July 2017 Entry
More than halfway through the year. July felt like it went by incredibly fast.
- Bought my monthly new snack; Prince Polo (07.08). Despite the chocolate melting to the wrappers, I like these chocolate bars. I actually haven't finished them as there are 32 total. I was going to eat one a day, but I actually still have about half left. I haven't even finished the Starbursts I bought last month.
— Arnell (@ArnellragasA) July 8, 2017
- RAW was in Houston and of course I had to go (07.10). My friend and I sat next to a dad and his son who dressed up like the Miz. We had a blast. My friend and I were just losing it the entire time (especially when Brock said "s#!t"). Plus I never thought I would see the Hardyz or Kurt Angle live at a show (chanting "You Suck" was fun). We had good seats (never sat in this section before) where you had little obstruction and could be seen on TV). You can easily spot us thanks to my Rated R title belt.
— Arnell (@ArnellragasA) July 10, 2017
- I was supposed to go to San Antonio with a friend to visit a friend (07.29). Unfortunately, it got cancelled for legitimate reasons. Maybe later this year, who knows. But I did take the day off to just relax (mental health day).
- Pikmin Short Movies became a My Nintendo prize so I got them for the Wii U (07.17). They are very full of charm and personality. And my goodness does it look great.
- Got 7 more amiibo this month (07.23, 07.28). Had to wait and order Corrin Player 2 from Amazon later on the release date, but I picked up the rest since I had them reserved (Corrin Player 1, both Clouds, and both Bayonettas). A week later, I picked up the Pikmin amiibo. I was hoping my Gamestop would have Olimar as well so I could get them together, but no. It's all good. I now own 90 amiibo.
amiibo count is now 89. pic.twitter.com/8d9q3CtpMt— Arnell (@ArnellragasA) July 23, 2017
amiibo count is now 90. pic.twitter.com/VnlxgRKiKg— Arnell (@ArnellragasA) July 28, 2017
- The same day I bought the Pikmin amiibo, I also picked up a New 2DSXL. I unboxed it the next day (07.29) and started to look online for how to transfer data. I actually was at a loss as I didn't initially see where the microSD card slot was (it was next to the game slot). The day after, I started the transfer process. Didn't take too long. The next day, I put on screen protectors. Did the top one okay, but the bottom one I had to try twice. There is actually a small tiny hair towards the bottom left corner, but I didn't want to waste another screen protector in the process. The system itself is nice.
— Arnell (@ArnellragasA) July 29, 2017
- And I did it. It took many hours, but I collected all 900 Korok seeds (07.31). Thank goodness for this online interactive map I was able to find them all (https://www.zeldadungeon.net/breath-of-the-wild-interactive-map/ ). Silly me didn't establish a process on how to find them all. I just didn't want my Hero's Path to look like I stuck to one area trying to find them all. So I was globe hopping, marking 5 spots, going for them (if I could), stick to the area for a bit (or move elsewhere), repeat. It only became tougher to see what I had left towards the last 50 or so as I would have missed 1-2 in a certain area and didn't realize it. And I had to follow a video for Hyrule Castle as you couldn't leave markers on the inside. But I did it. I didn't think that would have been a task I wanted to complete, but once I started, I kept going.
Funny story about the last seed. It was one of those where you had to match the fruit hanging off of 3 trees. I accidentally shot the one off I needed so I had to wait for it to grow back. I put the Traveler's Pass in front of it so it would be easy to get to. After many hours, that specific apple did not grow back. All the others around it did. I looked up how to make the blood moon come out and how long it takes for stuff to generally grow back, but the apple still did not appear. It was 24 hours later (not in game) that I thought to actually remove the teleporter in case it was interfering...and it was. I basically locked that apple out from regrowing all because I wanted to make it easier for myself to get back to that specific spot. There was a shrine seconds away, ha.
— Arnell (@ArnellragasA) July 26, 2017
— Arnell (@ArnellragasA) July 31, 2017
- Getting creative with the latest string of videos that will be released (1 per month). July's video was a product of having pets come to work. Thanks, Sophie (07.02).
- Had our usual monthly meeting (07.05). The one different thing we did was actually go out to eat. Les Baget is small so we actually had too many people to find a seat. Luckily people were leaving and we had enough seats even though we were split up. They were very accommodating. And we made friends with a family that was interested in coming to HER. PS: We are now posting the images on Twitter instead of just linking via Instagram.
Pictured: The Agents giving their best puppy poses.— Houston Escape Room (@HtownEscapeRoom) July 9, 2017
Not Pictured: The Agents going out to @lesbaget for a great dinner. #HoustonEscapeRoom pic.twitter.com/dlXwVpP9Ln
- Not only are we being more creative on the YouTube side of business, but we are doing so on Instagram. This month, we inserted the Agents into popular summer movies. We had one a week and they were received well. Going to try something different next month. All our created by Agent Ocean.
- Thanks to Agent PQ, we have new templates for certain social media posts (07.12). This includes one for our Leaderboard, Hunks of HER, Throwback Thursdays, and Record Breakers. Looking good.
- We have a new trainee (07.19). She edged out another recent interviewee.
- This has happened once or twice in the past, but I left my glasses at home (07.25). I didn't get a headache like I normally do, but my eyes felt really hot. It was as if I was concentrating too hard and they overheated. I think if we actually had a lot of sessions that I was a part of that day, it wouldn't have been so bad, but I spent a lot of time doing work on a laptop.
- And this month's blog post brought on a first. Agent Voxel wrote last year's blog for July 2016 and here he is writing the blog for July 2017.
- Red Velvet - Red Flavor (MV)
Took me a while to like the song, but I like it. The whole album is decent.
- And that will be all for July. Despite not a lot to recap on, it went by fast. Thank you for reading. Be healthy, safe, thankful, and loved.
"Reprise the theme song and roll the credits."
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