in my garage...so I continued using the SUV for the night.
Hot pot was fine. We wandered around a bit afterwards and did further wandering around at the Galleria before splitting around 10.
Time to get my car out of the garage. Thankfully we had 2 cars outside. I took the Bonneville and picked up AN. Headed back home and we went to work. I actually thought it would take longer, but we were done in less than 10 minutes. Took a break afterwards before driving out to Best Buy, the Galleria, and then the studio. AN convinced me to just take his class for free even though I wasn't dressed in my normal studio garbs. Went home afterwards.
I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I decided to just watch all of season 4 of "The Big Bang Theory" and I did. I think I finished around 8AM and even watched all of the extras included. Then I slept for a couple hours before doing whatever I did that day.
Hip hop class was fun as usual. On the way home, I saw a package at the front door and knew what it was. I had ordered a Psylocke Vampy poster and it finally arrived. Vampy threw in a few extras including a pin I wear every time I go out. She also signed it and left a little message for me. Unfortunately, the poster did have damage on the right and left edges even a tiny tear on one side. It sucked seeing that so I actually messaged Vampy on Facebook and she wasn't too pleased either citing that she's going to send me another one. How awesome is she, very awesome.
Made plans with YD to go out and just catch up. We met at the Town and Country Center and walked around figuring out where to eat ultimately landing at an Italian place. It was fine, not the best food, but it all came out quick. We then walked around more and YD bumped into a friend from highschool who I had also known from another mutual friend. She asked us to join her for drinks with a couple other friends who were meeting her.
We ended up going to Straits. We thought sitting outside would be good, but it had rained earlier in the day and the sofas were still soaked. The other 2 girls met with us and we took a table inside. Cool girls. Funny situation seeing AN's mom and her boyfriend there also. She said she was going to text AN saying I'm there with a bunch of girls, ha.
The 5 of us left Straits and then had more drinks and talk more at The Yard House. Close to midnight we all split, but I ended up going to YD and DS' apartment to continue talking. DS come home after work while YD was cooking. I stayed a little longer sharing another drink and then left before they had a late night meal together. Good day.
AT asked if anyone wanted to join her and her sister for some Dim Sum. I was just about to eat before I saw the message so it was great timing. Told AN about it and he was in. Picked up MP and headed out. It was a nice reunion of Kempner alumni. A lot of silly conversations popped up including us being a mob, disciplining kids with candy, and other things.
We moved elsewhere so a few can get drinks and so we could continue talking. A really dumb situation happened where I ended up laughing and crying a lot, ha. I had not laughed and cried at the same time in a long time and it felt great. Don't worry about what I said because it was really really dumb.
Beat. It was a challenge. Mega Man died many times thanks to me, ha.
I started a new series of videos involving friends. It took a while to land on a title, but I came up with "Miscellaneous Misfits." It can involve anyone and be about anything. I completed the first one with clips AN and I took on our drive from Denver to Houston back in July.
To celebrate SNSD's Kim HyoYeon's birthday, I set aside a large block of time to dance. I ended up dancing for 90-minutes non-stop to routines I learned. Man, that was draining. Had not done a long session like that in a looooooooong time.
I completed another "Miscellaneous Misfits" episode. When AN and I were dealing with the garage situation, I filmed it. Funny thing, I remember thinking to myself that I could just set a camera on a tripod...and then realized my tripods were in my car trapped in the garage, ha.
My parents returned from Europe. I was actually about to go out and get dinner, but my dad insisted to cook even though they just got home. Hey, hard to refuse a home cooked meal. Good to see them back.
I went to see a doctor this day. Remember earlier when I mentioned I had an anxiety/panic attack after my birthday? It happened again on the 20th-22nd. I asked for help from my brother on the 20th, YD came over after work on the 21st, and AN talked to me over the phone on the 22nd. It was weird because they just came out of nowhere. The following days after had similar symptoms, but not as hard or racy as the other days. I decided to wait for my parents to return and talk to my mom (the nurse) about it before just going out to a hospital.
So I ended up going to a nearby clinic to get checked out. Normal check up, told my symptoms, and mentioned where most of us thought the problem was coming from; me passing out on the plane. YD and I figure that it's a mental thing and it might be, but the check up was to see if there was anything actually wrong with me internally in another way. Results from a blood test, urine test, and EKG revealed nothing out of the ordinary. I'm scheduled to return for an ultrasound to be performed on my heart just in case. The doctor prescribed 2 different types of medicines for me. One is to take daily to help reduce my anxiety over time. The other is to take in severe cases of anxiety/panic attacks. Unfortunately, I ended up taking one of those the very same day. I attempted to try a small bit of exercise and that turned out to jack up my heart rate a lot. At least I know the pill works.
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=====Final Thoughts=====
- I RSVP'd to a friend's wedding in November. Should be fun.
- I rearranged a few things in my room. I moved my shelf of games/DVDs in front of a window instead of against the wall and it freed up some space. I also put up some anime posters I had taken down originally with just any space I had available.
- Bought "Star Fox 64 3D." It's the great game I remembered it to be. Unfortunately I've only played through it 3 times. The nostalgia novelty wore off quickly.
- Galerians...Galerians...Galerians
- A video unboxing of the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition" on blu-ray convinced me to buy my own copy. Retail still sells it around $60, but I found it on Amazon for $25. I did watch pizza watching each movie over time. And I enjoyed each one. Loved the first 2, the 3rd isn't as bad as I remember or as everyone makes it out to be, and I never saw the 4th animated one before so it was new to me.
- I'm not collecting them, but I bought a couple of tokidoki UnicornO. I didn't get the ones I wanted, but ended up with Stellina and Ritmo.
- I've started to watch JoKwon and Ga-In's episodes of "We Got Married." I had seen a few parts of their time on the show and enjoyed it. Watching actual episodes has me really entertained.
- Kara had their comeback recently and I'm totally loving it.
- SNSD released a teaser for their upcoming album.
- Vampy...yeah, I'm crushing on her hard. Enough said.
Thanks for reading. Be healthy, be thankful, and be loved.

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