Monday, September 11, 2017

August 2017 Entry

August 2017 Entry

August, here we go. 


- Caught up on NXT: TakeOver Brooklyn III (08.19) the day after (as usual) and that was a great event. Great matches and surprises all around made for a fun watch.

- And SummerSlam (08.20) was also fun. Some of the matches were a little blah, but everything else was so good. 

- I enjoyed the Cricket Wireless video John Cena made last year. This new video (08.21) that followed up on it pulled on the heartstrings. 

- Speaking of John Cena, his promo with Roman Reigns (08.28) was highly entertaining. 

- The Mae Young Classic started (08.28). Round 1 had some great matches especially the final match between Kairi Sane and Tessa Blanchard. I'm excited to see more of these women get signed by the WWE. Other than Kairi Sane, my other pick is Toni Storm. 


- I completed the last set of trials for the Trial of the Sword (08.06). A walkthrough did help with planning ahead of time. It was tough (and I lost my touch of reflecting lasers with my shield), but it was a great test. 

After that, I beat the game one more time to take the last couple photos I needed for the compendium. Other than upgrading all of the armor and playing on hard mode, I have done everything there is to do in Breath of the Wild. Can't wait for the next round of DLC to come out. 

- It's cool to see that Apollo Justice is getting a rerelease (08.09). I know that it wasn't a favorite among many, but I enjoyed it. It will be fun to play through it a second time. 

- Agent Blue and I had been planning to do a completionist run of Shovel Knight for a while now, but it kept getting delayed due to outside factors. But it finally happened (08.13). Unbeknownst to us, we actually had it on gender swap mode so we were confused on some of the dialogue in the beginning, ha. It did take about as long as I thought it would, but we did it; 100% complete. 

- A big box was waiting for me at home after a day of work. It was my collector's edition of Sonic Mania (08.15). It's very dang cool looking. Unfortunately, I don't have much room to display it so it remains in its box. 

But playing Sonic Mania itself, wow, so nostalgic and fun. It is a must for any fan of Sonic. I did beat it not too long after (08.25). I also went back and collect all of the Chaos Emeralds to get the true Sonic ending. Did I play it again with other characters? You'll find out in next month's entry. But if you already follow me Facebook or Twitter, you already know, ha. 

- The DLC for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero came out (08.29). Pirate Queen's Quest puts you in the boots of Risky Boots as you see what she did during the events of Half-Genie Hero. Did a completionist run of this and enjoyed it. 

I wasn't sure if I was going to double dip on this game and get it for the Switch like I did with Shovel Knight, but I want to wait for a physical copy if it ever comes out. For now, I only spent the $10 to get the DLC on the Wii U. 

- The Nintendo Switch Nindies Showcase Summer 2017 was a good watch (08.30). It's very cool to see great third party developers bringing some great games to the Switch soon. Out of what they showed, I'm looking forward to Super Meat Boy Forever (maybe), Shovel Knight: King of Cards (definite as well as the new amiibo), Floor Kids (maybe), and Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Hell yes). 


- After another company meeting, our company activity was to go to another escape room (08.02). My personal record is now 17 wins out of 22 escape rooms.

- Our latest in a series of videos released. Enjoy 5 Brilliant Ways To Open A Lock featuring Agent Widdershins. 

- A friend to the owner came to HER not too long ago. His wife ended up writing a blog about us (08.07). That's always nice to see others talk about us. 

- I have now been at the Houston Escape Room for 3 years (08.09). I had my yearly evaluation soon after (08.16). It did not go as well as anticipated. It wasn't completely bad, but I really did not feel good after it and for a couple weeks. 

I did have a meeting with the owner about the new direction we are taking our social media, but it ended up being a bit of a therapy session. I shed some tears as I was able to vent some frustrations and he helped me feel better about things. Someone like him is hard to find as he will always strive to lift anyone up. Thank you, Agent Raynor.   
- For now, the last Hunks of HER (08.15).

- A few days after Hurricane Harvey, I went to check on HER (08.30). My dad came with me. It was also the first day outside after the natural disaster so it was interesting to see how things were in town. The ride there was fine. There was only one road closed on the way there and the way back. 

Thankfully, we didn't have any major damage. The place smelled bad and one of the lights in one of the escape rooms was hanging low. The worst was our basement having some flood damage. I was told a couple days later by our neighbors that there was at least 500 gallons of water collectively removed from the basement. That's crazy.  

- And this month's blog was penned by Agent Blue-Heeler (08.31). 


- SNSD - Holiday (MV) 

- SNSD - All Night (MV) 

- Jessica - Summer Storm (MV) 


- One thing I did not mention in the work section of this blog entry is about a customer (08.11). She was gorgeous and I was facilitating her session. At first it was just her and her 2 friends as the other strangers signed up for the session were late. So they I offered Casual Mode, which they said they would think about it. And yes, they were her friends as I sometimes ask how teams know each other in the briefing room. One thing I noticed for sure was her wonderful smile. In the room, I did notice how hot she really was. Breathtaking. 

The other two late customers came in and joined after about 10 minutes. By that time, the team already wanted to move on to Casual Mode. That gave me the opportunity to interact with her more. I actually didn't help her first (helped her friend). But I did look for the any chances there were. I did notice that she had an accent (Brazilian). As time passed, I knew I could not let her leave without saying something to her. 

In the lobby, they did ask if there was anything close by to go to. I walked out with them to point out what was near by, which I've done for other customers in the past. We did exchange some pleasantries (found at she was the one that wanted to come to HER). And then they were on their way...and I had not said anything to her. In a last ditch effort, I called out to her and commented on her accent again. Then I looked at her friends and bluntly said "Sorry, but I'm trying to hit on your friend and I'm really bad at it." Everyone laughed. Then her friend said that it was okay and that I can talk to her while they moved their cars. I was nervous and she was smiling and giggling the whole time. Asked her on a date, she had just got out of a relationship. So we exchanged numbers before she rejoined her friends. That was the happiest I had been in a long time. Unfortunately, she never responded to my texts afterwards, but it was incredibly memorable.     

- And there is no way I could not mention Hurricane Harvey (08.25). We closed HER from that weekend at least. That weekend grew to a week. I was relieved that everyone from work made it out okay. Not to say that none of them had suffered anything from it, but I'm glad it wasn't worse. 

As for my home, my family knew from past flooding that we would be fine. The house is on high elevation. While the street flooded, it never touched us. The only problems we had was losing power for 2 hours the first Saturday and the internet for an hour the following day. 

Kept myself busy by checking in on friends and family (those that needed to evacuate did). I watched a lot of YouTube (got into Super Beard Bros). And I played games (beat Sonic Mania and Pirate Queen's Quest). Other than that, it was great to see Houston pull together. 

- And that is it for August. It definitely had its ups and downs. Everyone, stay strong. 

"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits." 

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